summer8it Member


  • First, the important news: the big ultrasound yesterday went well, and the doctor said the baby looks "perfect." Hooray! Since we didn't want to find out the gender, we were told to avert our eyes several times, and at one point the tech turned off the large overhead monitor for a minute or two. I'm sure everyone at the…
  • I'm glad to hear that Thomas is still popular. We've got an insane collection of Thomas gear and toys purchased in 2005-2006... we got rid of all the other toddler toys, but kept the Thomas stuff because I thought it would have good resale value, and then I never sold it! I've now passed the date when I lost my first…
  • Get different bras. Some will squish the skin/fat/breast tissue upward more than others.
  • Helenmelon, I think you're likely to feel it a bit earlier this time, because you're familiar with the sensation. I'm an oddball and have felt all of my babies really early. In my first pregnancy, I felt the baby around 14w, but then I felt my son even earlier, at 12w. I felt him for the first time shortly after eating two…
  • I've got allergies, too, but somehow itching is a million times more torturous than runny noses!
  • Poke, much sympathy on the rash! Being itchy is a torment. Is it interrupting your sleep? I had a rought bout with spider bites last week. Living on the water in Florida (I know, poor me) I've always got an assortment of mosquito and noseeum bites, but these spider bites were a thousand times more itchy, and they were on…
  • Helenmelon, we still haven't told many people. I told my mother and my 12 year old son at 8w, my dad and my FIL at 9w, a few of my best friends between 10-14w, and my brother and my husband's sisters at 14w. At 16w, I still haven't talked to my employer (I work from home, so my growing belly goes unnoticed) or spread the…
  • Are you working longer hours now that you're at home, or the same? Working at home saves me so much time during the day. Not only is there no commute time, but it takes me five minutes to brush my teeth and throw on yoga pants and a shirt vs. the 45+ minutes I'd spend on hair, makeup, and clothing to get ready for a day in…
  • Jumping in here to say hello. I'm due in early September, and I'll be 16w tomorrow. This is my 3rd pregnancy; I lost my first at 17w along, and my second pregnancy resulted in my gorgeous son, who is now 12 years old. I had him when I was 28, and then I was unable to conceive for reasons medicine couldn't explain... until…
  • Nausea is a good sign of a strong, healthy pregnancy! It means your hormones are pumping. I've found it's worst when I'm hungry, so a midnight snack might help with both the queasiness and the insomnia.
  • Weight loss will help a lot, but cellulite is related to the skin just as much as it is to fat, and very thin women can have cellulite too! Take a look at runway photos of models at Fashion Week, which typically aren't photoshopped, and you'll see that a good number of the models don't have perfectly smooth thighs even…
  • That's good to know that Unisom could be an option if my sleep problems get any worse. I'll keep that as a last resort, as I'd rather not take any medicine if I can avoid it... even if that means I have to turn on the air conditioning early! I live in Florida, and I try to wait until May 1 to turn on the A/C each year.…
  • Candy floss is cotton candy.
  • I think I eat less because I embrace the concept of leftovers. I'll often find myself looking at my plate and thinking, "I could stuff this all in, but if stop eating now this will be a good portion of food to have for a meal tomorrow." If I do find myself with just a small amount of food left over, it's time to get…
  • Yoga pants and jeans with lots of stretch. Enjoy your new assets. :)
  • I've been maintaining for more than 18 months, and here are some of the things I do:* I weigh myself almost every day, to make sure I'm still in my maintenance zone (a 4 pound range). This does NOT work for everyone's psyche, but it works for me. * I log my food 4-5 days a week, with weekends off. It keeps me mindful of…
  • It took me a long time to lose 15 lbs, to be honest, probably about 6 months or more. I wasn't technically overweight (nor are you, Kwelsi, you're in the healthy BMI range) and it was a relatively large percentage of my total body weight, so I didn't drop pounds as fast as many people do. But it was worth it, that slow…
  • Absolutely 100% yes, 15 pounds can make a huge difference on a 5'2" frame. I'm 5'2.5", and I was 128 when I got married, and I cringe when I look at my wedding photos because I look so heavy. (I have a very small frame, though -- I know women who look fit, strong, and slender at the same weight and height, because they…
  • Wow, a first time poster recommending a different app! Plus creepy mention of a boyfriend who seems way too interested in changing the way his woman looks!
  • I don't think your BMI makes any difference to your maintenance strategy, honestly. Keep logging your food. If you haven't changed your calorie goal from weight loss mode, then just add calories slowly until you stop losing. Accept that your maintenance weight isn't going to be just one number, but a range; for you that…
  • You're talking about Stronglifts 5x5, right? I'm doing that program, and I lift 3 days a week. It just means that one week I do Workout A on Tuesday, Workout B on Friday, Workout A on Sunday, and then the next week I do Workout B on Tuesday, and so on. It works just fine that way! I think if you tried to do all of the…
  • I just turned forty, and I'm 5'2.5" and maintaining at 102-104 lbs.
  • A friend of mine really, really, really hates green peppers, so he started telling people he's allergic to them. He said it was the best way to make sure no one slipped any green peppers into his food! No one ever seemed to think it was odd that he was allergic to green peppers, but had no problem with jalapenos....
  • If you want to lose 6 pounds to get back to 130, then consider yourself in weight-loss mode again until you get back to your goal weight. Since you're close to goal, accept that the weight loss will be slower than if you had a lot to lose. Do the calculations again to figure out a good calorie goal -- I'd recommend aiming…
  • I make a dip for vegetables by mixing mayonnaise with curry powder, salt, a little lime juice and some sriracha. It's very popular at parties. I tried the hair thing once and just couldn't deal with the smell as I rinsed it out! Hot vinegar, ugh. To make it worse, this was while I was in college, when I lived in the dorms,…
  • It happens to me, usually when I've been well under my calorie goal for a few days in a row. It balances out in the end.
  • I created my own custom workout entry for "hoop flow." Since I don't have a HRM, I estimated my burn by taking my pulse every 10 minutes during a flow session, averaging them out, and then I used an online calculator to get the calorie burn. I'm quite small (under 105 lbs), so my calorie burn for hooping worked out to a…
  • I usually find that I can maintain my weight easily on vacations, even while indulging in food and beverages, simply because I'm so much more active on vacation than I am on my normal, desk-bound days. The Outer Banks give you lots of fun ways to stay active... walks on the beach, swimming, surfing, hiking the dunes at…
  • I had no idea. Thank you. Nutella is one of the few items that I'm truly sad I can't eat because of my dairy allergies -- especially since my husband and son love it, too, and do you know how hard it is to make someone else Nutella on toast and NOT lick the knife afterward?
  • This board is quiet, but MFP still has plenty of hoopers!