smoodgelly Member


  • I believe rhubarb is allowed in small amounts. Also I used to have lemon or orange zest in nat yog. Not the same but worth a try!
  • Hi, I'm similar, look 9 posts up! Well done on your losses so far. You can friend me if you like.
  • Are you following anything Spam or just logging? Is your diary open, maybe we can help? You'll get there, wishing you some weightloss:)
  • Hi. Can I join? I am 41, 2 children Height 5'4" LW 116 HW 151 CW 133 GW 129 ish Any twins?
  • Well done on your losses. Spamantha, I'm feeling better, jeans are feeling better too! Would like to see a dramatic change on the scales though grr!
  • My weigh in day is fri (w/es are my downfall so keeps motivation/gives time to recover;)! Start weight 2nd Jan: 137 wk1 4th JAN : 135 wk2 11th JAN : 133.5
  • That's fantastic motivation for you Jakbuddy, makes it easier to keep going doesn't it?
  • Well done Pkw, You're at my target! (envious!) Glad you're feeling a bit stronger Primalgal. Another week, fingers xed for more losses all round:)
  • My downfall too :( I shift between being 'in the Zone' & feeling enthused at my progress & wanting the simple pleasures of sharing a drink with husband or friends & unwinding, telling myself life's too short. Even if I DON'T eat from blood sugar dip, it still affects my weight which in turn affects my motivation. 2 steps…
  • well done you! I have lost 3 1/2 lb since 2nd Jan & am back to pre Christmas weight. I had given myself a target 1 1/2 lbs lower by tomorrow-(not going to happen!) then 1 lb p/week until 10th. maybe I can make up the shortfall by next Sunday? Are you following anything or just calorie counting?
  • Well done FF & DW2BF on your losses & welcome Jakbuddy. Am out to lunch tomorrow so think i'll do a PP day on Monday. Keep up the good work everone.
  • Well done csullivan! Those look good choices. I found that when I was first eating out I would make sure I wasn't hungry. sounds nuts but if I had a boiled egg or tin of tuna before I went I had no trouble turning down crisps/bread/potatoes/dessert & I didn't feel deprived & wreck the good work. Report back & tell us how…
  • How about some oarbran porridge? I find it quite comforting & I imagine it will be easy on your tum. I am down to 9 71/2 this am so pretty much back to pre Christmas weight. I plan to eat oatbran for b'fast, eggs/soup/salad w protein for lunch & protein & veg eves. If I'm stalling I will do a day of attack. I am to lose…
  • I sympathise. I got it in one elbow last Spring & the other in Autumn. Sorry to tell you I'm still suffering. Massage the area, hot & cold compress & any pain relief you're not allergic to. There are exercises you can google to build strength once the initial flare dies down. I have been having physio & ultrasound since…
  • Hope you're feeling better soon Primalgal.
  • Hi Meergan I have done shred & am doing 6w6p at the mo. I will share your gripes. 'This is not your mothers workout' is onre of my faves!
  • Hi all. Not sure if this is the same challenge i signed up for yesterday or not, but I'm in! Will be on hol for Valentines Day so this is ideal for me. I have 5lbs left to go & leave on the 10th. Katrinaot you sound similar to me - 41, 2 children, lost 1 1/2 st so far & 134lbs! Good luck everyone.
  • See, your feeling positive already! Look forward to your veg tonight, it will be so good after attack!
  • Hmm. If it was me I would go onto cruise but have a protein lunch & protein & greens for dinner. You are probably right about water retention so don't get disheartened. The reason I would go onto cruise is that friends that kept on attack often didn't lose then got bored & gave up. It really helped me to keep a chart. Days…
  • Poor you Bailey:( Hope you pick up today. Try to focus on the good you're doing beating those carb cravings to stop you sabotaging all the hard work, & keep drinking! I'm a lb down this morning. Finding it hard to be super strict (so long since I did attack!) & had a 1/4 grated apple & a tea spoon of drie fruit in my…
  • Everyone's doing so well! I have failed my 1st day & had green beans, a bit of fennel & a teeny bit of mayo, otherwise super strict. I have just been on the scales & it's still looking like I'll have no loss tomorrow. Sooo frustrating! Usually a good day like today would really kick start some loss. Re sleeping, I find I…
  • Me too please! Perfect as I'm going on a beach hol at FEb 1/2 term on the 10th & need all the motivation/support I can get to get to goal. Height 5.4 Weight 9.9 Age 41 Location SW England Happy for VDC requests Good luck everyone!
  • Hi can I join? I lost 1 1/2 stone on Dukan a couple of years ago & have maintained with a healthy diet & exercise since (in the main!) I relax during school hols & usually put on a few lbs but have put on a few extras this Christmas & would like to lose 7lbs for a beach hol at half term in feb. Have been eating 'sensibly'…
  • Been off piste! Well done to everyone else, I had a few busy days with work, was feeling ill & I ended up loading on carbs as was too tired & busy to be organised & ended up grabbing easy options:( I know, rubbish excuse but that's life! Damage was up 2lbs but am back on track & overall loss is back to 3lbs now. I'm trying…
  • Protein snacks help me resist sweet stuff. I need to eat before I get too hungry & reach for the instant glucose rush! Boring but it works for me!
  • Thanks Verity! Hope you're making good progress:)
  • Me too! I'm on the last push, have changed eating habits & increased exercise, feel much better & almost at target. I know I need something sustainable & that I'm not going to give up carbs & alcohol totally but it works for me to moderate them & be vigilant when the weight creeps back up. Would love some more like minded…
  • Ooo fantastic! Thanks v much, will do. Off to dust out JM!
  • Hi, I did just that & stabilised around 9lbs above target after a great start. I was a bit bored & was feeling good in my clothes again so was missing that motivation. After about a year I was ready to go again & refocused I got down to target for summer. I tend to relax a bit during the hols & am back to it to lose the…
  • am 1 lb down this am, yeahh (1st 2 are always quick response!) must not get complacent, w/e's are my downfall! Should have a strict week next as kids back to school, hoping to get back down by 1st Dec as going to a wedding. I also feel sooo much better lo carbing but convenience as well as my love of bread, pasta, potatoes…