imabhealthy Member


  • Yeah, I'm just trying to eat less sugar in general. Helps me with cravings and I feel better overall. I have a wicked sweet tooth so I will still use up calories on things like Ben and jerrys and cake!
  • What a difference 13 pounds can make! My stats are similar to yours and I've lost 11.6 lbs in about 7 weeks! Keep up the great work!
  • @OP: Inoticed on myself after about 7 pounds - I was also really working out so clothes started fitting better pretty quickly.Now that I'm at 10 pounds lost I've had others start noticing. It's funny because some people say they don't notice or have clothes fit differently until a much bigger loss. Shows how different all…
  • Please add me! Looking for friends to keep me motivated!
  • I find that if I make myself log every bit of the binge, I won't do it as often. Also when I do binge I stop sooner knowing the difference it makes on my diary. It's a work in progress...I try to count the small successes and not dwell on the missteps. Also, trying to eat too few calories will set you up for a disaster.…
  • I'm not too active in the forums but I log every day and would love to see others' diaries for great meal/snack ideas. I'm on 1200 cals/day and like to eat all day so love to see what everyone's doing!
  • Indian food is delicious, one of my favorites, but some is pretty high cal. Go for the lentil and vegie dishes, the creamier sauces are brutal. And the rice pudding (kheer) is pretty high cal. I have Indian on my cheat days! And usually just one meal will do me for the day. :)
  • Weighing in at 156.5 this am. Not bad for a Monday - down 1.5 lbs from last monday. :) Have a great week everyone!!!!!
  • I love Zumba! It is so much fun I forget I am exercising! I count it as fast dance, as I would rather be under than over on my cals.
    in ZUMBA Comment by imabhealthy March 2010
  • I eat all my exercise cals, and still loose when I'm sticking to it. One thing to be careful of is to make sure calories are accurate - MFP sometimes overcalculates in my opinion. I try to guess on the low side when inputting exercise/calories.
  • hey Im turning 40 this week - Friday! Happy Birthday and have fun on your journey! :)
  • great choice! you are an inspiration...
  • I'm in for Tuesdays! Keeps me a little bit on track for the weekend!
  • Love the daily challenges!!! Thanks again...
  • Thanks, guys for your feedback! Joining a group sounds like a promising way to be held accountable. It would be awesome if someone who has been around would like to chair one... (hint hint) Kingjames, I am looking to lose about 20 lbs, but 10 would be a good start! Anything would feel good at this point, the scale has been…
  • Thanks, I needed that! :)
  • yup, i have always done this since I started on MFP. My little "reward" for doing so well during the week, it starts Friday night! I have noticed, though, that my choices on the weekends are healthier and healthier, and the portions are smaller. I still eat what I want, if this is gonna be a life change, i can't deprive…
  • Wow, I love Spam Musubi!:blushing:
  • Where do you get it? Sounds yummy!
  • Bump for later - good stuff! Thanks for sharing.:happy:
  • whoo hoo! That happened to me too. I don't know the last time I fastened the tightest prong (ever?). I have to redo every morning cause of habit. Almost time for new bras?
    in YAY!!! Comment by imabhealthy June 2009
  • my favorite mid-morning snack, after I run, is a banana w/a tablespoon of PB spread right on it. Sooooooooo perfect and simple. Gotta have my PB fix somehow. Daily.
  • Haagan daaz raspberry sorbet bars (with vanilla ice cream inside). Only 100 cals per bar - so delish, but not too easy on the wallet. :)
  • I eat em. Earn em and eat em. Works so far, steady 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week (and I cheat on weekends). I think everyone has to find what works for them, but I eat most of mine back. I am usually hungry enough to do so, but I eat healthy foods, and if not hungry, I don't eat.
  • I saw this topic and had to post. LOVE PB! Straight off the spoon (great before a run) and my latest is PB - banana smoothies, a little vanilla yogurt, apple juice and crushed ice. SOOOOOO good.
  • your jeans are all at least an inch longer.
  • I second the red velvet, but my all time favorite is a tres leches cake (deadly!) I keep promising myself when I get to the next mini goal, I'll make one, but then I am so happy with where I'm at I don't want to sabotage myself! My problem is, I won't eat one piece, I'll eat the whole thing! Another treat for me is Indian…
  • I am right there with you - I have been running for the past 3+ years, but still have managed to gain weight, cause I am a foodaholic!!! But this site has helped me a lot. Just being aware of what I put in and logging it makes a big difference. I still like quality stuff, but have learned a lot about portion control! I…
  • That's so awesome! 50 pounds since January!!! I need to hear your happy stories, cause when I stepped on the scale today, I was UP 1 1/2 pounds. !?!?!? Anyway, Im gonna keep walking the walk and hope they come back off. Congrats.
  • Wow, that is so inspirational! Its so great to hear that the hard work (WATER) pays off! Thanks for sharing your success.:happy: