Eating those calories

why does it feel like I am having to just about stuff myself to try and eat my calories for today plus the exercise calories back???

I usually don't eat breakfast and my lunch is somewhere around 11 or 12 and I am not always hungry when supper time comes around..

Since I joined here and have been trying to do as it says I have felt so stuffed trying to meet my calorie needs...I don't know how I am suppose to lose weight when I am eating way more then before...

I have been working out so if nothing I am getting more activity into my body then before...

and at this point I find myself looking for something that is high in calories just to make up for the calories I need...some how I feel like this is not making since...anyone care to reassure me about all this????


  • spacecampsucks
    spacecampsucks Posts: 33 Member
    I JUST came on to ask a similar question!

    I'm currently at 400lbs and according to the pp I should be eating 2200+ a day. I've been on this diet for about a month without this website/app and got used to eating big meals with few calories... averaging to about 1100-1200 a day, which I've been informed is no good!

    I changed my target to 1600 but don't seem to be meeting it... Today I was under 1200 so ate 2 cookies and a yoghurt just to go over. That just doesn't seem right?

    I'm not hungry throughout the day, eating more food than I feel I need just seems so wrong!
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    that is exactly what i feel..I mean at this point I could eat just about anything and not go over..and it shouldn't be like that i don't think..
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Then don't!

    I use this as a guide..... if you're not hungry, WHY go against what your body is telling you because a website is giving you a set number? I feel we lose more and more touch with our bodies, and that is the biggest problem when it comes to weight loss!!!
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    Hmm, are you sure you are calculating calories right? Weighing your food, not guesstimating? Choose full fat cheese, milk etc.. instead of fat free? More protein?

    Neither of you have public diaries, so just some random thoughts.
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    that is what i thought...I mean when I workout it makes me hungry which is good cause I do it before lunch..and then I eat sensible and after that I just am not as hungry the rest of the I think I will start listening to my body instead...was just wandering how everyone feels about this..cause it is very confusing to start with...
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    well I have not switched to healthy healthy diet food as I call it..but at this point I couldn't cause it would really be worse then..and yes I am kinda guessing but usually round up anyway just in case and still hard to make the calories...
  • spacecampsucks
    spacecampsucks Posts: 33 Member
    Hmm, are you sure you are calculating calories right? Weighing your food, not guesstimating? Choose full fat cheese, milk etc.. instead of fat free? More protein?

    Neither of you have public diaries, so just some random thoughts.

    I personally weigh everything I need to (apart from fruit and obvious things) on my digital scales.

    I've just made my diary public, but only have 3 days of food in there (that's when I found this app/website!).

    I have been trying to add more protein! I think I'll try to eat more fruit and maybe a bigger breakfast
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
  • don't eat if your not hungry. I have found that if you don't eat your calories back then you lose weight quicker anyway.
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    protein and nuts are good additions that help add calories. if eating salads, add full boiled eggs, avocado, etc. i do very little "diet foods". i do alot of protein (mostly chicken breast) and veggies.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    If you are estimating on your calories i can almost guarantee you that you are guessing low. I did the same thing in the beginning and was amazed when i started measuring and trying to be as accurate as possible how off i was. Even now i think i know about how much would fit in a cup and when i actually measure i am off by at least a half a cup sometimes more. That is a lot of calories but the end of the day that is not accounted for.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    You need to start eating breakfast! People who eat breakfast are more successful at losing weight and keeping that weight off.
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    thanks everyone...and yeah i guess maybe I do need to start measuring the foods...

    and I guess make sure I eat breakfast...but yet again I don't get hungry until around 11 so would be forcing that too...unless I workout as soon as the kids get on the bus...hmmm...

    and that is what i thought about not eating them back...I know if you starve yourself and hardly eat that yes you will lose it fast but it want stay off unless you do it in a healthy way...I want my body to have time to adjust and to be able to tone and tighten it as I go and to much to fast is not good...

    well then seems my answer is measure my foods and see if that maybe I am mis calculating and to keep working out and just stick with it eighter way....thanks again everyone...
  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm curious how are you eating differently then before MFP? Before MFP were you also only eating 1200 calories....maybe I read the posts wrong
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Eat when you're truly hungry. The website gives guidelines, not 120% perfect advice. Your body gives you better advice than a website - listen to it.
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    You'll get used to eating breakfast. Helps your metoblisim kick in for the day. I also am having some trouble getting all my calories in every day... my diary's public and I WELCOME suggestions! :)

    Eating healthy food means that you can eat a LOT more compared to processed junk food amounts. I'm losing weight, and NOT hungry.. .it's great!

    Good luck on your journey. Measure measure measure! A digital scale is worth it's weight in gold!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    You need to eat throughout the day, it keeps your metabolism up....once you start eating breakfast, working out, you will kick your metabollism in and then you will probably be hungry. There are days when I am eating all day long.....I workout pretty hard 6 days a week....and always carry snacks and water with me in case of a sudden burst of hunger. Weigh your food, eat healthy food, low fat, high protein, high fiber, fruits, will get hungry, I promise!!
  • huck23
    huck23 Posts: 116 Member
    you need to eat breakfast for 1, space snacks out through the day and have a small but decent lunch. Push your fiber intake and lots of water, eating balance calories all day long instead of trying to get them at the end of the day, especially when u know u r going to exercise and on those days drink even more water
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    If you want to start eating breakfast start slow. IF you don't get hungry til 11am have maybe a bite of something for breakfast. No need to have a 3 egg omeltte toast and fruit. IT has to start slow. Get some breakfast in you to get the juices flowing so to speak and you will be starving by lunch. A bit of breakfast is like an appetizer to get the body moving.
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    Before here I would eat when I got hungry and that was not very much...the main problem I had was sitting all day and not doing just a little went a long way...

    since I came here and it says I need that many calories and to eat my exercise calories back it has been really hard...I do get a bit hungry after working maybe instead of doing both workouts back to back I need to do one in the morning and one in the afternoon...

    I am not really out of shape as I have been doing my workouts with no problem..

    it is not like I sat here all day and munched...I usually get up and have coffee and that usually does it until 11...

    yes indeed a scale and some measuring cups is what i need...and I will try to eat a little for breakfast and see where that gets me..I don't do snacks really..few and far between and I do not do junk food hardly ever...we don't go out to eat maybe once a month..most the food we eat is cooked at home from scratch...

    even now when I work out and it makes me hungry just a bite or two satisfies that for a long time...thanks again everyone...It helps to have someone give you advice as it sure can get confusing fast and some of it makes no since but works..I work out 6 days a week for at least 30 to 40 minutes a day...2 days in a row I do strength and cardio combined and on the third I do cardio..then repeat...