Yani51 Member


  • I very much agree with " measure everything I eat.". I am rather pedantic about this and I also check that the food item values I choose from the MFP database correspond closely to Calorie King's - http://www.calorieking.com.au/ Too often the database in MFP has measures that are meaningless such as "Generic - Pan Fried…
  • I have joined a different gym 3 times in my life and dropped out after catching flu each time within weeks of joining. Considering I never caught the flu when I participated in dance classes there may be something to the idea that the "immune system a bit weaker" after lifting.
  • ^^^ Agree. ** I notice that in 2 of the 3 previous days you consumed well under your 1,200 calorie limit. My guess is your brain triggered the 'starvation alert' system in your body and it responded by getting you to binge in an effort to try and save your life. I read you like 'quick results". In that case may I suggest…
  • How about this for a "a different approach". He would like to lose about 50lb but won't diet or exercise. Ok! So how about trying to get him into some other sort of physical activity a couple of times per week.He might like a sport (basketball, squash, indoor soccer, etc) or something quite different - like a course of…
  • This ^^^^^ I know we are all different but I can't understand why it would bother someone to tell the world how successful they have been. I'm just glad I am not asked "You look like you have gained some weight. How many pounds have you put on?"
  • I'd eat them unless Dr says 'no'. Otherwise, what about making them into shampoo for you and the dog? Plenty of recipes via google.
  • " step 1: de-complicate things. forget all that baloney about what you can and cannot eat. step 2: get a medical checkup and make absolutely certain that there is no medical condition complicating all of this for you. step 3: are you 100% certain you are logging all of your calories accurately? this is very important. log…
  • Hey nataliescalor - Thanks for treading softly with my post, however I don't see where I said "you SHOULD be eating X-number of calories" and I don't see any mention by kariannk of any "doctor recommendation" nor of any health issues. To the contrary, I did say " I can't know for sure, ..." with regard to what her calories…
  • You weigh 340lb and are trying to diet on 1200 - 1400 calories per day? My wife weighed 132 lb and lost 18lb dieting on 1,200 calories per day. My SW was 209 lb and I started with a calorie restriction of 1,600 calories per day. At 340lb I would think you should be eating a lot more than 1,400 calories per day - unless you…
  • "So, can you eat rubbish and loose weight as long as you dont go over daily calories?" ... YES. Logically, If his TDEE is 1800 calories and he is eating 1500 calories, he should lose weight. BUT, nutrition benefits aside as you asked, getting your calories from crap just makes it harder to stick to the diet.
  • BUMP>...
  • BUMP! What a great model "kdiamond" is for weight training. Hope I can get a similar outcome.
  • I get the feeling that both men and woman have a more positive view of me these days and see me a little more as being an achiever and a confident person. They certainly express their admiration of my weight and fitness achievement.
  • DON'T QUIT AND DON'T CHANGE whatever has worked for you during the last 15 months. I'm certain that that 5 lb of holiday weight will drop off faster than it took you to drop any of the previous 5lb's during your 15 month program. I don't know why (maybe it's water + salt) but short term weight spikes seem different to the…
  • I have lost 20 kg since March'12 solely by counting calories and walking. The walking has been a major factor for me. I'm not really motivated to exercise for exercises sake. So what I'v done is walk to the shops with a back pack to do the shopping. BUT... I don't just walk to the closest supermarket (only 8 minutes away).…
  • I frequently ate dessert first, then the main meal second. My mother told me I have been doing that since I was a child. However I haven’t been doing that since I started MFP 'cause I have cut out sweets considerably. I habitually suck the juices from prawn (shrimp) heads before eating the flesh, but the prawn has to be…
  • I regard the scales as an invaluable tool in losing weight. However if you weigh yourself "multiple times every day" and the scales freak you out, you are using them for the wrong purpose. I learnt months ago, from that inspirational MFP member 'California gal', that weight loss occurs in chunks. It is not linear. So…
  • I found this documentary from another MFP member and I think it is a terrific educational guide to weight reduction. http://documentaryheaven.com/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-losing-weight/ The whole video is worth watching but if you are mostly concerned about 'feeling fuller for longer" start the video at 26:10. Tip…
  • I won't worry about the driver's licence until some authority makes a hoop and dance about it. However, my passport photo is of greater concern. After losing 20kg (44lb) I do look different but I'm still recognisable in my 6 year old photo - in my wife's opinion and mine. In a couple of months time I plan on going to the…
  • re: "eating until my stomach is distended and hurts and still just keep on shoveling it in" This sounds like pretty serious stuff. My guess is that you may have been pretty restrictive with your diet. But I'm only guessing. I wonder if the advice on this website (by a former FDA commissioner ) may help you...…
  • So glad to hear about your NSV! This is a major NSV I'm looking forward to when next I fly - mid 2013. Though I never needed a belt extender my heart sinks whenever I board a plane and look down at the tiny seat allocated for the long, 22+hour, Australia to Europe flight. I'm hoping my next trip, mid 2013, will be a lot…
  • You say your 'scared'. Go to the doctor and, if all is diagnosed well, you will feel better - isn't that what the doctor's job is all about?
  • What works for me...... Avoid sugar (the refined stuff, not fruit). Soda, a bit of cake, chocolate, jam, etc stimulates my appetite. Keep occupied, mentally or physically. If I am idle my mind wants to know what is in the fridge or pantry. Exercise, going for a 30 - 60 minute power walk/run at the time of day that you are…
  • BUMP - re: "Couple of things that may help:"
  • Wow! From tonner to stunner! Congratulations on an award well deserved and Thanks for sharing. Stories & pics like yours are very motivational.
  • I think this post, about wheat being unhealthy, is straight from the Paleo Diet webpage... http://paleodietlifestyle.com/11-ways-gluten-and-wheat-can-damage-your-health/ For another opinion of the Paleo Diet, from a "clinical professor of nutrition" I suggest reading this article from the Huffington Post website...…
  • BUMP! Two ingredient pancakes
  • One of the great inspirational stories of the year. Someone call 60 Minutes to cover this story in depth.
  • You lost 32lb, gone from a size 14 to a size 6 and the gym has asked you for a testimonial. That sounds like a success story to me. So what is that emotion that makes some people critical of successful people? - Jealousy isn't it? I wouldn't bother talking about diets with those two. Actually I wouldn't bother talking to…
    in Haters Comment by Yani51 November 2012