sgt1372 Member


  • All of my DEXA scans included a VAT measurement. There was no separate test required
  • i have quarterly DEXA and hydro results for over 5 yrs from 2015-2020 b4 the C19 pandemic shut everything down & b4 I stopped lifting seriously. Overall, the results were very consistent and were generally as expected. Of course, there were some variations that lacked explanation (like when I got a ZERO VAT reading, which…
  • I'm 70. Use to lift 5 days a wk but after a few injuries and some age related deterioration in my rt elbow, now I only row 5 days a wk instead. Also walk & hike a bit, still do some lifting -squats/deadlifts - and do some crossfit exercises but none of these things w/any regularlity.
  • @johnnsmith803 wrote: Is beef jerky a decent source of protein" Yes. @johnnsmith803 also wrote: "or is there a reason to stay away from it." Yes, if the jerky you choose has an excess of salt/nitrates, sugar or anything else that can be "bad" for you and you eat "too much" of the stuff. BUT, generally, the amount of jerky…
  • Recomp is good in theory but unrealistic in practice. The body just does work well trying to both loss wt/fat and gain muscle at the same time i tried doing it for a yr and measured my progress quarterly w/DEXA and hydro with minimal results. I previously did 2 cycles of bulk/cut over several yrs which was easier to…
  • check out these 2 beginning lifting programs online: Starting Strength and Stronglifts
  • I also use ErgData (which is free) but only to log my rowing sessions and automatically upload them to my C2 Logbook online. There is an "interactive" rowing routine which marks your pace vs a virtual skull based on parameters that you set but I never use it
  • 5 days on and 2 days off every wk.
  • Personally, I have absolutely no need for or interest in paying to use an interactive "training" program while rowing on my C2 or "riding" my spin bike. However, time spent while rowing or spin biking can obviously be tedious and boring, especially if you do it for longer time/distance sets, as I do. What I do to alieve…
  • I did IF rigorously (monitoring the clock) for awhile and it really didn't make any difference. Still do it now, less rigourously by just eating one meal per mid-day (most days) and am still able to maintain my weight by continuing to log all cals in MFP daily.
  • You appear to be "skinny fat" and my guess would be 15-20% because you look "soft" and lack muscle development. If you want to get a precise measurement get a DEXA scan or get weighed hydrostatically. Here's a link to a general discussion of how to go about increasing your muscle mass and improving your physique, if that's…
  • I quit drinking sodas over 5 years ago. Doing so help me lose 40# w/in 6 months and maintain that loss over time. Haven't had a drop since then. So, can't tell you how it tastes to me now but my guess is that it would taste super sweet and be unappealing to me now BUT I'm also sure that it wouldn't be hard to get hooked on…
  • Drinking does not affect my motivation or ability to exercise.
  • Sorry, can't avoid caffeine. Besides, there are "studies" that suggest that caffeine in moderation provides certain benefits. Love my coffee and tea. No real benefits from nicotine but I still smoke an occasional cigar nonetheless; no direct inhalation but obviously some side smoke is inhaled. Geo Burns (the comedian)…
  • I just sold my landmine attachment along w/some other gear because I never used it. There's nothing you can do w/a landmine that you can't do using other gear but, if you don't have a lot of gear, it can be a useful substitute. However, it does take up a lot of space in a home gym to use it.
  • Just rowing in 2sets - 5km/26-28 mins @ per day 5 day/wk. Use to do a lot more but found that this is all that I need to do to stay in shape.
  • I just use MFP, the Concept2 logbook online and their ErgData phone app to transfer data to the logbook and a digital wt scale to monitor my daily CICO, my rowing data and my weight daily, respectively. That's it.
  • All that I've ever done to "warm up" before doing a lift is a few reps w/an empty or lightly weighted bar before attempting heavier lifts to make sure that I know that I can do the full range of motion w/o any discomfort or other apparent problem.
  • I've used a pedometer app just called "Pedometer" for years. It's always on and seem very accurate because it matches the data that I get from Map My Walk and Map My Hike. It's published by ITO Technologies
  • WhenI was actively lifting and doing a Stronglifts or Starting Strength type routine, I was lifting 4-5 days/WK for less than a hr/day. Only did compound lifts (mainly squats deadlifts, bench press and OHP) and little or no lifts isolating specific body parts. Got pretty strong very quickly just doing a t w)in the 1st 3-4…
  • Do you really need to buy your groceries at Whole Foods and do you really need to have your groceries delivered? I'm a Prime member but I joined for the free shipping on things that I buy online and for the Prime video streaming service which saves me a $20/mo on the cable boxes that I don't have to rent from Xfinity I…
  • Try this:
  • How to serve veggies 2 a picky male eater? Fry the veggies (tempura style), sprinkle salt all over them and serve w/ his fave beer while he's watching his fave sports program on TV. LOL! ;)
  • Doing the "bare minimum" is not a foundation for success in any endeavor.
  • I never stretch and have never been injured as a result.
  • What everyone else said.
  • IDK. Unless you are into competitive rowing (w/the C2 and/or on water), I think the whole notion of "priming vs complete" rowing workouts and "optimal" technique over-complicates the matter for the rest of us, who are just using a rower to get some basic cardio vascular exercise at home. I've rowed over 7.5 million meters…
    in Row machine Comment by sgt1372 July 2021
  • I don't believer that there is any rower that you could buy for $200-600 (new or used) that would be worth spending the $ on. You can sometimes find a used C2 rower for $600 or less but they tend to be much older models that were used and abused in a gym or older personal rowers w/a lot of kms on them which require some…
    in Row machine Comment by sgt1372 July 2021
  • I'm partial to high abv IPAs. The higher the better for me but I'm talking in the range of 7-10%. I've gone tasting at a wide variety of beweries and dedicated beer bars located in my area and usually just get a 2oz tasting of 4-6 beers. However, usually, I only drink a pint of one w/food at restaurants that serve an array…
  • I never felt deprived of ordinary food choices during the pandemic. However, I did miss eating "out" and just celebrating my sister's 80 th b-day by taking her to a 2 star Michelin restaurant in San Francisco for wc I paid the BIGGEST check that I've ever paid for a dinner for 2. Maybe it WAS better when we couldn't eat…