

  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I am not a huge soda drinker, but I have a diet coke about 1-2 times a week and its like a treat for me. When I crave it I'll have it. I figure it's a lot better than other things I'll crave. Enjoy your DC!
  • feb06momma
    feb06momma Posts: 169
    No, its not good for you. Am I losing weight while drinking it.............heck yah! Enjoy your coke! Too many radicals on here.....ha!:bigsmile:

    This!! Also, I do not smoke, I do not drink very often, and I try to put healthy foods into my body. My diet Coke is my ONE vice and I will not be giving it up anytime soon. Also, I've lost 24 pounds and am a daily drinker of the diet I don't think its going to prevent weight loss. Just make sure you are drinking water, too!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Would I drink it every day? No...too much aspartame.

    Have one occasionally? Sure! Why not? It shouldn't really affect your weightloss.

    We only live once, might as well enjoy a few treats!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Interesting question. What do you mean by "weight"? The sodium in diet coke makes me retain water like crazy - I can gain as much as a pound if I drink a 20 oz bottle. But, it's all water weight and goes away quickly once I stop drinking it.

    That being said, no 2 people are exactly the same, and your experience may be different than mine.

    They say fake sweeteners can make you crave more sweets, but it shouldn't make you gain fat by itself.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Diet coke or any other form of diet pop will not hurt you from losing weight.

    Sure, it's not the healthiest thing in the world to be drinking however weight loss comes down to calories in vs calories out.

    There hasn't been any scientific proof of any of the "side effects" some people claim for it to have.

    As long as it isn't your only drink during the day there is nothing wrong with enjoying it in moderation. There is sodium in it but not enough to make a difference. The artificial sweeteners come down to personal preference on if it's something you want to avoid or not.
    100% agree with this.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I used to have a can a day as a "free" treat. When I read that the carbonation depletes calcium from the bones, and that people who drink diet do not lose weight any faster, I quit regular consumption. Now it doesn't even taste good, so I do think we get addicted to it. It did not affect my weight loss rate by quitting. The sweet taste can elevate insulin that makes you crave food more, especially sweet food. I prefer flavored mineral water with a splash of real juice, decaf organic coffee, or teas. My favorite diet drink was Vanilla Pepsi, however :) At least you can buy small cans now if you just want a taste.
  • RunningMama1276
    RunningMama1276 Posts: 15 Member
    It just makes my head hurt, but it didn't stall weight loss.

    Makes my head hurt, too! I can drink other diet soda's without a problem. I like the tasts of Coke,...I have found that Coke Zero does not give me the headaches.
  • tamerica07
    tamerica07 Posts: 22 Member
    I usually have one diet soda a day usually with my supper, i really don't think one a day is going to do much harm as long as you drink plenty of water and other things. I usually try to get 1 to 2 glasses of milk and 16 oz of green tea and 30-40 oz of water and a diet soda. I think as for the Phosphoric acid just make sure you get plenty of calcium, and i would diff choose caffeine free, and as far as the aspartame i don't think it's as bad for you as people think, actually it's in alot of food like yogurt or some frozen dinners. But if you want to go a little more healthy version have you ever tried ZEVIA, It's a small company that makes them and you can get it at organic stores but its soda made with stevia it's pretty good they have alot of flavors like coke, root beer, ginger-ale,lemon-lime, and many more. a little pricey though but it's a good alternate.