

  • Everyone is going to tell you that you can't spot reduce, etc. but have you ever tried pilates or a resistance band and worked your inner thighs? There are a few moves that target that but it's also great for hips and your core. I would check it out. :)
  • From looking at your diary, I would say more fiber. You're on the lower end. I would recommend less cheese and more fruit. Cheese can block you up. Your veggies are good but fruit is helpful. Adding an apple a day did wonders for me. Grapes are also good. :)
  • I'm on everyday. I don't always log my food on friday's and Saturday's but I log in everyday. During the week I do really well logging what I eat and how much I exercise. I also keep my diary open to my friends if you ever wanted to see how I eat (I know I'm always curious). Anyone can feel free to add me. :)
  • I saw this article on the Huffington Post this morning and I don't eat many canned things (beans mostly) nor do I buy cheap makeup/body washes/shampoos, etc. that contains crap. I'm more concerned about avoiding parabens but I really do take most studies like this with a grain of salt, i'm not saying the article is lies…
  • The much weight loss wouldn't be all that unusual because she has a rather high starting weight and was eating a lot of calories to begin with, there's also probably a lot of water weight lost as well. Slashing calories like that is likely to shock the system, i'm sure. She's probably pumped that she's seeing this weight…
  • A lot of people say following a low-gi diet works well for PCOS. I was diagnosed 2 years ago and losing weight feels like an uphill battle but you can do it!
  • Use google scholar to find peer-reviewed research on the topic.
  • Hey! I'm looking to get down to 145/150 (basically a normal BMI range for my height). My ultimate of ultimate goal is 125/130 but I can't even envision a number that small, so I'm being realistic. I'm 5'5" and I break down my goals as well. My first goal is to get under 200 lbs (first time in 11 or so years (and i'm 23 yrs…
  • Buy quality coffee and then you wont have to use creamer. I drink an organic, free-trade, shade-grown sumatra blend from Moka Joe's but unfortunately it's only sold in Bellingham. I also enjoy Tony's coffee as an alternative. A little bit of half and half goes a long way and has a lot less crud than a cofeemate creamer -…
  • My salmon is never without lemon. I've also eaten it with sriracha sauce.
  • Start with 3 and then move up to 5 when you think you aren't being challenged enough. Move slowly or you'll become really sore and/or injure yourself.
  • I'm 5'5'' and 256.8 pounds and a tight 16. It's all about how you carry the weight.
  • I would recommend weights, cardio and eliminating processed foods. I would also consider eating 5 meals a day about 3 hrs apart. I've found this to be helpful because i don't become "starved" and binge when dinner comes along. Incorporate more vegetables and fruits. Sodium can also be a factor if you're not drinking enough…
  • Almonds or an apple with peanut butter or almond butter. Both fill me up quickly!
  • Adam's Creamy Peanut Butter. Once you get over the separation factor - it's fantastic. Peanuts and salt are the only ingredients or if you're around a Whole Foods you can make fresh peanut butter from the machines (or almond, cashew, etc.) Very tasty.
  • I think there was something in the air because I did too. In fact, I wrote a blog about it and it really helped put things into perspective.
  • Mine was at 7 as well. It took four rounds of high dose vitamin d to even get it up to the low end of the normal range. I can't tell you how much better I felt. I also wasn't incorporating enough fat in my diet, so my vitamin D wasn't being absorbed. It's a learning game.
  • Don't know about the accuracy but its something...
  • It might not be accurate but you can use it to create your own exercise :)
    in Zumba Comment by Jeaninedj March 2012
  • I drink about 3 liters of water a day and about 2 cups of tea a day. I find that just keeping a liter bottle on my desk has helped me drink about a liter throughout the workday, then I drink a liter while i'm working out and then I drink a liter between working out and bed. Remember that teas and coffees are diuretics.…
  • Oh, and also have him check your vitamin D levels. I was severely deficient in that as well.
  • Sounds like your testosterone is high if you're getting facial hair and acne. I had, according to my doctor, "through the roof" testosterone levels. I have only gained weight and my thyroid doesn't seem to be an issue, so he ordered an ultrasound and sure enough PCOS.
  • I cannot just drink a glass of milk (almond, cows, goat's, soy, rice, etc) but I use blue diamond almond milk to make my oatmeal in the mornings or mix it in my smoothies and it's fantastic with the fruit. I live on almonds though - almonds, almond butter, almond milk. :)
  • I don't really over-think what I am doing, it's natural. I don't disregard proteins or fats and I eat calorie dense foods. I choose not to eat pizza or other junk foods 1) because I have gained weight from eating it and 2) because it makes me feel sick. I would prefer to cook my turkey burgers in olive oil rather than…
  • I'm so glad to hear that as strange as that sounds Sometimes you feel like something is weird but when someone comes out and says the same thing it makes just a little less strange.
  • MFP says 1660 or so, and it's in the range. To me healthy is between 1600-1800 because i'm not on a diet (as i'm telling myself) i'm just adopting a healthier lifestyle and I need to come to terms with the fact that this is what it needs to be, which is great because I love the food but it takes everything to get off my…
  • Mine happened today. I wrote a blog about it. I resisted a cookie...a costco cookie. Huge Victory! Feel free to add me. I'm new to MFP and find motivation in other people's success!
  • Feel free to send me a message if you need motivation or just feel the need to talk to someone in a similar boat. :)
  • Say WHEN you reach your goal weight! :) 100 lbs is daunting and i'm doing the same...setting little goals along the way to see me through to the end. Feel free to add me!
  • It really depends on how overweight you are, if at all. I know that I could lose 100 lbs and be at the lower end of normal bmi for my height/weight, which is quite significant. I completely changed my lifestyle - incorporating at the minimum 20 mins of cardio/day and only eating that which sustains me - and I have done it…