lanzaroteblue Member


  • My goal for Septemebr is to complete and Ironman course over 1 month, (run 42.2Km, Swim 3.86Km and Cycle 180.25Km). The running and cycling shouldn't be a big problem but I'm not a big swimmer and today only managed 0.6Km. Oh well, that's why I'm pushing for this. Happy September everyone Nicola xxx
  • Your transformations is quite simply amazing! I hope you are feeling very very pleased with yourself! I agree with you that loose skin is much easier to live with than the weight that you have shed. It's such a good and healthy way of looking at it. Thank you very much for being so brave and sharing your photos.…
  • I know what you mean but to tell you the truth, it's not so much me that worries about it but more my husband as I'll admit to being a really grumpy so and so all day if the scale doesn't more and kind of obsess. Trying to be better about it though :blushing: Nicola
  • I like bannanas and rice cakes x
  • I have goat quite a lot (in Jamiacian Curried Goat mainly) but I head that kangaroo was the leanest you can get (well tasty)
  • We did cover American authors in high school and during my degree (in English) we had a section on Americal authors and also on literature from all over the world. I hope this helps xxx
  • Blinking well done - the difference is amazing xxx
  • What a great NSV!!! It's brilliant to be able to see such significant changes. Many congratulations on losing 60lbs and Good luck with the next 60lbsxxx Nicola :flowerforyou:
    in NSV Comment by lanzaroteblue August 2012
  • I think you need to challenge yourself and preplan to do some/any exercise everyday. If I'm not in the mood to go to the gym, I pop my gym clothes on anyway then I feel silly just hanging around ready for a workout. It really IS easier once you're at the gym/track/start of your walk. I hate the buildup to exercise so I pre…
  • Go Warrior Crew! Thanks for setting this up Lee and thanks for the sorting out the teams Jules. I'm feeling really energised at the thought of this - it's my first challenge and I think it makes a difference that it's a team event. Roll on Wednesday Nicola xxx
  • Good luck. I hope you have a great run and get the time you hope for. All the best :flowerforyou: Nicola x
  • I know what you mean - sometimes it just feels like a losing battle BUT, us getting fat may not have been a choice for us but getting fit IS. You are doing really well and this is a battle you will WIN. You will be a lovely, creative, sensitive person who will be at a good weight. Keep positive Love Nicola xxx…
  • Personally, it's convenient for me to run outside twice a week and on the tredmill the other time. For the first 5 Weeks, I found it easier to run outside all the time rather than trying to mess about with treadmill controls. I find outside easier generally as you can change your pace without having to worry about the…
  • I'm on W8D2 and to be honest - I've found every week to be difficult. BUT keep pushing (sometimes it helps to go really slow and focus on just being able to run for the allotted time). As I was told "Trust the programme" and just try and push through. Good luck and keep running Nicola xxx
  • That's a brilliant time! Brag all you want Well done Nicola xxx
    in 31:00 Comment by lanzaroteblue July 2012
  • Hi there, Feel free to add me. My name is Nicola, I'm 36 and I live in Lanzarote, we moved here (from Britain) 'cause we only get about 6 days of rain a year. I love being outside but want the body to take advantage of it. I hate running but I do love going to the gym but I'm forcing myself to have a go at the C25K…
  • Not wanting to spoil the surprise for you but if you carry on, by week 9, you may not have your speed up but you should be able to run your 5K. Personally, I wouldn't do more than the plan advises mainly to avoid having to repeat a week or skip some sessions due to injury caused by pushing yourself too fast. LOADS of luck…
  • Brilliant going! I've did W7D3 yesterday but with warm up and cool down just hitting 4.2Km. I'm looking forward to getting faster. My first 5K race isn't until 27Oct so should be bit quicker by then. Looking forward to W8 Thnaks for posting Nicola xxx
  • I'm Really interesting on hearing views on this too Nicola x
  • I found W7D1 difficult until I slowed my pace down a bit. After that, I was able to take W7D2 a bit quicker but without stopping. I agree, it is SUCH an awesome feeling to go from not running at all to 25mins non stop in less than 2 months. I still can't believe I can do it. Great running Nicola xxx
    in W7D1 Comment by lanzaroteblue July 2012
  • Hi Kat, . Feel free to add me. My name is Nicola, I'm 36 and I live in Lanzarote, we moved here (from Britain) 'cause we only get about 6 days of rain a year. I love being outside but want the body to take advantage of it. I hate running but I do love going to the gym but I'm forcing myself to have a go at the C25K…
  • I agree with 'trusting the programme'. I've just finished W6 and on W6D1, I found it difficult and looking back, couldn't have managed a longer run straight after the 20min session. I still can't believe that W1D1 was a challenge only 6 weeks ago so I'm 'trusting the programme'. Good luck Nicola xxx
  • Hi there, You can get anti chaffing creams (I use Neat 3B) but canisten do 1 as well. It has aluminium in it and is stronger than normal deoderant. If not availalbe where you are, just do an internet search for sites that deliver. Good luck. Nicola xxx
  • It feels SO weird not to be able to get an update on how all my MPF pals are doing. I think I have to admit that I'm an addict :sad: Nicola xxx
  • Congratulations on 30lbs in just 95 days - That is brilliant going. You already look SO different. Confident and sassy. All the best Nicola xxx
  • Congratulations! I did my 20min run yesterday and was grinning like an idiot when I finished as I really didn't think that it would ever happen. Good luck with the rest of the programme Nicola xxx
  • Just in case anyone was curious, I finished just finished Week 5 and feel awsome that managed my first ever 20min run. I did it after a 12 hour shift and am glad I pushed. Next week is going to be the same and I'm going to push forward to Week 6. Thanks Nicola xxx
  • I meant to come back on yesterday and say 'thank you' for all your motivation. W5 D1 actually felt easier than W4. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's run now Thanks again Nicola :flowerforyou: (AND the scale is down 4lbs this week - rather than the normal 1lb - so super chuffed went the extra mile - literally)
  • Thanks guys. Just heading out now xxx
  • Thanks for your replies. I think I'll take your advice and push forwards and take a step back if too tired. There is a chance I'll have a few heavy weeks so would be bad to start using it as an excuse. I think I knew this in my heart but just needed a little push. It's really weird, 5 weeks ago I would never have thought…