Need help, not feeling pretty :/

I've been dieting for a while now and I just feel really overweight, but I know I'm not. My bust is 38.5", my waist is 27.5", and my hips are 40". No matter what I seem to do I can't be pleased with my body size. I am kind of muscular but I always find myself comparing my belly size to other things, wondering if I stick out more than the length of a video game box or something. The biggest part of my belly is exactly the same size of the length of a video game box and it really upsets me :/ does anyone else think I'm too large? Please be critical this isn't really about attention I do want criticism.


  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Not sure what good criticism will do you. To me it sounds like you have enough self esteem issues already. If you are looking to change things about yourself, then try. You have to be the one to take the initiative to be happier.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    You just need a little confidence. And this is coming from someone with a waist of 42 and hips at 53.
    My instant "pretty" boost consists of super cute underwear and bright red nail polish. I find that if I wear something "ugly" then I can't bring myself to feel pretty. It may be retail therapy, but having a few very frilly items can really boost my mood.
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Say someone positive about your body!Your working on becoming healthier-your attitude makes a big difference.I looked at your diary your doing great!
  • Devil_Dawg
    Devil_Dawg Posts: 167 Member
    You don't sound bad at all! We are estimating what you say by what your'e telling us.
    Post a photo and let the community see. Again it really doesn't matter what we think because
    your beautiful inside and out no matter what and God Loves all of us :)

    Just keep working out watch what you eat and use any of us here for support because we all need it! happy:
  • ldennett
    ldennett Posts: 75 Member
    Sounds like you have a nice hour glass figure!
  • Tulukki
    Tulukki Posts: 16 Member
    Hun the thing that really makes someone pretty is their confidence in themselves. I know it sounds cheesy and it's a total cliche, but it's lasted long enough to become a cliche for a reason! :) Don't beat yourself up over numbers, it'll just keep you down. Instead stand tall and proud of all the hard work you've done! You also can remember that nothing ever stays the same, and as long as you stick to your goals things can only get better!! You can do this!!
  • rukobaby
    rukobaby Posts: 33
    why are you on this site? a 27 inch waist is not cause for wanting to lose weight......I wish i had a 27 inch waist. sheesh
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Sounds like you have a nice hour glass figure!

    That's exactly what I was thinking!

    Honestly our opinion doesn't even matter that much, it's more how you feel about yourself. My advice would be to start trying to focus on the many things your body can DO. Focus on exercise, getting stronger and building endurance, learn what your body has to offer and start to really appreciate what it's capable of, both right now and in the future. If you're able, go shopping and get clothes that really fit well and flatter your body shape (show off that tiny waist and those wonderful curves!). Just try to appreciate your body for all that it has to offer. It's hard, I know. I'm not happy with everything about me right now either, even after so much work I still feel I have so far to go, but at the same time I am amazed at how far I've come and the many things I'm able to do now that 6 months ago I would have thought impossible. That helps me ignore some of the not-so-great things a little more.

    Best of luck to you sweety. :-)
  • xoxluvvy
    xoxluvvy Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys :) I feel a little better and I will try to improve my confidence. I'll keep up the hard work! Best of luck to all of you!