Working out without going to the gym

I'm wanting to do some exercise but with being a family with no extra cash available i cant afford to go to the gym,is there any other ways out there that i can get fit without spending a fortune on gym fees? I've been looking at EA Sports Active,does anyone know if this of anything similar really works.Please any help would be great.


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Technically anything that moves your body will "work" there are plenty of apps for smart phones, exercise videos on demand, netflix...or you could just go run.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    There are a bunch of DVD work out routines available.

    Body weight exercise are cheap, "You are your Own Gym" is a cheap book that covers a lot of body weight exercises.

    Dumbells are inexpensive.

    A doorway pull up bar is less than a months fee at a Gym.

    No need for the Gym. Find a routine that works for you and stay on track.
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    Depending on how old your kids are taking them outside and playing with them is something I do. Playing games like tag tire me out! I am doing my own version of couch to 5K by taking my son to the park and chasing him around. I actually have made real progress in my endurance. Its better than nothing.

    There are lots of videos on you tube, A trend I have noticed among work out finatics ir really intense 20 minute workouts that involve circuit training. examples are using a timer and doing something like squats for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds then doing say pushups for 20 seconds ect. do some searches on home workouts. and bodyweight workouts. There are tons of different ideas out there.
  • Sam_Jayne
    Sam_Jayne Posts: 48
    Thank you both for that.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Run, walk, pushups, pull-ups (bars are relatively inepensive), play a sport, swim, sit-ups, free exercise videos on YouTube, dig a hole, move rocks, go on a hike, walk up stairs, sprint, jump rope, ride a bike (you can get a used one for pretty cheap), jump up and down, pick things up and put them down, etc....

    Unless you are a serious bodybuilder or you need a trainer/class to stay motivated, gyms are a waste of money in my opinion.
  • alicecorsiatto
    alicecorsiatto Posts: 35 Member
    Check out the Insanity DVD.. it is a 60 day program and you do it at home. I lost 12 lbs and 12 inches just following the work out DVD's, but they also come with a diet plan for maximum results if you want to follow that as well. They are a bit pricey, but i would check out and such for a deal. And you only pay once and have the dvd's forever.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Checkout Check out You Are Your Own Gym. Look at YouTube. The BeFit Channell has tons of great stuff, and I am really like POP Pilates lately as well, I think the woman who does that, Cassey Ho, has two channels on YouTube. She also has a website, You can create your own program and d o it while watching TV even. Do a circuit of things like burpees, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, plankes, mountain climbers, etc. Push-ups, lunges, plankes, squats, dips all require no equpiment. Running is free, too.

    Also, don't forget your local library! Mine has a pretty decent selection of videos. It helps keep you from getting bored, and it doesn't break the bank.
  • nellyandhernerd
    In addition to the YouTube channels mentioned above I also recommend Fitness Blender's channel. They have full length workout available for everyone: low impact, high impact, HIIT, cardio, strength training, etc.

    Hope this helps!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I haven't been to a gym once! DVDs, online stuff, or my personal favorite for the past year, Nike Training Club - free app full of awesome workouts!

    Check your local library for workout DVDs - great way to try different things before dropping the cash on them.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Check - they have a lot of great workouts on YouTube, it is all free and for most of the workouts you only need your bodyweight.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm wanting to do some exercise but with being a family with no extra cash available i cant afford to go to the gym,is there any other ways out there that i can get fit without spending a fortune on gym fees? I've been looking at EA Sports Active,does anyone know if this of anything similar really works.Please any help would be great.

    I do all my working out from home. I lost a lot of weight last year using EA Sports Active for the wii. I just got it again for the xbox since my wii died. I have pictures in my blog from last year, along with information as to how I lost the weight. The best part about EA Active, is you can be selective with the work outs. I live in an upstairs apartment, so I was able to eliminate anything that involved jumping. If you follow the program, a typical workout will consist of alternating between strength and cardio.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I do all of my working out at home. I use DVDs, dance games on the XBox, Strength programs from my iPhone, and Zumba clips from YouTube. Heck, just march in front of the tv. I wanted to work out the other day but didn't want to miss a show, so I marched in place, did V Steps, knee lifts, kickbacks, side steps, kicks, grapevines, etc., and burned 300 calories in around 36 minutes.
  • magsxx
    magsxx Posts: 46 Member
    I use utube for my exercise routines. leslie sansone does walk at home and i have recently found jessica smith which seems to be a step up from leslie :)
  • nicarey19
    nicarey19 Posts: 126 Member
    I only go to the gym to lift weights (just started that) and only because I work at a gym or else I could not afford it. I usually go outside and run. Youtube is a great resource as well. When I am at home I make my own weights. I have kept all my laundry detergent jugs and filled them with sand to make different weight of weights. So I can at least do some lifting at home if need be. You can also do a lot of body weight resistance exercises. Good luck:)
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I do some Wii Fit, Just Dance (for Wii), walking/running and recently added the sworkit app - it creates a circuit for you (you can pick the length of time) and requires no equipment.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Another vote for & you are your own gym
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    In addition to the YouTube channels mentioned above I also recommend Fitness Blender's channel. They have full length workout available for everyone: low impact, high impact, HIIT, cardio, strength training, etc.

    Hope this helps!

    I second that recommendation. You may find their website to be easier to navigate. .
  • cheyjepp
    cheyjepp Posts: 5
    Go to your high school track and run up and down the bleachers. Sometimes they leave the hurdles out too :) The best workouts are where you use your own body weight. Jillian Micheals has a DVD you can buy on Amazon for probably about $7 that you don't need weights or anything.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    EA Sports Active, Zumba, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus are all fun. My kids "play" along side me! Even the regular sports games on the Wii with bowling & tennis, etc...get you moving some! Great for winter months!

    I found a small used trampoline at a yard sale. Park farther away when grocery shopping. Always use the stairs (unless more than 3 floors...I'm healthy, not crazy). Even sitting on exercise ball while on FB is better than just sitting! Watching TV? Do jumping jacks every commercial! Or squats, planks, etc! Use a small set of hand weights for triceps, etc just while sitting there.

    Eating healthy on a budget is the hardest part! I was always able to manage for a week or two, then this bill or that bill came up & my grocery budget had to shrink & well, there went what weight I'd lost! Hubby has a new job now, so it's easier, but it's still an uphill battle for me!

    Good luck!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    In addition to the YouTube channels mentioned above I also recommend Fitness Blender's channel. They have full length workout available for everyone: low impact, high impact, HIIT, cardio, strength training, etc.

    Hope this helps!

    Definitely second Fitness Blender, they have a great variety of workouts. Also second going to the library, that's a great way to try new workouts before committing to buy them.