Has anyone under 5'4 lost 30lbs in 3 months? Needing motivat

Has anyone under 5'4 lost 30lbs in 3 months? Needing motivation...I've been worKing out and have done really well (I'm on week 2) but I need inspiration. Please post your loss and success plan. Thanks!!


  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Some simple ideas: Fill out your profile and add some friends with like interests. Search the Groups. Join in and people will support, motivate, inspire, and hold you accountable.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    30 pounds is far too much in 3 months unless you are under medical supervision. It is highly suggested you do no more then 2 lbs a week which would be about 24 lbs. For better weight loss, I believe it's 1-1.5 lbs/ week.
  • jenniejoy07
    jenniejoy07 Posts: 78 Member
    I've lost 16.1lbs in 9 weeks! I'm still chugging along. i had a 2 week plateau in weeks 7 and 8. feel free to add me!
  • yluuuu
    yluuuu Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'3 and lost 11 lbs in 2 months (roughly 1 lb/ week). I think that's a reasonable amount to lose in that period of time. Unless you're very overweight, you shouldn't be losing more than 1lb/ week. The slower you lose weight, the more likely it'll stay off.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I have to say 30 pounds in 3 months is very ambitious.
    Focus on the inches!
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I'm 5' 3 and I've lost a little over 20lbs since starting on this site. I've been eating less and exercising more. I've done 30 day shred, walk about 15 minutes a day, and do belly dancing for a fun cardio. I've got a long way to go but there is my success so far. I hope it helps. Good luck and enjoy the journey!
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    I did, im 5'2 , I started NOvember 17th, 2011, and reached 30.4lbs lost by Feb 23, 2012 =)

    I didnt exercise much, i did p90X for a week back in november lol, i started exercising this month though (30 Day shred)
    - drink plain green tea (even if you dont like it like me lol)
    - i eat around 1200 calories/ day
    - cut down on junk food ... dont get me wrong, i still have chocolate every now n then
    - i check the calories on stuff before i eat it
    - eat every 3 hours or so to keep the metabolism from slowing down
    - its better to have 5 small meals/snacks then one big one in a day
    - that way your body can digest it =)
    - sugar only speeds up your metabolism for a lil and then it slows it right down, so by the time you go to eat something else, it will store it as fat!

    Hope this helps, feel free to add =)

    EDIT: Just so every one knows ... I did not do anything unhealthy, this was all done through a HEALTHY weight loss! =)
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    Honestly that's a pretty aggressive weight loss goal for someone as small as we are (petite height). Don't be discouraged, and celebrate any loss over 1-2 pounds a week. Good luck and keep the faith.
  • marcia724
    marcia724 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5'0" and have never been able to lose weight that quickly. One time I lost 25 lbs and it took me over 4 months. Nobody is the same though!
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    I am 5'4" and lost 25 pounds in 3 months. Went from 155 to 130 last summer.

    I started by strictly eating 1200 calories a day and working out almost every day. This generally included a run on the treadmill (2 minutes running, then 5 minutes walking...back and forth for like 20 minutes.) then I was able to run longer and faster. I can run a mile now. Also incorporating a walk into your routine will help.Add in some weights lifting and you are golden. I almost ALWAYS packed my lunch for work at my summer job so I wouldn't go to the vending machines or the local yucky stores.

    I upped my water intake big time, and stopped drinking all kinds of soda.

    Add me if you want any advice. :) I'm wondering how much you have to lose. Mine was really hard to get off since I wasn't starting out at super high weight. But if you are starting higher, it may come off faster. Just depends on how your body adjusts.

    Good luck!
  • DonnaLRB
    DonnaLRB Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have lost 24 lbs in 8 weeks. I eat around 1500 calories a day, and I walk my 2 dogs most days for 30 minutes. I am amazed at my progress, and I love MyFitnessPal! Knowledge truly is power!
  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    Hi, I'm 5'1" and lost 34 lbs in 3 months. I gained an eating disorder. It's not worth it. Like many of the above posters said, it's not healthy. You will likely gain it back, it's just not sustainable to lose that much that quickly. Ask yourself why you feel you need to lose the weight so quickly, what is it about your body that is not worth the time it takes to concentrate on healthy nutrition and exercise for more than 3 months?

    Please reconsider your goals.
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Hi, I'm 5'1" and lost 34 lbs in 3 months. I gained an eating disorder. It's not worth it. Like many of the above posters said, it's not healthy. You will likely gain it back, it's just not sustainable to lose that much that quickly. Ask yourself why you feel you need to lose the weight so quickly, what is it about your body that is not worth the time it takes to concentrate on healthy nutrition and exercise for more than 3 months?

    Please reconsider your goals.

    It depends on how much weight she needs to lose total....

    I have kept my 25 pounds off for 9 months now...so even though it came off fast, I made a lifestyle change. I also don't have an eating disorder.

    That was kind of a broad generalization to make. :ohwell: But I see where you are coming from. As long as she does it the right way, it is possible. Especially if she isn't at a low weight right now....it always varies from person to person.
  • I am 5'2" (don't think I have started shrinking yet!) and at my heaviest I weighed 233lbs.
    Last year I lost 30 lbs in 4 months (only doing cardio), then went on to lose another 10 lbs in the following month. Then over the winter I gained back 25 lbs (no cardio, boo - hiss). Now this year, did a 10 week fitness challenge and lost about 10 lbs, so far. But have been doing strength training along with the cardio - which these old bones needs!
    But I have more that just weight loss goals this time around. And remember than muscle weighs more than fat (and I can now see some of my muscles, and not just feel them after a workout!)
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi I lost 31 since Dec. 27, I believe thats a little less than 3 months. You can do it, I even messed up a couple of times.
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    It really depends on how overweight you are, if at all. I know that I could lose 100 lbs and be at the lower end of normal bmi for my height/weight, which is quite significant. I completely changed my lifestyle - incorporating at the minimum 20 mins of cardio/day and only eating that which sustains me - and I have done it before and lost 10lbs in a month. That being said, I had a lot of extra weight on me and obese (goodness, that's hard to say when it includes yourself!) people tend to drop weight more quickly.

    It's hard to lose and then sustain 10 lbs in a month when you're not obese. Don't get discouraged! Focus on toning and inches more than what's on the scale. :)
  • anna_love
    anna_love Posts: 177
    I'm 5.0" and in 2007 I lost 45 pounds in 4 months the was my only time in my life I lost weigh soo fast idk how I did it lol but I was lossing weigh like crazy then I end it up pregnant with my 2 baby and gain it all back now I'm going to through a really hard time lossing my weigh !! I Beening lossing weigh soo slowly that some times I get sad and think if I'm ever going to loss those 55pounds I dream about !! I lost 16 already I also start"d my journey in November 2011 and u are so lucky u are down to 30 pounds lesss i can't wait for me to hit my 30pounds lost 29 more to go (:
  • I'm 5'3" and since January 16th I've lost 21 lbs, started working out everyday on my lunch and watch what I eat. I'm doing everything healthy and it feels great once it starts comming off, hang in there you can do it.
  • raerad7
    raerad7 Posts: 21
    I am 5'3'' and I have lost 19 lbs since Jan 23rd. Kind of fast but I still have 45 lbs to lose to get to a healthy BMI. I pack my lunch for work, look at calories before choosing meal when dining out, log daily, do 60 min of cardio daily. Eat 1300-1500 calories daily. Keep at it, it may slow down for a bit but then you will start losing again. You are worth the effort it takes to be healthy, being overweight/obese feels terrible.
  • i'm 5ft 2 and have lost 39lbs in 7 months. i am GOING to lose my last 15 within the next 3 months (5lbs every 4 weeks) :smile:
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