

  • After finishing a half and thinking "that's it? I think I could keep going!!" was the first part. Then when knew I could/wanted to train consistently for a full 12 weeks and it would feel like an accomplishment not a burden! Good luck!!
  • ^^This x 1000!! Natalie is so right. Make an educated decision once it's time and please don't let some people's misconceptions, judgements and oversimplifications negatively affect you. Best of luck on your journey!
  • Lululemon run tights. Maybe even some in a crazy bright color or pattern that scream LOOK AT THIS BOOTIE!
  • I'm 5'9 and like to stay in the 128-135 range. I have a smaller frame, for reference!
  • The easiest recipe I have tried in a while is salsa chicken. I make it pretty lean to fit my goals but its basically just a pack of chicken breasts trimmed added to a jar of lowish sodium, no sugar on-ingredient-list salsa and a can of diced tomatoes. Put it in a crock pot on low for like 7 or 8 hours and shred the…
  • http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-help-today/ You are not alone. Help is just a call or click away. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, we are here to help. Call our toll free, confidential Helpline Monday-Friday, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time: 1-800-931-2237 or click here.…
  • I make basically the same exact shake (I use a different protein powder- Biochem chocolate) and it IS delicious. I love PB2! And I love the PB/choc combo!
  • I like my calluses, they make me feel cool. But I have seen some really adorable gloves I would consider using for pullups (grip always fails first) or a heavier power session. Good luck!
  • I splurged on a pair of Yurbuds last year. They come with several sets of different ear covers and NEVER fall out. I would recommend checking them out!:happy:
  • Hi! I love compression shorts or tights to help (even under a looser pair of shorts), especially in a sweat- wicking material. If it is just too hot layering like this get some body glide!! It looks like deodorant and slather it on any areas prone to chaffing-- they will "glide" past each other and save your poor skin.…
  • FOAM ROLL. I warm up with the roller and cool down with it. Also on rest days to loosen up. For runners hit back, quads, hams, calves and IT bands at the very least. It will feel amazing. Many gyms have them in the stretching area or you can but your own online or at a sporting good store. Good luck!
  • 42 last time I checked but I should re-check tomorrow am, great reminder!:smile:
  • Nike, Polar, Garmin, Timex Ironman and Suunto all make versions of this. They are pretty steep though so be prepared to drop some dough if you want precise data. The Nike version is probably the cheapest but you will need to track through their site or app to see where you slowed down and get a holder for the pod to attach…
  • :heart: I agree! I eat mine like a desert though: bake mine in foil for maybe an hour @ 350 individually wrapped so I can stash them in the fridge for on-the-go. So yummy warm with maybe a teaspoon of coconut oil and cinnamon (tastes like pie!) Or for fries I just chop the into matchsticks spray with olive oil spray,…
  • 1. Take care of your body. Intense work outs are important to challenge your limits but overtraining, training on injuries or under-fueling will lead to poor work outs and poor results. Rest, foam roller, massage ball, ice. Not over-rated. Under-appreciated. 2. Be prepared. Pack snacks, extra snacks. Make food for a couple…
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 banana 3 egg whites vanilla cinnamon put it in a blender, mix and pour onto a hot lightly sprayed pan or griddle flip when there are bubbles makes about 3 pancakes I like mine with jam or fresh fruit!
  • Sugoi jackie knicker. They look good on everyone and are super comfy! The Nike filament capri is a close second! Couldn't go wrong with either. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 1. My 6-pack bag cooler! Obsessed. I will skip my workout if I'm hungry but now I'm never hungry ;-) 2. Yurbuds...other headphones always fell out and I'd spend half my workout fiddling with them. 3. The race fee for the first tri I did a few years ago that got me hooked!
  • MYTH! I train late so I have 2 late meals. Typically post work out shake @ 11 and a big meal @12! I've never felt better. I used to go to bed hungry all the time.
  • Fage 0 plain. I eat it without anything else like a weirdo but It's just so good!:love:
  • I have to be honest, cutting out prepackaged bars made a huge difference in my energy/sugar cravings because even the lower sugar ones usually have a lot of artificial additives or are really high in nuts or nut butters. I eat a lot of healthy fat, just not in one tiny bar!! I've made my own lara and cliff style bars with…
  • Roasted flax almond butter on a brown rice cake with a generous shake of cinnamon! Yummers :love:
  • What do you think? The site has no ties to a medical, educational or national organization. Merely saying something is FDA approved is hardly reassuring. Quite frankly If it sounds ridiculous it probably is. Additionally, in my opinion, there is no realistic way any weight loss that you might incur would be sustainable!…
  • I don't measure I just mess with the ratios by taste/what I need for that meal (more/less fat for example) dijon mustard lemon juice salt and pepper little extra virgin olive oil depending on your taste/caloric/fat goals I also all fresh or dried herbs if I have them on hand thyme/rosemary/basil all yummy! I like this one…
  • I've found a whole day to be a little too much, it throws off the balance. Obviously it happens occasionally but I prefer the unscheduled "cheat" (bad mojo making it sound so tempting, haha) or "non-clean indulgent meal." I probably have 2 a week --dinners out where I really want something specific and it's totally worth…
  • Weight loss, motherhood, cancer, society, religion. Believe it or no you you don't actually have to justify your decision to everyone else for the rest of your life! I love my augmented breasts and I couldn't be happier with MY decision. Additionally pay attention to who has responded with anecdotal tales of woe and who…
  • First off, I love Ted and Tedx talks, the one in your message is a gem! Next, I am also not trying to loose weight just shift my composition in favor of muscle over fat. I think overall health and wellness are fabulous goals. I love the community of MFP and the accountability to be mindful with workouts/nutrition. Good…
  • Savory spring veggie-filled crepe (ratatouille like) at Chez Maman on a rainy night in SF. Haven't been back since because I'm horrified it won't live up to my memory.
  • You look absolutely beautiful, sweetie! Thank you and Tiny for your thoughtful posts--I couldn't agree more :-)
  • I use maybe a teaspoon of PB to a 1/4 cup of yogurt and add 3 or 4 shakes of cinnamon. I love the taste of the PB but don't want to eat too much fat in a small snack so "cutting" it with yogurt is great! It also blends into a very creamy dip.