Tulukki Member


  • This thread has helped me make some more accurate goals and know what I want to look like. Thank you so much!!
  • I also work out at home and have nothing but good things to say about the 30 day shred work out. It works great, is short, and gets you great results :) You can find it on you tube as well as buying it at your local best buy. Good luck and feel free to add me if you wish!!
    in help =[ Comment by Tulukki October 2012
  • Just did Day 4 of level 1 today! I would love to do this with you guys and keep you posted on my results. I do take a day or so in between, but it's because I do martial arts classes on those days XD I've found that as long as you find some way to stay active on the "off" days you should be fine taking breaks. I'll jump on…
  • Eta, Way to go on kicking the cancer! I myself was in a bad car accident almost a year ago and have decided its time to get healthy. Life is short and I'm going to enjoy it darn it! Feel free to send me a friend request and we can cheer each other on!! Kaia
  • Bill, Feel free to add me if you need someone to cheer you on. I know what the struggle can be like. I worked hard to get down to my goal weight in High School and then gained everything back. Now, after a life changing car accident, I'm trying to get back on track. I think the biggest problem is people think that whatever…
  • there is indeed a shuttle service but it's for doc appointments etc only. They don't do basic transportation.
  • I can swim but I can't drive, so I can't get to a pool :(
  • You and I have a very similar problem. I currently need to lose about forty pounds but you can still see my ribs XD I can confirm that long distance running DOES lean out your butt and your legs. I was a long distance runner in high school and I LOVED how my butt looked then. I recently was in a car accident and broke my…
  • Hun the thing that really makes someone pretty is their confidence in themselves. I know it sounds cheesy and it's a total cliche, but it's lasted long enough to become a cliche for a reason! :) Don't beat yourself up over numbers, it'll just keep you down. Instead stand tall and proud of all the hard work you've done! You…
  • Feel free to add me emma!! I just got started and my story is a little... odd, but I'm having lots of fun and have no problem throwing motivation and support your way! I also have been using the phone app and LOVE it!! Again feel free to add me!!
    in Hello! Comment by Tulukki March 2012
  • Hello! Our stats are a little different but I can definitely relate to the short part! I myself am 5'2" CW: 173 Goal: 130 I'll shoot you a friend invite and cheer you on!!
  • Boy do you sound motivated! Way to go! I'll shoot you a friend invite and cheer you on!