PCOS Rant: The Great Carb Debate

So Im a little frustrated with the fact that all the nutrition advice for PCOS out there is the exact same advice as the food pyramid. I was steadily losing weight doing the zone diet ratios on MFP and then after reading some online advice about carbs for PCOS I stopped losing. I eat refined carbohydrates maybe one meal a week, otherwise all of my grains are whole. If I eat above the 40% of my daily intake mark in carbohydrates I wont lose weight. Why wont dietitians finally stop worshiping what the FDA says? 60-65% of our daily intake should not come from grains. I am living proof that simply eating whole grains without monitoring your carbs will result in slower or no weight loss for people with PCOS especially. You don't have to go completely grain free, but the zone diet 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein worked really well and I am going back to that. I'm not listening to sites that say carbs are good as long as they come from whole grains because thats just not true, quantity matters as well not just the source.

Does anyone else share in this frustrations about the touting of whole grains as almost limitless? or having 11 servings a day recommended to you?


  • papergirl22
    papergirl22 Posts: 21 Member
    Ditto Rant.

    I kinda prefer the protein 40, carbs 30 or LESS, and fat 30...with any shortfall going into protein.
    If I eat a carb grain, it's whole or sprouted, like quinoa, ezekial bread, rolled oats. Other than that...veges are my carbs and I've all but eliminated sugar too.

    Remember these are the same 'experts' who preach low fat, fat free VLCD and massive amounts of exercise to lose weight...mmm, k...whatever...PRETTY SURE all that helped get me to PCOSville in the first place..

    All of your (now 'our') rant is why I refuse to have any doctor do anything but keep refilling my meds, checking my bloodwork, etc. When they start to go on about the wretched pyramid, I just say uh huh, yep, ok, doc, gotcha...and did you notice I'm down 10# since I saw you last...yes, I'll take that pat on the back and give ya one right back to say thanks for all your support....buh-bye...see ya in 6 months.

    Yep, I have trust issues. ha!