Back on the Wagon - Turning 40 tomorrow

Hey all -

I can't give up on myself. Back on the wagon.



  • imabhealthy
    imabhealthy Posts: 74 Member
    hey Im turning 40 this week - Friday! Happy Birthday and have fun on your journey! :)
  • KarenWantsABikini
    Happy birthday to The Dom and Imabhealthy !!!!

    I turned 40 in October and for three months prior i was trying so hard to be slimmer for my 40th, i got weak, gave up dieting (was doing tony ferguson shakes) and the weight came back....40 came and i felt like a blimp :( was very sad and dissapointed in myself. Hence trying again, got to have more will power and be strong.

    Happy birthday to you both :)