So my days are fairly routine much like everyone elses. I'm up at a quarter to 5 make my bed, shower, dress, put on my face. You know the usual.
Nothing special and certainly nothing to smile about at 5 am even though I've been keeping the schedule for years.

What made this morning different you ask?? Well the last week or so I've been hitching up my pants a bit.
Yesterday at work I actually rolled the waistband. OK no need for an ovation, at least not yet.

My smile erupted when I slipped my blouse over my head and checked myself in the mirror.
I wish you all could've seen what I saw.
Who was this woman in the ridiculous baggy pants and the blouse that couldn't stay up on both shoulders?
What happened??
Did Ringling Brothers forget to tell me I got the job?

I mean we all know what it's like to go to bed a size 14 and wake up a size 18 all the time wondering hey what happened to size 16!!!

I guess I didn't realize that after only 1 month of eating well and exercising a little each day that I'd already have something to smile about!

What made you Smile today? :)
Elle form Boston


  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    That's a great post to read, I am so pleased for you and long may this smile last :flowerforyou:

    I smiled today because:

    A) I was offered a Krispy Kreme donut and I said yes and I am loving and savouring every last crumb of it becuase it'll b a long while until I next have one.

    B) Because I read a hilariously defensive response to a post I replied to about thigh-gaps and I realised how glad I am that I am not hung up about such minor things and am pleased that I prefer to look at the bigger picture.

    C) I cycled to work in the glorious snow & sunshine and it was such an exhilirating, pleasant and memorable experience, loved every single moment of it.

    D) It is FRIDAY! :drinker:

    Have a great weekend x
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I noticed this morning that my back roll is gone :D <---- big smile

    Also I had a really good dream (not that kind - just one that made me feel really happy).
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    Love this post! :)

    Today, I fit into pants I haven't worn for a year :) and its Friday!! :) Plus my boss is treating the team to Yogen Fruz this afternoon, usually its cake Friday in my office, but since we are all trying to be more healthy, she figured Yogen was a better option! :)
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I smiled today, and cried, as I read on a blog I have been following about a little baby born in December, who weighed 13 oz.and was 9" long. Today, the baby is almost 2 pounds, and is getting better every day. Praise God!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    1) The shirt my mom bought me for Christmas that was initially too small now fits.
    2) My chiropractic results are in and my x-ray comparisons are showing improvements :drinker:
    3) Today before my husband left for work he looked at me and said "what a lucky guy I am I get to see this woman every day!"
    4) Today is margarita day!
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    Keep'm coming!
  • chefanie85
    When I started this, I added to notches to my belt so that I could use it a while longer before buying a new one. I've never had to use them. But today I did. :)

    And my boyfriend told me we're going bowling tonight with my parents. It reminded me how lucky I am to have such a great man, and how blessed I am that he and my parents get along with him so well.
  • kschudy
    This morning, even though the scale hasn't budged this week (TOM), I put on a fitted tee with my jeans and could actual keep it on (in the past I would rip it off in disgust over the huge spare tire). :-)
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I stepped on the scale and lost a pound. Totally unexpected because i lost a pound the day before and i have only been losing a pound a week. It may go up tomorrow but today i am a pound lighter!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    My husbands face :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    So my days are fairly routine much like everyone elses. I'm up at a quarter to 5 make my bed, shower, dress, put on my face. You know the usual.
    Nothing special and certainly nothing to smile about at 5 am even though I've been keeping the schedule for years.

    What made this morning different you ask?? Well the last week or so I've been hitching up my pants a bit.
    Yesterday at work I actually rolled the waistband. OK no need for an ovation, at least not yet.

    My smile erupted when I slipped my blouse over my head and checked myself in the mirror.
    I wish you all could've seen what I saw.
    Who was this woman in the ridiculous baggy pants and the blouse that couldn't stay up on both shoulders?
    What happened??
    Did Ringling Brothers forget to tell me I got the job?

    I mean we all know what it's like to go to bed a size 14 and wake up a size 18 all the time wondering hey what happened to size 16!!!

    I guess I didn't realize that after only 1 month of eating well and exercising a little each day that I'd already have something to smile about!

    What made you Smile today? :)
    Elle form Boston

    ^^^^this made me smile today! lol! Great job!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I haven't been on the scale, but since I started a new way of working my macros and food intake, I've now put on a pair of size 16 dress pants and size 16 bluejeans! This is the smallest size I have ever been in since probably 7th or 8th grade. I started working on my weight, health and fitness in Jan 2011 and I was in a size 26/28W!
  • Spacecas
    Spacecas Posts: 37 Member
    this morning my girl's before they went to school...and then a message from a friend and then a 18 yr old boy flirting with me...Of course the whole time I was thinking (you got to be kidding) but still made me smile..lol you got to love the kids....
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    my fellow MFPers... I have found a great group!! :love:
  • onmyway31
    Changing the weight on my pedometer to one that was 11 pounds less!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I was with my girlfriend when she visited her Gram this morning. I smiled/teared up when her Gram was giving her things from her kitchen to take home... like coffee and celery. I miss my Gram and bestfriend. She passed away a year and a month ago. It brought back memories watching them together.
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    Playing the Powerball lottery with my nine co-workers...

    we can all dream can't we?! :bigsmile: :heart:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Having my DD say as she walked off to school "Cant' wait to go to the gym later with you daddy!"

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    1) It's Friday!!
    2) like some others I got on the scale and lost close to a pound since yesterday (and yesterday I got on the scale and had lost a pound)
    3) my tight jeans are now my perfect size jeans again
    4) it's a good hair day
  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    I got on my scale this morning and not only was I down the like 6lbs of water weight I gained this weekend from heavy drinking and eating at my best friends wedding, but I was down two extra pounds, putting me at the lowest weight I can remember being in a really really really long time. (Like 7 years long time)