

  • Yup, I am! So far I've lost just under 80 lbs. and when I get to goal it will be closer to 95 lbs. I've also had and breastfed 4 kids. I need a tummy tuck and a lift, for sure. It's frustrating knowing that even with all of my hard work, I won't be able to have a body that I really like. I had a consult and for the lift…
  • In your first statement you say that they are completely unrealistic (or even anorexic) goals, but then go on to say that it makes you feel like you need to be even thinner. That does not make sense to me. If you realize the goals are completely unrealistic, then why would you feel that you need to be thinner to be like…
  • I'm curious as to why it matters to you? You have made big changes and you look really good! Does it really matter what a bunch of "strangers" on the internet think you weigh? How do you feel?
  • I don't think you'll instantly just gain all of your weight back or anything, but part of the advantage to losing your weight through sensible eating is that you've taught yourself how to eat healthy and fuel your body in a healthy way. When you stop these shakes you might weigh less but you haven't given yourself the…
    in Body by Vi Comment by CMmomx4 July 2012
  • I think people lose because of how low calorie it is. Obviously, for it to work, you'd have to be able to stick to it. I've lost 77 lbs. over the past year and used the vi shakes for a very short time. They did not work for me for several reasons #1) I like to eat! I enjoy the act of eating food. I like to sit down with my…
    in Body by Vi Comment by CMmomx4 July 2012
  • If you like almond milk you could add that to your coffee. The vanilla is really very good, my kids love it! The other thing you could do it just gradually start cutting back the amount you use. I used to take 3 creamers in my coffee and I am down to one by just cutting back a little at a time.
  • Thanks guys! I didn't need it to be exact, just a rough estimate. I was 73 calories over today, thanks to a chocolate milkshake ;) and I just wondered if I should run a quick mile or expect that the shred probably covered it. I don't usually eat back my calories, but on days that I go over I like to know that what I did…
  • There are calculators you can use if you google. It factors your height and weight. What I used was multiplying my weight by 14. Your body needs about 14 calories per lb it holds and then taking a deficit. I calculated mine at 30% so I took my total calories and multiplied by .3 and then subtracted that number from my…
  • 3 hours of exercise per day sounds compulsive, especially when paired with your quest for such a low weight. Is that a lifestyle you can maintain long-term? If not, I wouldn't be doing that as a means to losing, because when you stop, you'll notice changes you don't like, I think. I posted a few days ago about a plateau I…
  • Do you think 190 is too low, or are you considering lower? 190 would still be over your "max weight" for height by a chart, but looking at your pic I have a hard time seeing you losing too much more then that. I think you look pretty darn good and you should be proud of all of your hard work! :)
  • Good for you! I was concerned with both this time, too. I was 5' 2'' and over 200 lbs when I started (pre-pregnancy)...not good! I was able to do it with my trusty dusty treadmill and watching my calories (around 2,000 net). Even though I always kept pretty much the same calories, I lost more some weeks. Just keep at it! :)
  • Spicy, in my experience my supply was pretty rock solid for the first 12 weeks...I had an over supply actually. But after those first few months your supply should regulate and that's when you'll have problems. I have 4 kiddos and that has been my experience with each one. Start upping your calories slowly. You may plateau…
  • 1200 calories is too low. Any LC will tell you that. I was there with baby #1. Supply tanked, she stopped gaining. You need to up if you want to breast feed. Period. Not trying to be pushy, just honest.
  • NO! I commented in your other post but you are eating way under. I would expect that you are going to notice a big supply dip if you keep this up. How is your babies weight. You need to up your calories for sure. I'm wanting to learn more about the "eat more to weigh less" too, but in regards to your breastfeeding alone,…
  • Okay, someone tell me where I am to look for "eat more to weigh less"? I understand the concept, but I'm not here and guessing this is a talked about thing here that I just haven't come accross yet. What are the "rules"?
  • Thanks for all of the tips, guys! They are making a lot of sense! This was my first post here and I am impressed with this community already. Thank you, thank you!!
  • Spicy, that sounds WAY low on calories, especially if you are exclusively breastfeeding. You should be closer to 2,000 calories a day, especially if you are breastfeeding a newborn. My daughter is 15 months now and eating table food. My supply tanked once I cut my calories down, but I had made it to a year and was ready to…
  • You should be able to manually add the calories, so set your calories at 1,700 instead of 1,200. (so you would change your "net calorie goal")
  • How heavy are you lifting, Katie? And what are you doing?
  • Thanks, those two put together like that make a lot of sense to me.
  • About 10 lbs for me. I'm 5' 2'' so "less room" to spread the weight out ;)
  • If you're just starting to lose, that is typical, but you wouldn't want to keep that up long term or you'll likely see a decrease in supply. My daughter just turned 15 months and I have been able to lose 77 lbs. since her birth and am still breastfeeding. Some weeks I would lose more, others just a bit. I was told to add…
  • Thanks for the tips. I really have not been lifting at all. I am a SAHM and when my kids were in school I was doing weight while at the y (along with cardio) but once school let out, since I'm only able to go every once in a while, I kind of stopped. It would be hard to start again right now since I don't have weights at…