Trouble with Eating Enough

Now, my goal (not mfp's) is to consume between 1600-1800 calories a day and doing a minimum of 20 mins of cardio a day (but I generally do more and lift weights). I find it really hard to eat this much if I'm eating healthily! I eat about every three hours so my metabolism doesn't crash and it varies. I never feel hungry or starved, I generally feel sated and happy.

Today I ate what seemed to be constantly and a lot. Granted it was healthy things...not chips or cookies but still it was loads! I feel like I have to get up earlier so I will be able to eat enough calories...that's not going to happen - I already get up at 6:30 (although I find it easier now that i've incorporated exercise) :)

The past few days reflect what I mean but this happened before when I made a promise to be kind to my body and not eat crap (when I fell off the wagon after 10 pounds.) I'm new to mfp and welcome friend requests as I find others successes to be the best motivators.

But does this happen to others or is it just me?!


  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have the same issue. My goal is 1580 before exercise calories. I started by making my goal 1300 calories, then 1350, now 1400. As i get used to eating more in a healthy way i add more calories. I was losing too fast at first, now it's more consistant as i add more healthy calories. Good luck!
  • tina990
    tina990 Posts: 18
    I'm seeing a trend of undereating in my food log. My stomach has shrunk so I don't want as much. But I'll bet I'd have more energy if I had a few more good calories. Maybe you don't need as many calories as you think? How does your calorie goal compare to MFP's?
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    MFP says 1660 or so, and it's in the range. To me healthy is between 1600-1800 because i'm not on a diet (as i'm telling myself) i'm just adopting a healthier lifestyle and I need to come to terms with the fact that this is what it needs to be, which is great because I love the food but it takes everything to get off my butt to cook it. I tend to net on average 700 after exercise because I consume between 1100-1450 cals/day.

    I feel great, have energy, and don't feel hungry but I also don't think that's normal... haha.
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    I have a hard time eating enough calories too... And yes, I know that sounds crazy!
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    I'm so glad to hear that as strange as that sounds Sometimes you feel like something is weird but when someone comes out and says the same thing it makes just a little less strange.
  • I have the same problem! I started eating more healthy higher calorie foods to get me back up to the goal area. Like raw almonds, avocado etc... It's hard to eat a lot of calories when you're eating loads of low calorie veggies that keep you full!
  • gtunlimited
    gtunlimited Posts: 60 Member
    I started lifting to put on some muscle so now have to eat 2600 calories and it is hard when I was happily eating 1800 before. Just have to eat lots of pb, avos, nuts etc.
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    You have a TON of diet/nutrition misinformation through ought your original post. First of all there's no such thing as "healthy" or "unhealthy". Therefore if your problem is simply not being able to consume enough calories, then begin eating more calorie dense foods. Things you may consider "junk" food although it really isn't, protein is protein, carbs are carbs, and fats are fats, regardless of their source. Therefore getting 10 grams of fat from olive oil or from pizza really makes no difference at all. Also you do not need to eat every so many hours in order to keep your metabolism running at an optimal speed. I eat one meal a day consisting of roughly 3100 calories right now I eat it directly before bed. It does not cause me to gain/store fat, I know a lot of this may seem shocking to someone brought up on the idea's that it appears you have been but with some empirical scientific research and looking over studies done by medical professionals can back all of this information I've presented.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I have been trying really hard to add in big servings of veggies too and it can be hard to pack em all in. I found I love juice to add in extra calories when I am low and full.
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    I am having trouble eating enough calories, at times struggling to eat 1200 calories...
    I started watching my calories and at first found it really hard but since I started eating healthy I am not hungry.
    I don't get cravings & I feel quite full and healthy.
    I am getting constant messages that I am not taking in enough calories & are in danger of being in starvation mode.
    Not sure what to do...from one extreme to another
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    You have a TON of diet/nutrition misinformation through ought your original post. First of all there's no such thing as "healthy" or "unhealthy". Therefore if your problem is simply not being able to consume enough calories, then begin eating more calorie dense foods. Things you may consider "junk" food although it really isn't, protein is protein, carbs are carbs, and fats are fats, regardless of their source. Therefore getting 10 grams of fat from olive oil or from pizza really makes no difference at all. Also you do not need to eat every so many hours in order to keep your metabolism running at an optimal speed. I eat one meal a day consisting of roughly 3100 calories right now I eat it directly before bed. It does not cause me to gain/store fat, I know a lot of this may seem shocking to someone brought up on the idea's that it appears you have been but with some empirical scientific research and looking over studies done by medical professionals can back all of this information I've presented.
    ^^^THIS! Don't overthink what you're doing.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I'm trying to increase my muscle mass and burn off fat, but it's so hard reaching 1800kcal on a regular basis. With strength training and cardio adding on more calories, I find it hard to eat that back on top of my original goal... Like yesterday, I worked on my Abs which lasted about 30 to 40 minutes. I then had a 50 minute bike ride in the evening. This shot my calorie intake for the day to around 2100. I only managed to eat 1800kcal and that's because I was a bit naughty and had some ice cream. I have to admit though, the ice cream didn't exactly have a lot of fat, and sugar for the amount I had. It would of taken me 5 maryland cookies to get the same sugar intake which I would of felt more guilty about. For fat content, it would of taken me about 2 cookies lol. I had 100g and it seemed like a reasonable amount.

    But yeh... I have trouble reaching my goals because I am just not hungry... I might have 2 slices of toast in a bit, just to get 100kcal or so.
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    I don't really over-think what I am doing, it's natural. I don't disregard proteins or fats and I eat calorie dense foods. I choose not to eat pizza or other junk foods 1) because I have gained weight from eating it and 2) because it makes me feel sick. I would prefer to cook my turkey burgers in olive oil rather than lard. I eat every three hours because if I don't I will get hungry and then eat the stuff that I don't want to, that I know makes me feel horrible, in large quantities. My problem has been will-power and will always be, so I can't eat a slice of pizza without eating the entire thing. I simply started this topic because I wanted to see if others had the same problem. Oh, and this is what my doctor has told me to do...