Lowering carbs - really tough. How do u do it?'

toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
Ive been trying to lower my carbs these last few weeks along with sodium. My carbs are set at 40% at 170g. I just don't seem to be able to hit that. I'm getting my 30% protein ok. Everything has carbs in it pretty much-didn't realise how much milk has. There goes my skinny latte. The total seems to add up without having any rice potatoes pasta bread. I don't have any of that. How do you low carb eaters survive? What do you eat?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    For dinner I have meat and two veg, sometimes three veg.

    Lunch might be mackerel fillet, cheese, cold meat either on its own or with a salad.

    Breakfast this morning was 25g of protein shake mix (low carb) with 10g of chia seeds and 125 ml of Kara coconut milk. Other days it might be 60 - 80 ml of full fat greek yoghurt with 10g chia or flax seeds, a few raspberries or blueberries or maybe 10 almonds.

    Cheese omelette, bacon and eggs, mushrooms fried in butter, fried onions, etc etc.

    I have less than 40g of carbs, so you can't be trying very hard !
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    How do you get your carbs, which foods?
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Look at which foods you are eating are high in carbs, reduce those portion sizes.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I eat between 40-50 carbs daily and get nearly all from vegetables - especially leafy greens. Avoid potato, pasta and breads - especially highly processed (instant potatos, white breads, etc.). I eat salads, often with no dressing at all, but certainly with lightly dressed, and I eat veggies, loads of them. Eat fresh and fresh frozen rather than canned (check the sodium on canned anything! YIKES!!)

    Avoid anything highly processed - you'll find when they process, they add sodium, sugar and other processed carbs to make up for all the flavor they strip out when processing.

    Watch for hidden carbs - did you know that iHOP puts pancake batter in their omelets? Seriously! Eggs don't need crap added to them. Many restaurants add sugars to their foods to enhance flavor.

    Compare your diary to some of the low carbers and try to head in that direction, reducing the foods on your diary that you don't see on ours
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I keep my carbs to 20g net per day, and yes it's actually easy! What do I eat?

    All meat, all fish, all shellfish, all fowl, all eggs, most cheese (max 3 oz/day), heavy cream (max 3 tbsp./day), almost all non-starchy veges, all herbs and spices, some sweeteners.

    NO MILK, and absolutely nothing with added sugar or aspartame.

    Yesterday, for instance, I had a protein shake (after a run) and cheddar sausage for breakfast, big salad for lunch, lettuce wraps for dinner. I have the energy to work out twice a day. I do not count calories. My macros are 5% carbs, 35% protein, 60% fat.
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    What type of sausage sarahqt2012?
  • Miss_Chanelle
    Miss_Chanelle Posts: 87 Member
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    What type of sausage sarahqt2012?

    Johnsonville Beddar With Cheddar smoked sausage. Mmmm, gonna go have one right now! :wink:
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    They look immense! Absolutely love sausages like that (personal fav is grillwurst from Austria!)
  • flipper98c
    I am on induction and eat less than 20g net carbs a day. And I basically had no hunger pains after the first week. I have to force myself to eat now. Check out this board...http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/atkins-induction/534809-induction-food-porn.html
    It offers a ton of meal ideas for induction. Also, please go to the Atkins site to read up on the program.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Wake up and have eggs and cheese.

    Few hours later have a whey shake and extra virgin olive oil or peanut butter mixed in (the latter separate if you prefer).

    Few hours later, chicken breast or fish and nuts.

    Repeat the above 3 again altho I'd make the chicken breast or fish, myself, a little more fatty with red meat or venison or salmon.

    Salad or green veg with all meals, as much caffeine and diet coke as you like.

  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    Ive been trying to lower my carbs these last few weeks along with sodium. My carbs are set at 40% at 170g. I just don't seem to be able to hit that. I'm getting my 30% protein ok. Everything has carbs in it pretty much-didn't realise how much milk has. There goes my skinny latte. The total seems to add up without having any rice potatoes pasta bread. I don't have any of that. How do you low carb eaters survive? What do you eat?

    I find things that are lower in sugar. There is a milk called "Calorie Countdown 2%" by Hood, 70 calories, 3 carbs. I make my lattes at home. If I do Starbucks, I only drink their tea since their "skinny" anything still has more carbs than I'd like to consume.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Is your skinny latte one of those fat free but loaded w/ sugar options? I ask b/c I have a hard time believing that whole milk is the main culprit causing you to go over 170 grams of carbs per day.

    Focus on eating real food. No more overly processed carbs like chips, pretzels, etc. And you especially shouldn't be snacking on any sort of processed carb. Ditch any drinks with sugar. And don't replace them with diet soda. Drink water, tea, or coffee instead.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    what do people call low carbs ?
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I try to stay under 50g per day. I do this by eating meat, dairy, and veggies. I also use some of my carbs for dressing. And if I do good all day on carbs Ill even use my remaining carbs for something bad!!!

    I found these toffee ice cream bars at meijer that are just 13 carbs! I definately try to save them.

    I actually love low carb. I Love sausages Yum!!! I buy them and just cut them up and snack on them with mustard.

    Really I love low carb because things that are low in carbs are REALLY low and you can eat a bunch of it without being worried. Lots of the stuff is low in calories as well!
  • papergirl22
    papergirl22 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat between 40-50 carbs daily and get nearly all from vegetables - especially leafy greens. Avoid potato, pasta and breads - especially highly processed (instant potatos, white breads, etc.). I eat salads, often with no dressing at all, but certainly with lightly dressed, and I eat veggies, loads of them. Eat fresh and fresh frozen rather than canned (check the sodium on canned anything! YIKES!!)

    Avoid anything highly processed - you'll find when they process, they add sodium, sugar and other processed carbs to make up for all the flavor they strip out when processing.

    Watch for hidden carbs - did you know that iHOP puts pancake batter in their omelets? Seriously! Eggs don't need crap added to them. Many restaurants add sugars to their foods to enhance flavor.

    Compare your diary to some of the low carbers and try to head in that direction, reducing the foods on your diary that you don't see on ours

    ^this. You read my mind. I'll add....
    As a general rule this is exactly how I eat. I swear this household goes through about 2 large packs of thin sliced chicken a week. Grilled with Emerils essence. We rotate through salmon, center cut pork chops, turkey brats, lean ground beef, etc.
    I eat almost no cooked veges anymore and my favorite salad is a cobb salad. Large. No dressing. Avocad, PB and almonds are my luxury foods. I eat very little cheese and almost no milk. I use half and half in my coffee, but I'm not a sweet coffee drinker anyway. All that being said, I do supplement with protein powders 1-2x day to make my calorie goals (1700-1900). Its the only way for me. I cannot eat that much meat in a day to get to the calories I need to sustain my activity level.

    I used to eat 1/2 c regular oats in the am...now I'm down to 1/4 cup. Many days its the ONLY grain carbs I eat and I think I could give it up. The rest is from veges. If I have another serving or half serving its ezekial bread or quinoa.
    I'm no fruit right now as well. I'm insulin resistant/PCOS so this is really the only way right now to be successful. I honestly don't miss the carbs. I feel better in general, I have tons of energy to lift and walk/run/bike. I don't have those nasty highs and lows during the day. I don't crave sugar anymore and TOM is like it doesn't exist. All PMS symptoms, pain, etc have gone away. Coincidence? Maybe. I'm to the point now where if I eat pizza (my main cheat meal) it's days getting rid of the water weight and bloat from the processed wheat flour. And I feel sick.

    OP, try a gradual decrease. I watched my carbs before, but when I got serious this spring, I just cut out added sugars first, then replaced processed stuff for more whole grain, then eventually I just stopped putting it on my plate. I had about a week and half where I was a raving maniac and detoxed...I don't ever want to go back there!!! Meals center around meat and eggs and veges basically.
    Good luck.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    meat and veggies...few refined sugars (I'm realistic though; some days I just gotta have 'em), protein powders...

    I try to keep my carbs around 100. They range from 90-130, and I'm fine with that...

    I make my own latte-like and frappe-like beverages at home, using protein powder. ;)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Instead of not eating or lowering carbs, why not just cut out processed carbs?

    Edited to add: the whole grain stuff has less sugar and refined carbs, so you'll still lose weight.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I want my protein at 100-125 and my carb low...only from fruits & veggies. I don't eat processed, premade or junk foods. I have the weight coming off pretty easy....and have never felt better!!
  • km_jenn
    km_jenn Posts: 107
    Spaghetti squash is an awesome swap for pasta!