Anyone got last 7lbs to lose?

I'm looking for friends on the last push! Have put on a few over the hols & am now refocused to get down to target. I am low carbing, but not excessively usually around the 100 a day mark, & planning to shred next week. If you need support in getting those last lbs I know I could use some in return:)


  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    I've got three more to lose till goal, but may adjust my goal down a bit...feel free to add me!
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    I've lost 25 since March and am looking to shed about 7 more! Add me if you'd like!
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    Im trying to lose about the same weight, but yes, its hard after you already lost a bit more weight.. feel free to add me! :)
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    Ooo fantastic! Thanks v much, will do. Off to dust out JM!
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I have about 7-10 pounds left to lose. And they are definitely the hardest to lose! I have just been fluctuating between 126 and 127 for more than a week now, so I'm hoping to get started again! I am on day 1 of level 2 of the 30 day shred and it helped me lose an initial 2 pounds during the first few days, but now I have been stuck! I need to kick things up a notch and get motivated to lose this last bit of weight and then focus on getting toned!
  • edenvale
    edenvale Posts: 8 Member
    I also have 7 pounds to lose on a diet from my nutritionist and doing ok. I also suffer with under active thyroid but i have lost 8 pounds already! Add me.