I want to give up.

I'm doing everything I can to lose weight. I'm eating healthier than I ever have in my entire life. I'm excercising 5 days a week. I'm counting calories and watching my sodium.

I just don't know what to do. The weight isn't coming off, in fact I've gained weight. The last 2 weeks I haven't lost a damn thing, only gained.

I'm so devastated right now.


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I had difficulty losing anything for ages then dropped wheat and went low carb for a bit and the weight started dropping off.

    If your exercising 5 days a week could you be creating too big a deficit? How long have you been doing 5 days a week, could it be water? or muscle?

    Sometimes I found out by accident due to period of illness or injury that when I gave my body a weeks rest extra weight dropped off, so now I do it every month when I get my cycle as I get bad back and stomach cramps anyway. Usually when temp water has come back off I've lost another 2-3lbs besides.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Don't give up!

    I just took a quick peak at your diary. MFP sets the fiber and protein goals pretty low (I try to beat both daily and "go in the red"). I would suggest trying to back down your carbs a little and increase your protein.

    Also, are you making sure you are logging everything, including cooking oil and such? The other problem people have is MFP tends to overestimate calorie burns from exercise, so make sure you leave some wiggle room there and not eat back every single calorie burned.

    I have gone through two plateaus where I have lost nothing for MONTHS and I know it sucks. Keep at it, you can do this!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Don't give up!

    I just took a quick peak at your diary. MFP sets the fiber and protein goals pretty low (I try to beat both daily and "go in the red"). I would suggest trying to back down your carbs a little and increase your protein.

    Also, are you making sure you are logging everything, including cooking oil and such? The other problem people have is MFP tends to overestimate calorie burns from exercise, so make sure you leave some wiggle room there and not eat back every single calorie burned.

    I have gone through two plateaus where I have lost nothing for MONTHS and I know it sucks. Keep at it, you can do this!

    This! I would recommend changing carbs to 40%, protein 40% and fats 20%. That should help eliminate some of the additional weight from water from the extra glucose stored by carbs. Also, what kind of exercise are you doing? Second, I would suggest adding some fruit. I don't think I saw anything in there for the few days I look and add some more proteins (maybe even a whey protein shake).

    Generally, I suggest you also eat 50-75% of the workout calories due to over-estimation by MFP.

    ps- sometimes it just takes time for weight to start coming off. You shock your body once you start something new.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Don't give up! You can do it! It takes a little while for weight to come off, but don't get discouraged!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I use a HRM so my calories burned are probably as accurate as they can be. MFP was way overestimating my calories burned.

    I will try out your suggesstions. I appreciate the kind words. I'm just so upset by this. I want to lose weight and get as healthy and fit as possible. I don't want to be fat forever. I've battled my weight since I was a teenager.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I looked at your diary and you really are eating a lot. I think you should set your calories to 1200-1400. And cut out eating out and wine. it will help. even small amounts of alcohol upset your body's capacity to burn fat.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I looked at your diary and you really are eating a lot. I think you should set your calories to 1200-1400. And cut out eating out and wine. it will help. even small amounts of alcohol upset your body's capacity to burn fat.

    1830 is the amount MFP set for me. That's already below my BMR and TDEE.
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    I can sympathize! I have about the same calorie goal as you. I lost about 9 pounds the first month and have totally stalled this month. I have tried spiking calories, eating less, etc. and nothing has helped. All we can do is keep trying.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    Don't give up! Im a full time student and my psychology teacher is a PT(personal Trainer) and she told me once my body gets to where its not dropping weight I need to change up my workout because my body has gotten use to the current workout. Try adding some weights, weight lifting(like 5 pounds to start), stair stepping(great way to burn lots of calories), and try to do early morning workouts before you eat breakfast IF possible so you burn the stored fat/calories and not the recently consumed fat/calories.

    Good luck and Don't give up!!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?

    I drink anywhere from 8-12 glasses a day.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    The first thing I notice is that you are over almost every day on your sodium. Sodium is going to make you retain water weight. You might try cutting it down considerably. Also do you have your goals set to sedentary on the activity level? If not you should not eat your exercise calories back. MFP is already accounting for your exercise if you have it set at anything but sedentary. I set mine to sedentary and that way the days I exercise I eat back some of my exercise calories, but the days I dont, I stay at my original calorie goal. I hope that makes sense. Also are you weighing your meat? I was having issues with that myself for awhile, was weighing it cooked, and realized that I was supposed to weight it raw, and was underestimating my calories from meat bigtime. For instance, one night I had extra lean pork loin, and the steak was around 8 oz raw, but after it cooked it shrunk up big time and was only 4 oz so I logged 4. Come to find out, I was still eating all the calories as the 8oz steak, because all it lost was water, not calories etc. Just don't give up! You can do this!!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) Take your measurements
    2) More fruits & veggies, less white bread and flour tortillas
    3) More protein
    4) BE PATIENT!

    Every positive food and fitness choice you make puts you one step closer to good health - REGARDLESS of what the scale says.
  • Annaflower
    Don't give up. I know it's hard when the scales don't change. I am going through the same thing! The advice I have been given is to lower carbs and increase protein. This seems to be working for me. Having looked at your diary I would suggest that you aim to keep within your percentages of fat, protein and carbs and keep bellow the red on sugar and sodium. I think that just calories is not enough. They need to be the right calories.
    Don't adjust you calorie allowance too low. I don't think this is the problem. It's all about balanced nutrition. If MFP has set you those calories then they should be appropriate for your current weight and goals. But to be sure just check that your weight and height info is entered correctly.
    Stick with it and you will succeed! Use the forum and MFP friends to keep you motivated. It really helps :-)
  • pagham
    pagham Posts: 29
    1) Take your measurements
    2) More fruits & veggies, less white bread and flour tortillas
    3) More protein
    4) BE PATIENT!

    Every positive food and fitness choice you make puts you one step closer to good health - REGARDLESS of what the scale says.

    Yes, I also noticed that you are very low on fresh vegetables and you do seem to have a sweet tooth. Perhaps you can try to re-educate your palate and try to stay away from maple syrup, that type of sugary sweet thing even if it is a low fat version and settle for fruit salad instead. And try and include lots of vegetables of all colours - if you are a big eater you can have a lot of vegetables for relatively little calories. Steer clear of bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, all high in carbohydrates. You have an extremely high carbohydrate reading.Carbohydrates for me have been a stumbling block in the past - once I keep an eye on them my weight starts to shift quickly and now that I have found MFP I am finding it much easier to stay on track - I am hoping this is the last time I have to do it. Perhaps also change potassium as one of the nutrients you keep an eye on for fibre. I am lucky - I love vegetables and salads.
  • kriztyn723
    I just learned that you can plateau for up to 12 weeks!!!!!!! Which is where I feel like I am right now.. haven't lost anything and am working my hardest-- so I feel your pain. I am just going to constantly switch things up each week to see if any new things work.

    I am currently trying to limit my sugar intake and lower my carbs to 1-2 breads a day and add more protein and veggies... it is going to be hard but if it ends up working it'll be worth it.

    What is your exercise routine like?
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Your sodium level might be set too high for you. Many authorities suggest 2000 to 2500 mg. per day, but for some of us that's too high. Maybe bring yours down to 1500? Also, remember that Asian food tends to have a lot of sodium. Try to cut back on that. And don't add salt. If something needs more flavor, use herbs.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Two words: Tape Measure.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I looked at your diary and you really are eating a lot. I think you should set your calories to 1200-1400. And cut out eating out and wine. it will help. even small amounts of alcohol upset your body's capacity to burn fat.

    1830 is the amount MFP set for me. That's already below my BMR and TDEE.

    I know I'm going to get shot down and I know MFP tells heavier people to eat more, but to me 1800 cals is a huge amount to eat. You could try eating lower like two days in a row eat 1400 cals and then one day eat 1800 zig zag the calories.
    but right now looking at your diary I'm thinking, why on earth would you expect to lose weight if you are eating all of that?

    try to learn more about healthy eating, its not just about counting calories. Eat simple meals - the three meals a day - oatmeal/wholewheat cereal or an egg on toast for breakfastl/lean meat and salad sandwich with a yoghurt or piece of fruit for lunch/lean meat and salad/green veges for dinner would be fine. clean it up. if you must drink substitute wine for a gin and slimline tonic or vodka lime and soda.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Be patient. If you want it badly enough, you will continue to do the right thing and you will see change.