tamerica07 Member


  • Ok thanks everyone, ill just play with it
  • so on a normal day i would eat 1200 calories and then exercise and burn 400 to 500 cal, i could eat another 200 cals then? and what about having one cheat meal a week, would that affect me in anyway?
  • Yea i set my goal to lose 1 pound a week, and i try to log when i can my phone doesnt work at home so i cant log everything and forget it when i can log it, but i do try to measure and weigh most stuff and serving sizes.
  • Thanks so much for the help!
  • Thanks everyone for your help, I'm going to try a 1300 cal diet for a While and see how that does but diff incorporate more protein
  • ok i try to workout 3 to 5 days a week, i sometimes do a fitness dvd like insanity or p90x or taebo, and sometimes run, i work out with my husband 2 to 3 times lifting weights. i wear a hrm, the only thing my hr is slow i have worn my hr monitor around for a while and when im siting watching tv my hr is in the 50's and…
  • I am 5' 1" Pu_239 I also diff need to incorporate more protein in my diet, I was reading on weightlifting sites and i thin i need about 1 gram of protein per pound of bw so i upped my protein to 130 grams on fitness pal but have reached to goal yet!
  • I'm 5' 1" 118 lbs and i try to follow a 1200 cal diet but i try to take in a lot of protein so it keeps me full longer. My goal weight is about 105 to 110. I want to be well toned but have nice muscle tone. What i do is if i work out and burn 200 to 300 cals i do eat do those back so if i burn 300 cals then my total of…
  • Thanks for all the advice! I'm trying to do either a yogurt and banana; or small bowl of cereal
  • I just find out a couple of months ago that olive garden sells their salad dressing. It's so good!!! It only 80 cal for 2 tbsp and 2g of carbs and 2g of sugar although high in sodium though :( but its so good and you feel like you get olive garden everyday. we take it everywhere we go in little bowls lol
  • This morning i had my strawberry oatmeal it's 1/2 cup of old fashioned oats, 1 tbps of ground flax seed, 3 packets of truvia, and an 1/8 tsp of maple flavoring, mircowave for 2 1/2 mins. and cut up 5oz of strawberries and throw on top. It clocks in at around 220 to 230 and i add a cup of milk to drink yum yum yum And this…
  • I actually use the whipped butter i know land of lakes makes it, i don't know what other brands but it has half the calories and fat as with the stick butter and just as natural!
  • I usually have one diet soda a day usually with my supper, i really don't think one a day is going to do much harm as long as you drink plenty of water and other things. I usually try to get 1 to 2 glasses of milk and 16 oz of green tea and 30-40 oz of water and a diet soda. I think as for the Phosphoric acid just make…
  • I'm Bumping this! lol
  • thanks everyone, i did get a heart rate monitor, one that has a chest strap and i can tell a big deference on the treadmill and my p90x results are down to i burned about 400 cal on the legs and back and about 300 cal on the kenpo. now I'm glad i got one so i can be more accurate with my food count to.
    in p90x Comment by tamerica07 February 2012
  • I just made this for supper tonight! My version of chicken fried rice is I take 2 skinless boneless chicken breast and cut in small slivers or pieces, Then I used 2 tbsp of canola oil or peanut oil in frying pan get it hot and add the chicken add salt, pepper and onion powder to taste fry it but dont brown it. While the…
  • Thanks for the info. I actually don't know anything about heart monitors whats a good one to get and how do they really work?
    in p90x Comment by tamerica07 February 2012