sullycc Member


  • I got to the point that I just didn't want to smoke anymore. My own habit disgusted me. Then it was a case of mind over matter! How can a 10cm paper stick have more control over you than you over it. Get in the right mind set and it will happen. You have to want to quit. Good luck, it's hard, but worth it :smile:
  • bump, thanks!
  • I do a lot of cooking, feel free to add me so you can see my diary. I must admit to being a follower of Jamie Oliver. I love his 15 minute meal book and find the meals healthy and nutricious. I also use BBC good food guide so. I am trying to stick to 1500 calories, I was too hungry, tired and moody on 1200!
  • I aren't skinn, I have a 'healthy' BMI, nor have I ever really been overweight so I can't preach. However, I am a mum and have a family I cook for. I have 3 meals a day and the odd snack here and there. What I do, and what my mum did, and therefore the way I was raised is, I cook! I make all my meals, I don't buy takeaways…
  • Hi, I only cook one meal, i may have a smaller portion (weighed!) than my other half and my son but we do all eat the same. If something doesnt fit my macros then I may make a small significant change for me, such as no pasta with a bolognaise sause, I may put my sauce in a grilled pepper, same with chilli if I cant have…
  • Food doesn't affect acne, it's a myth! Wait and see if it settles down, if not, go see a Doctor. It is the most physcologically crippling things that can happen, don't let it go on too long before you get help. (Yes, I speak from experience) I also recommend you have a look at If you have any questions you…
  • I can't be of any help but I am curious if anyone has the answer! I compare the machines against MFP and my HRM, my HRM always comes in lower and these are the numbers I log in my exercise diary. However, I have also read that the HRM calories are not necessarily accurate, therefore, I am interested in the responses here!
  • I log a day in advance so I can figure out what to make for an evening meal for the whole family and work round that to fit my macros. It just becomes normal after a while. I always have a few cals to play with so if I eat something unexpectd during the day I can take something out planned for later etc. You can just amend…
  • hi, request sent too. I'm just 41 too. Good luck on your journey.
  • Feel free to add me too. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hi, I used to be a swimmer, but I don't think I can describe how to do breaststroke on here. You need a visual aid. Have you considered getting a few lessons? Maybe have a quick search on the internet for the correct breaststroke technique. Once you have the technique correct it is sooo much easier and you wont get neck…
  • Hi, you can add me. I'm turning 41 next week so similar age. Good luck with your journey.
    in Fit by 40 Comment by sullycc May 2013
  • Congratulations, enjoy the feeling!
  • You can add me, diary is open to friends only. :)
  • Breath in while above water and out while below water. You wont have time to breathe in and out while above water. Breathe every 3 or 4 strokes by turning your head to the side, and you will get a rhythm going. Make sure you keep your fingers together and use your hands like a paddle, kick from your bum with a straight…
  • Hi, you can add me. I'm trying to stay fit and fantastic at 40 (soon be 41 though!).
  • East Yorkshire here :smile:
  • Wow, I want a scale that does that! Or even a body that can lose 2lbs in 20 minutes would be better! :laugh:
  • Weighed in! 142lb Up just under 2 lb but I knew the damage would be bad after Easter! Back on track now with the eating and exercising, so ..... 9lb to go to the 133lb target Good luck to everyone.
  • I'm not far away. Live near Market Weighton, workrk in Beverley
  • I know its a bit late, but can I join? I am 5'7", 140lb ish (daren't look since Easter!) Ive been at this for a couple of months down, only lost 3lb but with all the increased activity I've been doing it feels like more as my clothes are loose again. I want to be 133lbs again, I have 7lbs to go. I may need help, I just…
  • Thank you all for your replies and help. I think I need to reread it all as I am more confused now than when I started. :laugh:
  • What is a 'refeed day'! Sorry for the ignorance.
  • Hi, I may have to drop some calories, although I didnt want to! I do weigh my food, I dont use cups. I dont have a cheat day as such, just a cheeky glass of wine and chocolate at a weekend, although everything is logged. I arent eating back the calories burned for exercise as I am trying to do the TDEE-20% rather than…
  • Hi, I haven't got a skin caliper, my bathroom scales do have a BF% on them and that hasnt moved. I thought I couldnt build muscle if i was ina calorie deficit? Or am I doing too much reading and getting confused? I never took measurements at the beginning so I thought it was pointless to do it now. Perhaps I should. I…
  • Yes, I weigh and measure everything! I will have a look at the link, thanks
  • Thank you for looking into this! I was wondering how on earth I am going to split the food. I prefer to think I am eating healhily rather than on a diet, lol. One of the other reasons is I do not intend to cook different meals at night, one for me and one for other half and my son. As I am at the moment we all eat the same…