

  • I've always been on the higher end of my BMI...but when I moved in with my BF I gained 40lbs in 6 months. I picked up his lazy, bad eating life style...he's the type that doesnt gain a pound, and 2 weeks of working out he has a six pack kind of build. I finally woke up and decided to get back to my taking care of myself…
  • How is it May first already?! This year is ticking by way too fast. Just for the record "May Day" is/was a pagen holiday to celebrate the first day of summer (June 21 was considered Midsummer), and in the northern european areas was to celebrate the planting of crops and the fertility of the earth. Anyways, I made the BEST…
  • It's funny how Monday hate seems to be a universal thing. I know I had a lot of troubles crawling out of bed this morning. I do love this time of year though, winter tends to bum me out a little. It's no so much the cold weather but more the fact that when I leave for work in the morning it's pitch black, and when I leave…
  • :laugh: Happy Friday! This week went crazy fast for me. When I'm busy at work it always does, and I'm always busy so life goes by too fast. Weekends are always so bad for me. I don't generally eat bad, but my schedule is so out of wack, I normally don't eat breakfast until 10am...then lunch time comes and goes, next think…
  • If you're looking for something light and fun definitely the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. I also really like the Jack Reacher series from Lee Child, they are crime thrillers with a sexy leading man. :wink: If you're in the mood for something a lilttle more serious but still romanic sigh worth I recommend,…
  • Happy Thursday, or as I like to call it Mini-Friday. :) I've started doing a 15min morning workout to start my day, and so far it's going OK. I just can't seem to get my booty out of bed early enough to get in a "real" morning workout. So I do 25 jumping jacks, 15 tricep dips, 15 bicep curls, 12 arnold presses, 10 push ups…
  • haha, I've never been censored before on MFP...I didn't know the "b" word was still considered a swear. :laugh:
  • Happy Hump Day! This summer is going to be great ofr movies, I can hardly wait for Prometheus! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Aliens movies, and I love me some Michael Fassbender so it's all good. I'm also looking forward to Ted the Movie. The first time I saw the red band trailer I laughed so hard I cried. Today was a pretty decent…
  • YAY for tall girls! I'm 5'11 CW 226, GW about 185. I'm not too sticky about my weight though, for me it's more about fitness. I just want to feel good in that regard again. At about 185 I'm a size 10/12, and more than happy with that. I have a fairly large frame, but I have friends around the same height that have much…
  • I'm 5'11, 226lbs...looking to get down to about 180. I have been eating between 1600-1800 calories a day, and on workout days I eat back about half of what I've burnt. Seems to be working, giving me enough energy for my workouts, and I am rarely feeling hungry. I haven't lost much in pounds but I'm not a slave to the scale…
  • Personally I ONLY track the sugar from "processed" food. Sooooo if I have a banana or an apple that sugar I would subtracked from the total at the end of the day. If I have a hot chocolate from Starbucks, or skittles (my aweful favorite) then that I would include. Sugars are important to watch even if you're not diabetic,…
  • Happy Friday! And Happy 4/20 if that's your thing. :) Looks like everyone has had a pretty good week. Love the great attitudes in this group. I'm on the hunt for a HRM, I want one that will just work with my IPhone. Hopefully I'll find that this weekend. Mine was pretty decent too. I'm still in the hunt to find whats right…
  • That's really interesting. If it's really hign intensity, then I don't feel hungry but man do I ever crave ice cold skim milk. It's usually the first thing I reach for when I get home. It's the only thing that will refresh me, and I don't drink a lot, maybe a cup, cup and a half but nothing else will do. Other then that I…
  • @shorty I hear yah, I have troubles getting the ambition to actually cook breakfast. I recently tried a new way (for me anyways) to prep eggs. Basically, take your muffin tin, lightly grease/spray with oil, take a slice of low fat/low sodium ham (or whatever you like), line each spot with the ham so it makes a little cup,…
  • You bacon board is too funny.
  • I'm a pintreat addict too! Thanks ofr posting all these links. Here is my man candy board...cause I may be 33, but sometimes I feel about 16 Here are my recipes...some healthy...some not so much. I have started to actually make some of them. I try to do at least one every weekend.…
  • 6 tubes of need to clean this thing out. LOL
  • YAY Flames! Hopefully next year...IGGY needs a ring. :) Orginally a southern AB girl here.
  • GO BRUINS! I LOVE hockey, Boston is my team, but I have been really loving the the Flyers v. Pengiuns series. In the end I would like to see Bruins v. Kings. When it comes down to Flyers v. Bruins I want it in seven games, and all high scoring. Not just for the sake of my hockey pool, but just for exciting games. :)
  • 1) Croatia (OK, I've already been but 3 weeks was NOT enough, it's amazing!) 2) Sweden 3) Tahiti (I want to see the black sand beaches)
  • I'm having a Monday, got to work, started work, 2 hours in our server went down and I lost all the work I had done this morning. It was one of those morning I wish I kept a little bottle of something strong in my desk. :) Oh well it's not the end of the world. After some cursing and swearing life does carry on. On the plus…
  • Onions! Oh that make me gag. I don't mind a little bit cooked in a sauce but just by themselves...raw or cooked...nasty nasty. Also olives...I thought maybe I used didn't like the nasty jarred ones, but when I was in Croatia last year I tried one fresh off the tree, nope still gross. :)
  • 100% agree. Plus honey is full of vitamins and minerals, it also has a lower GI, so your blood sugar doesn't spike as much as sugar. Personally I find it sweeter than sugar, so I use less of it in my tea. But that's just a personal thing.
  • Happy Friday the 13th. :) Nothing eventful for today. Work, gym, and home. I remember back when I was in my 20's Friday would mean work, gym, PART-EH! times change. Now fridays I usually in bed by 11pm. This week has been a little brutal for me, lots of meetings, and things going on that have distracted me from…
  • I gave up on the scale ages a go. I'm go more by inches lost and how my clothing fits. I have a favorite pair of jeans and they are getting a little loose. I can admit I will be a little sad to see them become too big (a little twisted I know), but I will survive. I'll just have to go find another pair of jeans that will…
  • I'm Canadian, and I travel to the USA a couple times a year. I haven't really had a bad experience. Most people are friendly and warm and wanting to give you advice on the best things to do and see in their towns. Although I have had bad experiences traveling in Europe and going on city tours with American tourists. At one…
  • Badminton is SO fun! It's easy too since you can always just play it in your back yard or at a local park when the weather is nice. I don't record my weight training either. I decided I'm not really doing it to burn calories, so whatever I do get out of it "burn" wise is just a little bonus. :)
  • I love tennis, it is crazy good exercise too. I don't get to play much because no one else I know likes to play. :) I'm slowly convincing my boyfriend to get into it with me, he's starting to wear down. :) My only advice would be to take it slow, it is pretty high impact sport, but if you don't push it too hard at first…
  • I have to work out in the evening. It would really not be very beneficial for me to do the early morning since I would end up not giving it enough effort. My old trainer told me that I should try and work out when I feel the most energetic, but really ANYTIME is better than NO TIME, so if it's 5am of 10pm you're doing…
  • Grerat Playlist! Here is my current "workout" playlist. I change it up pretty much everyday, so this is my Saturday list. Sail - AWOLNATION Common People - Pulp Girls Not Grey - AFI Young Cardinals - Alexisonfire Modern Man - Bad Religion Body Movin' - Beastie Boys Sabatoge - Beastie Boys Tango Shoes - Bif Naked The…