Tami113 Member


  • i think the biggest rule i follow is to not drink my calories except for one or two glasses of milk a day. I like to make sure that the calories i eat are filling and satisfying also i allow myself a cheat day or a cheat snack once a week where i can eat anything i want within reason.
  • this website has some useful information http://www.3fatchicks.com/what-your-salt-cravings-are-telling-you/ i suggest what others have said, try cutting back slowly. when boiling vegetables, eggs etc. don't use salt, you don't need salt to boil foods. also different spices at the table might help you as well. i think the…
    in Salt Comment by Tami113 October 2012
  • i'm losing fat and can't wait until i can conceive a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wear a bikini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I too am a vegetarian. Everyone has their own rules when it comes to being a vegetarian. I never have an issue with protein and that is because I eat fake meats such as gardein brand burgers, boca brand chik'n patties, and eggs. If you eat fake meats then protein will not be so much of an issue. Also, nuts are loaded with…
  • I am also 5'2" and your goal weight of 107 seems tiny. a size zero goal seems tiny. everyone has a different frame but according to MFP the healthy weight for 5'2" is between 101 and 137. have you talked with your doctor about what your goal weight should be? my doc said i should shoot for 140 because i have a larger frame…
  • thank you everyone for the kind words. it is so hard going through this but i know that things could be so much worse. and i know that many other people have gone or are going through similar situations. my heart, prayers, thoughts and good vibes go out to all of you that have/are gone/going through this. it seems so…
  • Thank you kaytee! It is hard, but what gets me through is it could always be worse. I am so incredibly grateful that we have had the time we were given even if it was so little. Thank you
  • i have a disability in my leg and i am unable to run, squat, and i have very limited range of motion in one of my legs. i take zumba on friday nights and i make sure that wednesday and thursday i limit my walking and other leg exercises so that my legs are not too sore for zumba. i concentrate on strength training on those…
  • I did some research on different brands. Throguh reviews on here and reviews on amazon i chose the polar ft4. It tracks calories burned, heart rate of course and stores your data for up to a week. You can even log in online to track progress and work outs although i have not used this feature. It has helped me keep better…
  • Such a good idea to freeze soon to go bad fruits. I am by no means a cook of any sort, i hold my own. I was so proud to make this super simple treat. Probably too proud for the little effort it took. I hope to make it tomorrow for the hubby!
  • Bump
    in MFP MEMES! Comment by Tami113 April 2012
  • If you use more banana it will be thicker and creamier! Oh and of course other fruits work too. My goal was to make it feel like ice cream, and it did!!!!!!
  • I am interested in what everyone has to say. Before MFP i was a couch potato but now i am hardly ever sitting unless i am in class. I heard someone say that if you change your activity level to active from sedentary than you don't count your every day activity calories burned. I have my activity level set to sedentary.…
  • I totally agree! I refuse to consume aspartame!!!! I used to drink diet peach snapple because no calories and it was super yummy. Then i became label conscious and noticed it had aspartame!! So incredibly bad for you. Neorologically it really messes with your brain!!!! I agree that food industries should remove it from…
  • I don't completely understand the BMR and TDEE calculations myself, i just go with what MFP says. But i do know that YES you should be eating back your calories. You should NET 1200 calories per day Example Eat 1500 calories Subtract 300 calories from exercise Net 1200 calories
  • Just think how much better off you will be doing it the proper way. No surgery, anasethia (spelling?) no medications, no pain or discomfort, no rehabilitation after. You are working hard and you deserve to be proud. More proud than cutting corners with surgery. Don't get me wrong, i understand and appreciate that some…
  • I don't think this post should be offending anyone. It is a good lesson. Here are some mistakes that people use often. I am no english major but some members might want a small lesson. I also rarely capitalize i in the middle of a sentence, in that matter i never use upper case letters at all except when autocorrect does…
  • I agree that food companies can totally decrease the amount of sugar and sodium in their foods and not alter taste. I buy welsh's reduced sugar jelly and i wonder why that isn't the only jelly. It doesn't taste any different. Just one example. But as i am sure you know, and i know it is difficult sometimes, but the less…
  • That sounds like a goal to me. I am looking forward to 20lbs lost, i think i will steal this goal and add it to my list. Good luck!
  • Wow, sounds simple and delicious!!!
  • Need to save all of these ideas for later. Especially the banana blueberry oatmeal bake
  • Sounds yummy. But may i ask what the beets are for?
  • Is it ok to bump my own post?
  • I know they can be expensive for anyone on a budget, trust me as a newly wed college student i know. But i was and still serious about weight loss so hubby and i decided that a HRM for my birthday was a good idea. I bought the polar ft4 on amazon for $65. It has been an amazing addition to my weight loss journey. Bottom…
  • Sounds interesting
  • I totally unrstand that you are bummed, i would be too. I think for us to help we need more information. As a previous member stated, allowing us to see your food and exercise diary would allow us to critique with more detail. Also, what are your goals and measurements? If you are overweight and you start with a calorie…
  • I weigh myself often, every time i go to the gym. But whatever the scale says on fridays is what i log, no matter what. If during the week i see myself gaining or maintaining and not losing i step it up a notch with exercise and make adjustments in my food. Perhaps pick a day a week or every other week and have that be…
  • I agree it is difficukt for me to stay within my sugar limits as set by MFP. This week hasn't been the greatest for me food wise but i do usually eat alot of veggies and fruits (i am a vegetarian after all) and so in one smoothie of just fresh fruit with no added juice, powders or yogurts, i almost double my sugar…