Spacecas Member


  • Hi I have been stopped smoking for 27 days now...I was so worried when I first quit that i would gain weight..I am taking wellbutrin to help me stop and it really helps with the mood swings and emotional withdraws..i have had none..But as far as eating well the first week I just wanted to eat the whole house and not just…
  • well no I have not been logging the strength training under cardio cause it is not cardio but trying to log it separate is a pain.. I know it adds them for cardio but did not think about adding them there... thanks will try that..
  • thank you all..
  • I use resistance bands and my wii to do strength training..i do not have a gym anywhere close and let me tell you resistance bands work like weights except they work the muscles in every possible way..even if you have no wii the resistance bands come with a sheet in them of workouts to do also you can find more workouts on…
  • reverse crunches...I really dislike them but I know they are good for my abs....
  • I do not know all the technical reasons to drink water but I do know from personal experience that yes drinking at lest 8 glass of water a day will help you lose weight and flush the extra salt out of your body...The weight it helps you get rid of is water weight...I have high blood pressure and I have to try to watch my…
  • thank you all for the advice...yes it was that I was not drinking enough water...I have cut down to one cup of coffee a day and one glass of tea and the rest nothing but much as I can stand to drink and it sure has made a big difference...I also have been watching my sodium best I can..hard to always stay within…
  • I have to agree that that is not alot of cals can workout extra but you don't need to do that to yourself over a few cals...:)
  • well it has took me a while to get back to you all on this...Come to find out my problem was that i don't eat much sweets..I have sugar in my coffee and in my tea and when i increased my working out and dropped the tea for water..then my sugar bottomed out...So my doctor told me to make sure I split my meals into smaller…
  • don't know if what you are talking about is sugar dropping...if so then yeah had that problem yesterday..going to the doctor tuesday to see what it might have been...your sugar dropping is really dangerous...
  • by the way thanks everyone..I am most definitely going to the doctor Tuesday to get it checked...until then will take it easy i do be leave and just listen to my body..
  • I actually do have a meter here at home...after eating it was only it had got pretty dang low before that...(a friend who has diabetes had said I might want to get one since I was having problems a while back) but those problems was my blood pressure.. I know I had got really shaky and this has happened…
  • The first week I did not a matter of fact it went up..but the second week I lost 1.5 pounds...I had started working out and that is why I did not lose the first week...Hang in there you will see results soon...
  • welcome and wish you the best of can add me if you would like..
  • Before here I would eat when I got hungry and that was not very much...the main problem I had was sitting all day and not doing just a little went a long way... since I came here and it says I need that many calories and to eat my exercise calories back it has been really hard...I do get a bit hungry after…
  • thanks everyone...and yeah i guess maybe I do need to start measuring the foods... and I guess make sure I eat breakfast...but yet again I don't get hungry until around 11 so would be forcing that too...unless I workout as soon as the kids get on the bus...hmmm... and that is what i thought about not eating them back...I…
  • well I have not switched to healthy healthy diet food as I call it..but at this point I couldn't cause it would really be worse then..and yes I am kinda guessing but usually round up anyway just in case and still hard to make the calories...
  • that is what i thought...I mean when I workout it makes me hungry which is good cause I do it before lunch..and then I eat sensible and after that I just am not as hungry the rest of the I think I will start listening to my body instead...was just wandering how everyone feels about this..cause it is very confusing…
  • that is exactly what i feel..I mean at this point I could eat just about anything and not go over..and it shouldn't be like that i don't think..
  • Hi..I am still new too you can add me if you like..i am off and on most the day..welcome by the way..:)
    in new Comment by Spacecas February 2012
  • Hi..I am new to the site can add me if you like to..I am off and on most of the day...
  • are doing amazing..Keep up the hard work and I know you will get there...and it does make us feel wonderful to know we are accomplishing the things we want...Proud of you...:)
  • I am a sahm...i also log in several times a day..I am new and could use the support as can add me and we can help each we can anyway...:)
  • this morning my girl's before they went to school...and then a message from a friend and then a 18 yr old boy flirting with me...Of course the whole time I was thinking (you got to be kidding) but still made me you got to love the kids....
  • I use the wii..I have wii active and active more workouts..It is gives me the strength training and cardio..and the routines are never the same so no getting bored with it..I love it..
  • I use the wii too but if you don't already have one then it would be more then you want to spend right now..but so so worth it..I did not know net flix had workout video's...
  • you can add me also..i am a sahm also of 3 girl's..i am new to the site and have alot of weight to lose also and extra support would be great for us both..:)