

  • well, I'm at 147 today! not my lowest, but definitely better than the 149-151 i've been bouncing around. my theory on how this is possible when i have been bloated from pms?... i haven't eaten out once this week. not at all. and even though some of my food is prob too processed to be "healthy" i'm eating things that are…
  • ahhhh! almost back to my low!! i'm at 147!! :) great food week... terrible exercise week. hopefully i can fix that this week! ;) Thanks for keeping me accountable! Otherwise, I'd prob not care as much. :)
  • Ughhhkkkk.... Posted a new low 2 weeks ago and this week, thanks to my lovely hormones, I'm back up. 149.5 this morning--but I'm ready for weigh in next Friday!! I'll be done with TOM and back down! :) Strength--started P90X this week--such a challenge!! I'm sore in places I didn't know existed!! Weakness--doing P90X more…
  • Start weight: 150.6 week 2 weight: 149 week 3: 146.8!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!! I hit a new low this week!!! I've been fluctuating so much between 149 and 151 for the past month, so I'm sooooo excited I got to 146.8! :) Biggest struggle--finding time to work out. This semester is killing me with 5 classes, my job is more demanding…
  • Well, to top off my busy, not-that-awesome week, I have no change in weight to report. Probably because it was so hard to get in a workout... I'm gonna start measuring this week, though (I know I said it before, but I'm serious this time haha) because I am eating so much better and lifting... It sounds crazy, I'm sure, but…
  • Start weight: 150.6 Current weight: 149 Hey all! I'm having a week from hell, so I'm shocked that I've been able to drop anything... I'm trying to find that sweet spot with my eating and exercise and eating better if I can't exercise.... remembering my angel baby, school is crazy, kiddo is sick, hub is choosing to be not…
  • Starting Weight: 150.6 Challenge Goal Weight: 135 How you plan to do it: Cleaner eating, sticking to my calorie counts, and combining weight training with my favorite thing--running! Your Strengths: When I set my mind to it, I can do anything. I have lost 31 pounds so far, so I know I have it in me to lose the last 15-20.…
  • I'm still in....just hadn't been weighing in as much bc I'm trying to get back to being focused on healthy habits! I'm working out more consistently, upping my running time, and eating better, but tom really punched me in the gut this week. I'm up 3 pounds :( but I'm drinking a ton of water and trying my best not to get…
  • Weighing in at 147!! First real loss since mid December--I'm super excited! These last 20 pounds are super hard to get off though, that's for sure!
  • OK--different exercise for me this week was elliptical training one day, strength training at home (bc hubby was home too late for me to go to the gym), and sprints after my 2 mile run last night. It must be doing something bc when i got on the scale this morning it said 148.4! Which isn't what I want to see, but I'm only…
  • oops!! monday was yesterday!! 148.6 was my weight last week! :)
  • I will definitely be weighing in by Monday! :) Now that the holidays are over my motivation has returned! lol
  • Thanks, Mommamellymac for takin over this group!! No joke--without this accountability I would slack off for sure! First things first--I'm down to 147.7~ lowest since I started MFP! That's a .7 loss since last weigh-in... (can i not count TOM week last week? bc if not, I went up to 151.2 last week and now I'm down to 147.7…
  • I'm not so great about logging water, but I do much better than I ever have with drinking it. Robin, the Brita filter is a great idea--I really need to get one of those instead of buying water bottles all the time lol. I plan on rocking this challenge again--this week has produced awesome results on the scale considering…
  • Well, I weighed in on Monday at 149.3.... prob will be chasing that one all week-I eat Turkey dinner twice tomorrow! While I will run before I eat anything.... the most I can strive for is portion control so that I don't go overboard and blow my progress. I finally got enough school projects done to get back to running…
  • I'm at 149.5 right now--I'm really glad we're challenging ourselves again because I'm struggling with finding time and energy to exercise. Which means i also have more trouble restricting my calorie intake.... I'm down to single digit sizes, so this challenge may be the boost I need to complete my weight loss and begin…
  • I'm in!! Let's do this!!! I got to my goal of 150... a little late, but got there! Time for 130?... I think that's doable! :)
  • Hey!! I'm not doing much for working out, but I am down to 154.5.... so far from where I was... Even though I'm not done, I'm really excited about it all. I have been dealing with a cold and super busy schedule with work (40+ hours) and school (4 classes this semester) all while maintaining a healthy schedule for my kids…
  • I'm in for a Christmas challenge as well! (Robin I am so glad you're doing well! I'll need details later :wink: ) I definitely enjoy checking in each week--it's keeping me accountable. I am down to 155.2 so I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal, but I don't think 15 pounds is too bad. Especially when my friends that saw me…
  • Not a problem at all! So sorry about the difficult situation you are experiencing. :frown:
  • Haha... I forgot about the implant weight when I replied earlier about losing the last 2 pounds of skin. Oops. :ohwell: If it's any consolation, you look absolutely fabulous at 137! :smile: Wish me luck on not gaining a ton of water weight for TOM--it's been pretty rough over here with hormones...and I'm still a week away!…
  • First - sleep... what is that?... I work full time, go to school full time, have 3 children and an adult child (my husband haha).... I'm lucky to get 5-6 hours of sleep. When I don't work, I try for 7 or 8 hours, but it's rare. (Add working out to that, and OMG--I'm sooooo tired!!) As much as I would like to sleep more, I…
  • Ok-last update for the week!! I am down to 159.6!!!!! only 9.6 lbs to go to get to my goal... I may not make it in the time frame we have left, but I am sooooo excited about how far I've come. I know that my success is directly linked to my motivation. Now if I could just get my husband/family to adopt my healthy habits...…
  • NovemberJune-that sounds amazing!! Oh what I could do with 1600-2000 calories!! lol :) You look great!
  • Jersey--I try to eat around 2-300 cals for breakfast, same for lunch and dinner. Snacking is my biggest struggle for containing calories--I can easily eat 500/day. I try for 300... usually end up with 400. But I don't go over 1300 when I work out or 1200 when I can't work out. (Is that what you were asking?) My sister and…
  • How perfect to be talking about plateaus! I have been the same for about 2 weeks... gained about a half a pound with TOM. Whenever I notice that that scale is sticking, I change up my workout. (much to my dismay--running is therapy for me...) So yesterday, I got on the stair climber machine at the gym, and today I weigh…
  • Thank you!! :) We will SO look fantabulous and we will DEFINITELY be running! :)
  • how are you doing psychologically with your weight loss? What are some of your barriers/ difficulties? What does your self talk sound like? . Psychologically.... I'm proud of my accomplishments so far, but I also a not satisfied yet. I have dropped sizes, and that's awesome, but I'm not done yet!! Still motivated.... which…
  • While I'm not there yet, I am familiar with the negativity toward weight loss... what's strange to me is that when someone is stuffing their face, it's ok. But to control your food otherwise (and the way you're doing it is healthy!), you're doing too much. Keep it up, girl... you'll get there :) and don't let the haters…
  • Not a problem ! :) I'm gonna go ahead and check in today--I weighed in at 161.8 this morning... which if I go by last week's weight, that's a 4 pound loss... add to that the weight I gained while attending a funeral... wow!! I don't know how it's happening but I'm happy about it!! :)