chicpeach Member


  • The reason apple cider "works" is because it's relatively high in potassium which helps you shed excess sodium and therefore gets rid of water retention. It's not a permanent fix. Besides which, it tastes awful. I'd rather have a couple of cups of baby spinach or a baked potato with the skin, or a glass of OJ (I use Trop…
  • If you're on the eastern edge of Duluth - 120 & 316 area, we're rather close. If you're near or in Fulton County, that would be a pretty good ways away.
    in Hello Comment by chicpeach May 2014
  • Know that a healthy, balanced diet that promotes weight loss is not something that simply gets you from where you are to where you want to be. It's also the base diet of what will keep you there. So learn to think of it as a lifestyle, not a diet and think of it more like riding a horse - you fall off a horse, you don't…
  • I take exception to the implication that only shallow older women take care of the appearance. I think anyone who has a genuine desire to be fit and healthy in their 40s, 50s and beyond are also the sort of people who will take pride in their appearance and select clothes that fit and flatter and I think that's possible…
  • It isn't calories that will reset your metabolism, it's protein. Eat a high protein, low carb diet for 3 days. Drink 80oz of water well spaced. Choose lean meats, fresh meats, not from the deli which are loaded with sodium. Do not eat pork meats either as they're high in sodium as well. You should see a nice drop in weight…
  • People on here log all kinds of "exercise". I've even seen someone log "standing on the river bank fishing for 2 hours" as exercise. I don't understand the practice of chalking up 1000 calories a day in "exercise". If it's part of your normal activities that you were doing before embarking on this weight loss journey, it's…
  • They will, it will just take some time. Be patient and keep at it. It will happen!
  • To increase protein, try larger cuts of lean meats and fish. For example, one chicken breast is about 8 ounces and has something like 40 grams of protein. I think it's better to increase protein with meat rather than protein supplements as the supplements are well noted for causing gas.
  • Up your protein, it will help preserve your lean body mass.
  • It is the math, you're just not thinking about all the math involved. Yes eating the proper number of calories will generate a weight loss, but those must be nutrient dense calories, not empty or unhealthy ones. Think of your foods being fresh or fresh frozen, not from a box, jar, can, bottle or a fast food place. You want…
  • Averaging 3 pounds a week, you were gettin' after it! Great work! You look fabulous!!
  • The best metabolism booster is protein. If you're only eating chicken, and don't want to add other meats, consider a supplement such as whey protein. The reason why protein boosts your metabolism is that it's a building block for lean body mass - bone, muscle, connective tissue, etc. These things take more calories to…
  • Congrats on your weight loss! You look fantastic!! I have no experience with that type of surgery, but I do know that a good EFA supplement will promote skin elasticity and repair.
  • Took a brief look at your diary and some of your problem may be your food choices. I see things like cheese, which is high in both fat and sodium, and restaurant food - super high in sodium. The problem with sodium is twofold: 1.) Temporary water retention, and if you diet is always high in sodium, it's more like permanent…
  • Sounds like a surgery that should have been followed up with some physical therapy. You could always hire a therapist privately. It's not a good idea to just exercise away without some professional assistance. You could damage your shoulder again. A good therapist will give you exercises that are safe and effective at…
  • If you're eating more than 1200 a day, my opinion is that you could "bank" some calories safely. If you're eating at or below 1200 a day, it's just not healthy to do that. 1200 is kind of a minimum - keeps your brain thinking, heart pumping, lungs breathing. I don't believe in consuming less than what you need for daily…
  • How about an orange? Tastes good, nice fiber, great potassium, low cal - it's like the ultimate snack.
  • My favorite motivational line actually comes from an old hair color commercial: "because you're worth it!" I take care to eat a healthy diet because I'm worth it. I get my exercise in every day because I'm worth it. You get the idea.
  • No calculator is going to be more accurate than your own body and no calculator can account for everyone's individual differences in muscle, bone, and fat all of which affect calorie burn differently. External factors also affect burn like temperatures, elevation changes, etc., so take any exercise calorie burn with the…
  • Congrats on your weight loss and making it to goal! Don't adjust upwards all at once, it'll be too much of a shock for your body. Slowly bump up your calories and reintroduce foods like cheese and non-lean meats, etc. Let your body adjust to a couple new, higher cal foods a week until you are eating normally. You may…
  • Applebee's Weight Watcher entrees look enticing with fewer than 550 calories, but many have 3000mg or more of sodium! That's over a day's worth in one tiny meal!!! You will swell up eating a small amount of calories like that!
  • I brown off a large package of ground turkey and add onions, celery, green pepper and seasonings. After it cools, I put one pound portions in freezer zip lock bags, marked with the date and contents. On my busy days, I can take one out, defrost for a couple of minutes in the microwave and pour Ragu over it to make…
  • Leg/foot cramps can be caused by low potassium levels. If you've omitted bananas from your diet, you may want to add them back. Another idea is to replace your regular salt with Morton's Lite Salt which has half the sodium of regular table salt and added potassium.
  • I'm about 5 pounds away from having total thigh gap (the very tops are just barely touching when I stand with my feet together) but when you consider my height and bone structure, I'm still about 10 pounds above my ideal weight. I don't think you have to be or look emaciated to have a thigh gap. I've birthed 3 babies and…
  • You rock Susan! Amazing accomplishment already and such a fighting spirit! You got this!!! You can do this!
  • The most important thing to keep in mind is that life doesn't stop for weight loss. It doesn't stop for maintenance either. You've got to be realistic about your eating and exercising. Both have to sustainable for life in order to successfully reach your goal and stay there. Your diet and exercise have to fit into your…
  • I am 5'6" too. I typically eat between 1500-1700 cals a day, but I'm doing far less intense exercise - two 15 minute miles 4 days a week, three 20 minute miles 3 times a week. I haven't plateau'd yet and I think it's because I eat a high protein, low sodium diet and try to contain my carbs. My diary is open, you're welcome…
  • Thanks y'all for making this 5'6" girl feel short. Doesn't happen much :-)
  • I'd say you have the right idea. The better shape you're in when you have the surgery, the easier your recovery will be. It is major surgery and good nutrition beforehand will definitely be of benefit to you both on the operating table and in recovery and thru the recouperation period.
  • For me personally, a cheat is anything I don't record in my diary. If I record it, but go over my calories, it's not a cheat, just an overage. Cheating to me implies that your fooling yourself. The only fool thing is when you believe that not recording something in the diary will make body not record those calories either.…