I want to give up.



  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    Don't give up! Every couple of weeks I get really frustrated and give up for a couple of days, then I get back to work and lose a pound or two. I really recommend weight training. You can do your cardio and weight training at the same time if you keep your heart rate up in between sets, by not resting very long (a trainer/body builder taught me this and it WORKS.) You have kids? Me too! Play running games with them like hide 'n seek and tag. We also race each other at the park. We like to chase each other around the house and then jump out and scare each other. I put on my running shoes at night and treat the bedtime routine as a work out (cooking, dishes, bathing, dressing, picking up toys, sweeping, dusting, moping, etc.) You CAN do this!
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    I had the same problem after the first month. I was told to cut out as much processed foods as possible. Also, sugar is a huge one. The processed sugars and fructoses are processed differently in your body. The way your body processes these down to the molecular level shows that your body is more inclined to store instead of burn unlike natural sugars from fruit and raw honey.
    I still allow myself a little treat a few times a week, but I've tried to cut down my processed carbs like white bread and boxed meals and such.

    Don't give up!!!

    Also, it wouldn't hurt to get your hormones checked out. Low thyriod or Poly cyctic overian syndrom are beeing seen more frequently now days.
  • kptyler
    PLEASE don't give up. Unfortunately, we can watch our calories and our sodium and it doesn't net us the results which we are expecting. You may be taking in the right amount of calories and watching your sodium but you may need to look at what your calories consist of. You may need to research what types of food will be best. To be successful you need a certain amount of proten to carbs at every meal. You never want your sugars to be more than 20% of your carb if possible with your foods. Not always achievable but look at those types of things. Also drink lots of water - water will boost your energy. We all hit a point where we work so hard it sets us back. Your body needs a rest at times. Don't stop all together but look at changing up your routine if you have been doing the same thing for an extended period of time. Hope this helps.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    1) Take your measurements
    2) More fruits & veggies, less white bread and flour tortillas
    3) More protein
    4) BE PATIENT!

    Every positive food and fitness choice you make puts you one step closer to good health - REGARDLESS of what the scale says.

    Yes, I also noticed that you are very low on fresh vegetables and you do seem to have a sweet tooth. Perhaps you can try to re-educate your palate and try to stay away from maple syrup, that type of sugary sweet thing even if it is a low fat version and settle for fruit salad instead. And try and include lots of vegetables of all colours - if you are a big eater you can have a lot of vegetables for relatively little calories. Steer clear of bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, all high in carbohydrates. You have an extremely high carbohydrate reading.Carbohydrates for me have been a stumbling block in the past - once I keep an eye on them my weight starts to shift quickly and now that I have found MFP I am finding it much easier to stay on track - I am hoping this is the last time I have to do it. Perhaps also change potassium as one of the nutrients you keep an eye on for fibre. I am lucky - I love vegetables and salads.

    ^^ this.

    Out of curiosity, What did you put your activity level at?

    I set it for "Lightly Active". I tend to be on my feet a good portion of the day, cleaning, cooking, and tending to my children.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I use a HRM so my calories burned are probably as accurate as they can be. MFP was way overestimating my calories burned.

    I will try out your suggesstions. I appreciate the kind words. I'm just so upset by this. I want to lose weight and get as healthy and fit as possible. I don't want to be fat forever. I've battled my weight since I was a teenager.

    I took a quick look at your diary and would recommend the same thing: cut back a little on your carbs and increase your protein. Your ratio of carbs to protein is alot higher than it should be. Maybe try and do an equal amount of carbs and protein and see what happens. Since I work out alot I shoot for slightly higher carbs in the morning but I also do quite a bit of protein as well. Also make sure that you are logging EVERYTHING. I even log the amount of sugarless gum that I chew (I tend to chew alot of gum). If I think I might have taken an extra bite of something here and there during the day, I will add 50 miscellaneous calories to each of my meals and snacks, just to keep me honest.

    We all we will tell you different things of what we do and this, that and the other. What YOU have to do is figure of what is going to work for YOU. Because at the end of the day, its your weight loss journey, not ours!

    good luck!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member

    Also, it wouldn't hurt to get your hormones checked out. Low thyriod or Poly cyctic overian syndrom are beeing seen more frequently now days.

    I take medication for a thyroid problem. My doctor told me I have probably had troubles with my thyroid since my teenage years and no one caught it until about 6 months after my first was born.
  • gabek42
    gabek42 Posts: 3 Member
    There's lots of good advice here - one thing I would add is just do your best to put yourself in a positive state of mind each and every day. It isn't easy - change never is.

    Savor the things you enjoy, find pleasure in things you might not.

    Slow down when you eat (not a simple thing with small children, I know).

    Good luck!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I have been following Chris Powell's Choose to Lose plan. High carb day one day, low carb the next. Do that three times a week and then one higher calorie day on Sunday. Seems to be working. Hang in there.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    Don't give up...stick with it! Are you doing any strength training at all? If so your weight may not be dropping because you are building muscle and as we know if weighs more than fat! Hang in there the pay off will come soon. :-)
  • reluctantMANGO
    reluctantMANGO Posts: 21 Member
    I just wanted to say that I am going through the same thing. I've been working my buns off (wish that was literal!!) for 65 days now, with only 7 pounds loss. Some weeks I gain weight, even though I work out at least 5 days a week. I have a wellness coach at work who recommended that I add 200 more calories per day (was at 1200, now at 1400) because she thought I was being too restrictive. We'll see if it works! She also recommended that I eat 40% Carbs, 30% Fat, ad 30% protein. No soda, but lots of water and green or white tea. Three servings of Complex Carbohydrates, three of Vegetables, and 2 of Fruit daily.

    Hang in there! If you're able to have a body fat analysis done, see if that's changing. I found that even though the pounds aren't coming off, I've lost 2% body fat in 4 weeks and my BMI has dropped too. Keep track of the 'non-scale victories' like inches lost, feeling better, and being a good role model for your kids. I'll keep going too - I'm so glad you posted, because I've been feeling similarly.
  • Rosiered2
    Rosiered2 Posts: 87 Member
    I kept staying at the same weight and nothing was helping.......I read a blog of someone who has been very successful and took his advice: A week ago I started making sure that I stayed under my sodium for the day, I made sure my sugars were below 30 a day and I saw instant results! I've lost 2 pounds this week. I have to say, I have changed what I was going to eat SEVERAL times because it would either 1) take me over my sodium count 2) take me over my sugar count 3) just wasn't worth it for what categories it would "fill up". I can see that I am eating a lot less packaged foods and a lot more food either "straight from the ground or came from a mother".......just passing along some advice I was given cause it helped instantly. I was also told that when you start exercising a lot more than your body is used to that it retains water to help repair the muscles......It seems to make sense.....hope it helps, don't get discouraged!!
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    I took a peak at your food diary ... I think if you went in and repositioned two things and stuck by them you might start seeing a change. You have too many carbs and not enough proteins. Your caloric intake may be on track but alot of what you are eating are considered empty calories and they are not filling you up. If you are working out alot you really need the proteins. Keep your carbs to fruits, grains, minimal breads and cut out sugars ... I think you'll see yourself melt away!!! Adjust the carbs to a lower amount and bump up the protein... regardless of what any charts say.
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah, I think 1800+ calories a day is for people who are extremely athletic. I would try lowering your calories to 1200-1400 a day, then see what happens. They say, "Its 80% diet, 20% exercise." So I would definately take a look at your food diary. Its what you are putting "in" your body that is causing you problems.

    And if you ever come across problems with losing weight, don't be discouraged. Just look at what needs to be changed. Because you can do this! You just have to learn what works for your body to get the results you want. Its all a learning process.

    Good luck with your goals!

  • caasca
    You have lost 8 pounds! Good Job!! Just remember that you are in if for the long run. I had a week where I gained 5 pounds, basically put on everything I lost ( i was sick that week) That was also the week that I measured myself ( I do that once every four weeks) I lost four inches! Be pround of the little accomplishments. Remember that you didn't put it on in a day. You will find your rhythm. Celebrate the inches lost and the miles on the treadmill etc.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I looked over your diary... you are doing some good eating BUT carbs and sodium need to be curved a bit. In my own journey my biggest stumbling block is the sodium - too much sodium for me means the scale going up...

    Never give up... if you were to give up, you would only be giving up on yourself - remember the # on the scale does not take away from the life long changes you are making. A certain number on the scale does not mean healthy... but the journey of leading a healthy life will however get you to the number on the scale you want - it takes lots of time and effort and a great commitment on your part.
  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I also, was looking at your food diary and would suggest eating 5 or 6 mini meals per day. This is what I teach my clients at gym. Start with breakfast, then a light snack, lunch, a light snack and then dinner..if hungry u can have another light snack.
    general rule of thumb is eat about 2 to 3 hrs. this is too keep your body from getting hungry and having insulin spikes.
    I would def cut back on sugar and only eat healthy fats. Also, fresh foods you want to stay away from processed.. anything on the outside of the grocery store. Also natural peanut butter and fresh fruits and veggies. the fruits will help curve your sweet tooth.
    add some protein make sure it is isolate and not concentrate it has added fat. you wanna try to stay around 1200 -1400 calories per day. you wanna strength train 3 times per week skipping a day in between. then cardio 4 to 6 days per week to loose weight.
    on the days you strength train don't do cardio first because it gives you muscle failure and you wont get the benefit of your strength training. take your measurements and take picstures. after you have done this for about 4 weeks then on the weekend give yourself one cheat meal. It can bee anything you like just dont let it go over 1500 calories and then go right back to your eating plan. be sure you are sticking to eating plan before you cheat..
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I felt the same way a few days ago until I took out the tape measure and was very surprised. I was doing cardio 7 days a week for 40 - 60 minutes and never went over my calorie count....I was losing 0.5-0.8 a week....well this past week I was sick with a nasty cold, I went over my calorie count two days and didn't exercise at all for 2 days, well this morning I did my weigh in and I'm down 1.2 lbs....so now I'm thinking to cut back a little on the cardio and eat a little more.
    You just need to find out what's best for your body....people can give you all sorts of advice on here, but you need to figure out what works for you. If I can do it, anyone can.....don't give up :-)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay print out the past two weeks of food and exercise and really examine it all and see where you may have gone over or did not eat enough but you really have to look at it and analyze. It may be certain foods that keep you from losing like frozen foods due to the high salt content. Also re-examine your workout routine. It may be needing a change. YOU CAN DO THIS...just do more investigating.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Could be metabolism? Thyroid issues? Have you sought medical advice?
  • CMcBryer
    CMcBryer Posts: 139 Member
    Be consistent and hit your macros. That's all it takes. You may gain a little one week every once in a while or plateau, but as long as you are consistently at a reasonable deficit you have to lose fat. It's impossible not to unless you have an underlying condition that is preventing you. Patience is the key. You didn't gain 10 pounds in a week and you won't healthily lose it that way either.