

  • I wouldn't bother trying to work it out. Obviously try and choose what looks more healthy out of the options given but just go with the flow and get back on track tomorrow. I'm going to my sister's on Saturday evening and the drink will be flowing and she is doing four courses. I will have my normal breakfast and lunch,…
  • What is your relationship like with your parents now? Have you sat down with them and told them how they made you feel growing up?
  • I love them. I don't have them often as I don't feel I am missing out not having pasta, but occasionally I cook spaghetti bolognaise for my husband and when he has the usual spaghetti I have the whole pack of noodles (it comes in a two serving size in Australia = 250g). My sister told me about them at the beginning of the…
  • There are negligible calories in sugar free jelly. I tend to have half a pint after dinner each day as like to finish with something sweet. Its hardly even worth registering the calories it is so low.
  • Can't members just continue to follow the plan that works for them rather than adjusting to a new plan everytime WW makes changes?
  • Same as my breakfast as couldn't be bothered to make up a salad to go with leftover pork - so sultana bran, 4 halves of tinned apricots, skimmed milk and low fat natural yoghurt. I always look forward to my breakfast so I love it for lunch as well.
  • I think its very sad, not funny at all.
  • Friday night is always BBQ night. I have two skewers of mushrooms, with nothing other than a spray or oil - I love mushrooms cooked on the BBQ - they are so succulent inside and taste nice just as they are along with a sprinkling of lo salt. Then I am having some rosemary and honey marinated lamb fillet - probably 200-250g…
  • I am EXACTLY like you, though perhaps 5ft 7" isn't that tall, but when I get the scales where I want them to be my chest and torso look very boney. At my preferred weight my poor boobs resemble empty sacks (and fried eggs when lying down!!). This time round I have reduced from 154lb and on a downwards trend, currently…
  • 5ft 7" female - aged 49 At my heaviest I weighed 12st 12lb after I have given birth to my daughter 23 years ago. I joined a slimming club and got to 9st 8lb within 6 months which is the lowest I have ever been. Have gone up and down ever since. I have hovered around 11st for the last couple of years. It seems to be more…
  • Right. I finally 100% totally understand now. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • Very funny. I am going to have to watch how I phrase my questions!
  • OK. Thanks for the explanations. So how do I bump? Just post a reply that just says bump?
  • Two egg omelette. I also fry a bit of chopped onion using that spray oil, plus a few mushrooms (or I cook these in the microwave - I prefer the flavour this way). Chop up 50g of pre-sliced ham which is only approx 50 calories and put them inside the omelette which folded in half. I also have 100g of tomatoes on the side -…
  • Just curious if everyone includes vitamin calories when logging food? It didn't cross my mind initially but I do it now.
  • Agreed! a lot of people on here have a large amount of weight to lose so at some stage must have chosen to ignore advice about healthy eating despite seeing the pounds pile on through excess eating. But now that they 'have seen the light' they should consider a more motivational, caring approach to those who are at the…
  • What would be the body measurements of a 00?
  • I am really confused with sizes. Wouldn't a US size 2, equivalent to a UK size 4 be bordering on anorexic? I would love to be a UK size 10 waist down (think I am already there upwards) but I am very hippy so don't think that will ever happen.
  • I have used Weight Watchers in the past (last time they were literally opposite my house so no excuse not to really). I really just used to go for the weigh in - I needed to see that drop every week. Then I moved to Australia and the lifestyle there contributed to weight gain - not huge but it was doing me no favours as it…
  • I have been having the same breakfast for years although since joining MFP I realised it was edging towards 600 calories! so now have reduced quantity of the actual cereal content and cut out the banana and extra sultanas on the top so now it consists of: Sultana Bran - 50 g Tinned Apricots - 60g Reduced Fat Natural…
  • Don't eat bread, potatoes, rice, pasta or cakes. I used to love all of them but avoid them all now. Whereas I would have a sandwich for lunch (usually with a meat fillng) I just up the meat content and have it with a big salad. - most of the time I don't miss them. I do have cereal for breakfast (Sultana Bran) which is one…
  • Yes, I also noticed that you are very low on fresh vegetables and you do seem to have a sweet tooth. Perhaps you can try to re-educate your palate and try to stay away from maple syrup, that type of sugary sweet thing even if it is a low fat version and settle for fruit salad instead. And try and include lots of vegetables…
  • I don't know about America but in Australia a cup measurement is 250ml. Fine for liquids and things like sugar and flour, but a nuisance with things like vegetables and meat I agree. Sometimes I have to chose another item similar further down the list which may have different measurements included.
  • You have an excellent way with words. Am new to this site so just trawling through a few messages, trying to familiarise myself with the website, but was impressed with your style of writing.