gained 2 pounds



  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    thanks all for the support i totally wasn't looking at the big picture and got down on myself. thanks for helping me out. and i put the scale away for now and i think wekly weigh ins aren't for me maybe biweekly or even monthly we will see. anyways this tdee thing i'll give it a try thanks.
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey nataliescalor - Thanks for treading softly with my post, however I don't see where I said "you SHOULD be eating X-number of calories" and I don't see any mention by kariannk of any "doctor recommendation" nor of any health issues.
    To the contrary, I did say " I can't know for sure, ..." with regard to what her calories per day should be because I was aware I "do not have all of the information".
    Judging from your last sentence though, I think we can both agree with MoreBean13's comment..... "Hopefully a qualified professional is reviewing her plan and taking in to consideration all of the things we don't know about from this post"
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    look for downward trends, rather than at individual numbers. You're still down a net of 7 lbs, right, from your starting weight?? You're fine. Relax.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    yeah, the scale is a dirty *kitten* *kitten* lair. Quite frankly it said that I've lost 2 pounds in the past week . . . what I lost was my period (had it last wednesday, but not today). Weight goes up, weight comes down, it could be water weight if you had a high sodium day and not enough water, it could be swelling, it could be a really big bowel movement. Chin up honey and keep at it . . . 2 weeks does not test a lifestyle, don't make it break a life.

    Besides, have you never seen the biggest loser, even on there they'll have a HUGE week one week and sometimes a stall or gain the next. Give it 6 months of dedication. I'm also going to say that at your current weight, 1200 calories net may be a little low . . . but please make sure they are net.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    As long as you stay on track with your calories, a monthly weigh in for you is a great idea. The last thing you need right now is to get discouraged over the normal fluctuations. If you find yourself not tracking or having a lot of "It's just one day" calorie excess days, then you may want to use the scale more often to keep you honest with yourself.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Don't give up!

    it's a long haul, and your weight will fluctuate. Some days/weeks/months you may not lose anything, but you may be losing inches and that's always good too. So keep the big picture iin mind, set some achievable smaller goals and keep at it. You're doing great!

    I always have to remind myself:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I too looked through your posting history as you've been here for some time. Do not let the scale be your only guide. You may not want to strip down and take pictures, but take them anyway, as long as you're sticking to it (honestly sticking to it) take them on the same day every month wearing the same outfit. Don't let one bad day or one up week break you. Remember, there are a lot of weeks in a lifetime and even more days, by doing this and sticking with it you'll have even more of both and they will be of higher quality. Now, take a deep breath, put your scale away for a week, give yourself a smile, and rock on.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just wanted to add, anytime you have a week where you plateau or even go up a bit, go back and figure out how many pounds you've lost total and divide it by the number of weeks you've been at it. OP, in your case, you lose 7 pounds in 2 weeks, which is an INCREDIBLE accomplishment. A healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week so anything in that range is fantastic and anything above and beyond it is even better! Never allow yourself to be discouraged and give up. Even if you have a bad day, weekend, week, even month - you just need to get back on it and keep trying. Better to make teeny-tiny changes slowly than do absolutely nothing to improve your health, right? Come on, you can do this! I know it can get frustrating you keep thinking long term, not today or this week, but next year or 3 years from now. If you keep at it, you will get to your goal, trust me!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Don't give up!

    it's a long haul, and your weight will fluctuate. Some days/weeks/months you may not lose anything, but you may be losing inches and that's always good too. So keep the big picture iin mind, set some achievable smaller goals and keep at it. You're doing great!

    I always have to remind myself:

    Haha, that is brilliant. I pre-warn you I am probably going to steal that at some point.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    Don't give up!

    it's a long haul, and your weight will fluctuate. Some days/weeks/months you may not lose anything, but you may be losing inches and that's always good too. So keep the big picture iin mind, set some achievable smaller goals and keep at it. You're doing great!

    I always have to remind myself:
    ^^ this. Quite excellent
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    don't get discouraged :) it's only normal, you'll get rid off it soon I'm sure!
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    OP I gained 3.2 lbs from Sunday morning to Monday morning! It's water, you did not gain 2lbs of fat if you're eating at a deficit. It's now Wednesday and 2 of those 3.2lbs have already just fell off.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    thanks all for the support i totally wasn't looking at the big picture and got down on myself. thanks for helping me out. and i put the scale away for now and i think wekly weigh ins aren't for me maybe biweekly or even monthly we will see. anyways this tdee thing i'll give it a try thanks.

    Hooray for an OP with perspective and a willingness to listen to advice. With your attitude, I predict you will be successful with this. (Just remember it's a process and where you are now will differ from where you are six months from now and beyond. With progress will (hopefully) be more questions.)

    Good luck...and get to it. :flowerforyou:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    You stopped after 2 weeks? It's gonna be a long road if you give up this easily. You are still 7 lbs down - 7 lbs in 2 weeks is AMAZING. 2lbs a week is good for "Real Life". If you were discouraged because you've seen people on the Biggest Loser lose more, that's not real life. NO ONE has time to put in 4 hours a day in the gym and have personal chefs to make them meals. Slow and steady wins the race - please don't let little "hiccups" ruin your goals!
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    Here's a snippet of a post I recently made on another thread, and it's pertinent here too:

    "Many people fail at this because they don't realize how long it might take and they get discouraged when they do everything right for a couple of weeks and only see minimal (if any) results. If you're looking for a quick fix, you already have a strike against you being able to succeed.

    Eat healthy, track your calories, exercise, and do it every day. That's your focus. The results will come on their own, and at their own rate."

    My suggestion... Do everything right for 3 months, then reevaluate your results. If that thought doesn't sound good to you, you might want to reevaluate your commitment because you're already 1 step closer to failing.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    (Got confused about what thread I was in again. Now where'd you whippersnappers put my walker?!?)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    ok here's the back story I'm a big girl at about 340 lbs, i started losing weight 2.5 weeks ago the first week awesome 9 pounds gone, the 2nd week i gained two pounds what the &^*$. i was so discouraged that i stopped. i don't get it. i worked out 2-4 times each week and stayed between 1200-1400 calories some days even higher. what am i doing wrong? any thoughts or advice to put my mind at ease. thanks

    This is the only post I read.

    You said "I was so discouraged, I stopped" THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

    2 lb gain, especially on someone who is overweight, is nothing but water and normal body fluctuations. At my heaviest, 174, my weight would fluctuate up to 10 lbs. You can't let the scale rule your life. YOU CANNOT LET THE SCALE RULE YOUR LIFE.

    Six years ago, I started going to the gym and watchign what I ate. My weight went up. I quit.
    I stayed fat for three more years.

    It wasn't until I decided i was NEVER GIVING UP that i finally lost the weight.



    And please remember that slow and steady wins the race. You lost almost ten pounds IN A WEEK. That is ridiculously fast! They say to expect to lose 1-2 lbs a week. And you gave up becuase you lost 8 in two weeks? Thats FOUR TIMES the recommended rate. YOU WERE KICKING *kitten* AND YOU QUIT!

    ...that's your problem right there.

  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    *kitten* I posted the metallica song in the wrong thread! Apologies! LOL!

    Still- metal is good for you :)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    (Got confused about what thread I was in again. Now where'd you whippersnappers put my walker?!?)

    What is WRONG with us today?!?!?!

    Sorry OP!
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    love the illustration icimani