Should I???

I had a rough day yesterday..My blood sugar dropped pretty low..I usually do not have a problem with this and as far as I know I am not diabetic...I noticed today I have been hungry all day..I have researched and thought about it all..

What i want is your opinion..When I first started over 15 days ago I had set my activity level to sedentary since all i did was sit..Now though I workout for 30 minutes or more a day (every day)and move alot more...I have used my pedometer and have been clocking at least 3 miles a day on it..So should I change my activity level so I am not under eating???

I know to little food can cause bad things to happen in your body and not getting enough of the right foods can too..with it set wrong that could explain the sudden drop in sugar as there was no room for anything extra like a snack...

I have a doctors appointment Tuesday to be checked for diabetes just as a precaution..In the mean time what do you all think???


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    You have two options for setting up your calorie goals and accounting for exercise:
    1. Don't count exercise in your daily activity level (leave it at sedentary) and add any exercise you do into your diary, then eat these calories.
    2. Consider exercise in your activity levels (change to active), then don't add any extra exercise.

    Either way, the calorie amounts will be similar. The key is to account for your exercise, but not to count it twice!
  • joshswifey2011
    joshswifey2011 Posts: 30 Member
    I take it easy til you see your doctor.
  • Before you change your activity level change the amount of weight you want to lose each week if your at 2 pounds go to 1.5 or 1 and if your hungry than eat back your calories Hunger means your body needs food give it to it
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    I think if you are hungry you should eat. Your body is telling you what it needs. But i mean hungry and not the munchies.

    Just try to pick healthier choices for what to eat.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    Diabetics blood sugar drop too low because they take too much insulin for their food intake, or excersise more than they planned on. Save yourself a doctor visit. You are having hypoglycemia. Best fix is to increase your protein. Look up hypoglycemia on web md. Low blood sugar is not a sign of diabetes. It is a sign of a working pancreas.

    When you eat carbs but dont back it up wth a protein you will crash. Anytime you eat a carb you should back it up with a protein. It stabilizes blood sugar.

    Peanut butter/apple
    hot dog/bun
    cottage cheese/peaches

    Low blood sugar feeling is your body saying "Hey! You are working off more calories than you are eating."
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Did you test your blood sugar, or are you assuming it dropped because of how you felt? I don't mean to be smart, but you said you don't have diabetes and most non-diabetics don't have blood sugar testing supplies around.

    Until you see your doctor, I'd keep something like raisins or graham crackers on you in case you feel that way again. It should raise your blood sugar.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    You are smart to see your doctor. Just curious how you know your blood sugar was low? Hope that you feel better!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Cut down on processed sugars. Instant rice, white bread etc.
    The post saying to back it up with protein makes sense too.
    The idea is to eat sugars that go into and out of your blood slowly.
    That should stabilize hunger feelings too.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Please don't listen to the person who says not to go to the doctor. You can go low on blood sugar for many reasons diabetes being one of them. It could be you were not eating the right food to maintain your sugar level. Nobody can tell you what is up except a doctor. If your blood sugar goes to low BAD things can happen. Comas and death. If in fact it is diabetes. It probably isn't but it won't hurt to have it checked out. I hope it turns out to be nothing but glad you are going to have it checked out.
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    I actually do have a meter here at home...after eating it was only it had got pretty dang low before that...(a friend who has diabetes had said I might want to get one since I was having problems a while back) but those problems was my blood pressure..

    I know I had got really shaky and this has happened before..first thought was wow I need something to I ate..then since I know I have blood pressure problems I checked my blood pressure..nope was not that so then next step was blood sugar..and sure enough that was what it was...

    I have checked it several times today and it has been fine..but I have ate more today then usual also..

    and also the doctors would never test me so in a way the monitor was to capture the proof so maybe they would do something...just had never had to use it before...
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    See your doctor! When I first started MFP, I was shaky after the first week. Turns out my calories were way too low!

    And if your caloric intake is too low, I *suggest* eating 20% under your TDEE. You are in the light activity category. Based on what I got from your profile (and if you are above 5'2) you could eat between 1600-1900 calories.

    It will give you a chart on how much to eat according to your fitness level!

    Good luck at your doctors!
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    by the way thanks everyone..I am most definitely going to the doctor Tuesday to get it checked...until then will take it easy i do be leave and just listen to my body..
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    PLease let us know what the doctor says. I am dying to hear. Good luck.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    I am a nurse. This is a common complaint. You can't be diabetic if your sugar is getting low without taking insulin. Low blood sugar can be fixed by protein calorie ratio.
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    well it has took me a while to get back to you all on this...Come to find out my problem was that i don't eat much sweets..I have sugar in my coffee and in my tea and when i increased my working out and dropped the tea for water..then my sugar bottomed out...So my doctor told me to make sure I split my meals into smaller ones thru the day to keep my sugar up so I can be more active...We are going to keep a close eye on it to make sure things are ok with it..I appreciate everyone's concern and advice....

    nursenessa...he did not say anything about protein calorie intake..just to spread my meals into smaller ones more often to make sure to keep my sugar up...cause he sure don't want me to stop working out...and I hate to tell you that i have a friend who has diabetes and her sugar does drop without taking insulin...We worked together this past summer and I had to watch her really close cause her sugar would bottom out just like mine the more active she was...
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    Cool thanks for the update. If you eat protein with every carb it will prevent your lows. Agood rule of thumb is the size of your carb should be the size of your protein. Glad you are well take care!