Looking for support, make some friends that understand.

Hey my name is Bill I live in Mass and I am a father and a husband. I currently weigh 207 pounds and I started really dieting around four months ago. My original weight was 240 pounds. I lost some weight, and thats great but thats not my problem. I see-saw, I am in the military and I have to weigh in every oct and april to stay within standards. I make my weigh-ins and then I gain my weight back again. Well, I get a little heavier every time, there was a time when 205 was my heavy weight and 178 was where I would diet to. I have always worked out, but with weights which just made me heavier ( Muscle is great but when is surrounded by fat it kind of defeats the purpose). My weigh-ins are coming up, and then were left with the holidays.

Heres the thing, I don't want to go back. My goal is 175 and to be healthy. Eat correctly, have balance and nutrition. I want to be fit, My wife is very supportive but she doesn't understand the struggle. She's 118 pounds soaking wet, to her its like just control how you eat. But when I think I eat like a regular person, thats when I gain the most weight. I feel like for the rest of my life I just need to count calories. I look at every one else around me at work and I think I am the only one here that has this problem.

I feel embarrassed to just start friending people, so if you're looking for support and a friend I your man.


  • Tulukki
    Tulukki Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me if you need someone to cheer you on. I know what the struggle can be like. I worked hard to get down to my goal weight in High School and then gained everything back. Now, after a life changing car accident, I'm trying to get back on track. I think the biggest problem is people think that whatever worked for them would work for anyone. WRONG. The only thing I've learned so far is to keep looking until something sticks, and then stick to it dang it! I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear from you!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp, Bill. My name is Kimberlee, 49. I understand how you feel. My husband used to be a Marine and now he weighs 135 lbs. soaking wet and doesn't understand what it's like to be overweight. He just doesn't have that problem. He is underweight and eats anything he wants. Anyway, feel free to add me for support and encouragement. My starting wt. was 304 and now is 201.
  • debreedy
    debreedy Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Bill,
    I know where you're coming from. I wish you all the best...you can do it. This app really helps. It helped me by holding me accountable...giving me a way to track how many calories I consume and helping me to make choices without totally giving up foods and drink I enjoy. It's a matter of do I want this chocolate now, or a beer later...and if there are days when I just have to have both then I need to exercise more that day...
    Or really you can be bad some days and make up for it later in the week. Bottom line you can live your life and not feel deprived.
    I have lost 10 lbs since June and now I am in a holding pattern ....now I just want to stay here...it does get easier. Just take it one day at a time, then you'll be taking it one week at a time, then one month at a time...soon it's a lifestyle.
    It will happen one day, and you will be looking in the mirror saying wow!
    Best regards,
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I totally get the weight loss and gain thing. Did it for many a year. Lose the weight, eat like a "normal" person. Guess what? We are not normal (per-say) I got rid of my weight last year in Sept. After a year in maintenence am happy to report No gain. And yes...I am on a calorie resticted intake permanently. For me that is the only way I know how to do this.

    I am a busy gal between work and home. I am around mostly just the weekends now. I try to check in during the week.