papergirl22 Member


  • I'm struggling right now with running and doing SL. I'm about 3-4 weeks in. I'm still really sore after each workout, my knees are giving me a little 'overuse' discomfort similar to what I get when I up my mileage to soon too fast. Running on the in between days is doable, but by the week's end...I'm toast. I'm hovering at…
  • It was my weakest as well. I started with a 30# preloaded bar we had in our gym...we have a rack of curled ones and strait ones. I just added 5# to the OLY yesterday...workout 9 I think. So the program works. Totally.
  • ^this. You read my mind. I'll add.... As a general rule this is exactly how I eat. I swear this household goes through about 2 large packs of thin sliced chicken a week. Grilled with Emerils essence. We rotate through salmon, center cut pork chops, turkey brats, lean ground beef, etc. I eat almost no cooked veges anymore…
  • Hmm...sounds familiar. Let's practice 'thanks...I've worked my *kitten* off and I appreciate the validation that it's paying off'. <3
  • I've done this program several times and been running off and on for about 7 years. I suggest you keep working on the 5k base. It will get easier and you will get faster . You can keep doing intervals that you like (I like run 5mins, walk 1 min) or go back 3-4 weeks and repeat them working back up to running the entire…
  • There's a place in central Indiana... Combo gas station/diner... 'Eat here & Get Gas'
  • I didn't read all the responses, but something came to mind. You are paying a trainer. He/she is providing a service to you. YOU are in charge. It is their job, since they are the expert, to provide you with a workout plan that fits into your lifestyle, not try to make you fit into their ideal. If the trainer is trying to…
  • Response: "Well, it's my job to give my kid SOME kind of complex, so I guess I'll just pick being healthy and embracing life, rather than teaching her to make others miserable with my own self pity, like SOME people (here, at the table, in the room, insert whatever you like)." It all comes from one place with these kinds…
  • We take cut up veges and pre grilled chicken breasts everywhere. Great cold, pack easily.
  • Sure, for protein I eat a lot of chicken, salmon, tilapia, pork loin, lean red meat. I also eat eggs, greek yogurt. In general every time I eat it's primarily built around protein and veges, breakfast is eggs and oats. If you aren't interested in losing weight, then eat at maintenance calorie levels (tons of info here on…
  • Ditto Rant. I kinda prefer the protein 40, carbs 30 or LESS, and fat 30...with any shortfall going into protein. If I eat a carb grain, it's whole or sprouted, like quinoa, ezekial bread, rolled oats. Other than that...veges are my carbs and I've all but eliminated sugar too. Remember these are the same 'experts' who…
  • It takes time after you are being treated for it. I was put on Metformin in Nov 2009 and after a year or so I finally noticed it was not as prominent and my whole body shape changed...PCOS has a 'look' about it...and I don't look like that anymore...after 2+ years. I just saw some pics of myself in 04-06 and my…
  • I think changing your feelings toward food is key... Food is fuel. Not fun. Find other ways to enjoy life than the food you are eating... I get the drinking part, believe me. I love me some red (or white) wine, wings and beer, pizza, all of it...all the 'pleasure foods'. In general, I just don't eat that stuff..I still…
  • iced with splenda...I LOVE green tea... And occasionally (like during shark week) I add 2 TBS of organic 5.49 a bottle apple cider vinegar to help with bloat....and suck it down through a straw with my nose plugged.
  • Three words: Under Armour Underwear
  • There's also a product called Body Glide that comes in a deodorant looking stick's meant for chafing, you just rub it on anywhere you get a hot spot...ideal for feet, inner thighs, anywhere that fabrics rub and cause blisters or irritation.
  • ^^^Totally agree. My doc told me for 5-7 years to eat 1000-1200 cals a day and exercise more, and I'd lose weight. In one year I did pretty much this...and trained for one half marathon, one 10k, AND a 100km bike ride...and gained 15#.... When I complained....then presented 3 months worth of food and exercise logs (as well…
  • When I first 'detoxed' and switched over to relatively smart eating, it was sooo time consuming. I swear my days went like this: wake, eat, exercise, eat, grocery shop, plan meals, eat, get the idea. My house is still a disaster...! And I don't work outside the home...but have a busy child, husband, and…
  • Stand your ground. Be firm. Serve your own portions or bring your own food to the family gathering and if he tries to serve you more pull the spoon out of his hand and say NO. These types of people are frustrating to deal with at times, and its easier to just give in to keep the peace, I know. Been there done that and now…
  • I fluctuate as much as 5# from one morning to the next at times. It's ridiculous. The thing that calms me is asking myself...did you eat 3500 (or 5x that!) extra calories the last couple days, or yesterday, whatever to actually gain that pound. Generally the answer is NO. So I win that scale battle hands down. I also get…
  • I'm pretty new around here and not much of a 'social networker' forum poster, more of a reader, ...but this one inspired me. You asked how you do it?? Who knows, I may start posting more now. I've done it so I know. I had to. I have PCOS caused by insulin resistance and I take Metformin as part of my cocktail to control…