magsxx Member


  • I don't count on fast days, I have found my appetite has reduced naturally itself :) each to their own depending what suits!
  • Fasting again today (wk1 #2). So far have had loadsa water and a miso soup. Dinner will be chicken breast with butternut squash, peas, spinach and sweetcorn, then a wee milky way with a cuppa tea watching tv
  • First fast for me today and i've survived :) green tea for breakfast, water throughout day then naked noodles for dinner and milky way at 7. Next fast will be on thursday. Roll on breakfast tomorrow. Good luck to everyone else!
  • Making slimming world weetabix muffins for the first time. Heard they are lovely so fingers crossed :)
  • Beans on wholemeal toast with poached egg, left over chicken and salad, omelette with whatever filling, homemade soup :)
  • You don't mention any exercise. If I want to enjoy a drink then I move more. Exercise dvd or get out a walk :)
  • Where is the weekly thing at? Thanks
  • i'm back here again to try loose weight for my holidays too. not sure i'll get back into a bikini again but would like to look a bit slimmer in my tankini's. i lost about a stone and a half last time i was on here so i'm hoping for same results again. i'm 38, 5ft 6 and 175lbs :( target weight is 10 stone so have quiet a…
  • Day 1 - 5 advanced miles Day 2 - 4 fast miles Day 3 - punch up your walk 4 miles Day 4 - 5 advances miles also walked outdoors but not sure what the mileage is Day 5 - will be a rest day because i am at a wedding
  • Day 1 - 5 advanced miles Day 2 - 4 fast miles Day 3 - punch up your walk 4 miles
  • can i join in too :) not sure how many miles i'll be able to do but hopefully filling it in here will keep me motivated Day 1 - 5 advanced miles
  • I find i notice a difference after i loose a stone. Then i feel stuck until i loose another half stone :) thats when people start to comment on my weight loss. stick at it and it won't be long til you notice your clothes fitting better
  • From londonderry - and we had no snow so no snowmen building for us :( although going by the news we should probably be grateful.
    in Hello Comment by magsxx April 2013
  • Do a weekly/monthly food plan and only buy what you need. Have similar things for breakfast/lunch for the week so that you don't need to be buying loads of different stuff and then mix up your dinners and snacks so that you don't get bored.
  • I use utube for my exercise routines. leslie sansone does walk at home and i have recently found jessica smith which seems to be a step up from leslie :)
  • me too :) i go on my sisters hen wkd that day. i have already lost 16 pounds and would like another 26 off
  • my diary is open if you want to nosey but i exercise most days so i can have a wee treat and stay within target :D
  • I sit on a saturday or sunday and plan my dinners for the week, i then put them into mfp and plan my breakfast and lunches around what calories i have left. I exercise most days and then i pick my snacks around what i have left :) I have only been on here for 5 weeks though but it has worked great so far. It means i know…
  • heres a few ideas starters - melon and strawberries/homemade veg soup/small salad/chicken tikka kebabs main - tomato based pasta dish/ chicken wrapped in bacon and veg/homemade chilli/fish dish and veg dessert- fresh fruit with greek yoghurt/meringues with berries/wine poached pears/ melon sorbet enjoy x
  • I have also lost 12lbs in 4 weeks and have been doing the same food wise and exercise as you :) I'm thinking it'll probably start to slow up soon but it has def gave me the motivation to stick at it. Well done and goodluck
  • Draw a line under it! It's done and nothing you can do about it now. I'd eat healthy over the next few days and drink plenty of water and maybe stay away from the scales. Also think about why you had your binge. Have you been eating enough or are you depriving yourself of something that you really want and maybe try to fit…
  • i love philadelhpia and have it quite often for my lunch. Maybe you could add some lettuce and tomatoes or a bit of ham or chicken if you have the calories to spare. if you need some lunch ideas have a nosey at my food diary :)
  • Why not offer to take a dish along with you and then maybe do a salad of some sorts that you could have a big plate of. For your drinking have something low in calories like vodka and diet lemonade and for every other drink just have the lemonade and no one will even notice and then have the slice of cake and just count it…
  • never heard of pureed pumpkin before any ideas what else could be used?? thanks
  • Lasagnes, cottage pies, soups, anything i have left over from my slow cooker like chilli, curry, casseroles. My 2 boys go to their dads two nights a week and my partner has his wee boy them two nights so i am on my own so i always have something in the freezer that i can leave out that morning :)
    in Freezer Comment by magsxx January 2013
  • Its my birthday today so i'll be celebrating this weekend - so i have upped my exercise this week and tried to stay within my calorie range for food and haven't ate my exercise calories back so i can have a treat at the weekend :) i normally drink wine and beer but am going to drink vodka and diet lemonade. maybe you could…
  • At the right hand side there is a wee red circle beside each item in your diary that you can click on to delete items :) hope this helps
  • I love leslie sansone! She does 'walk at home' if you go on utube and put her name in the search bar loads come up from 1 mile walks (15 mins) to 5 mile walks :) . Because its u tube its free so you can do a couple of different ones a few times a week x
  • porridge and fruit, omelette with whatever filling you fancy, boiled egg and wholemeal toast, chopped fruit and yoghurt, wholemeal toast with grilled bacon (cut fat off) and grilled tomatoes, toast topped with mackerel, french toast with cinnamon topped with strawberries - can you tell i love my breakfast haha. hope this…