kickchick Member


  • I'd love to have more friends helping me thru the process too but the app won't connect to Facebook for me and I can't seem to friend request anyone on this feed. Am I just not versed in the ways of MFP? Feel free to friend me :)
  • I'm 5'9", muscular and a size 10. I know I have some extra fat to get rid of but I am seriously within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I weigh 172 pounds. I don't have any expectations of being a "skinny girl" because I like my curves and my muscles. So your image is what you make of it. You may never be the model…
  • I think that's a personal decision...I weigh daily but some people prefer weekly or monthly. Whatever motivates you and keeps you positive!
  • I had a friend that did that back in college for a while...I think a week or two...she seemed fine on it but I don't think it's a long term solution. I gather you know that though, from your post. :bigsmile:
  • I love this thought...I am gonna try this too.
  • I drive to a local school in a better neighborhood that has a running track. I keep better track of my time and there are usually more people around. Also, the track surface is better for your joints than pavement or concrete.
  • I had the same experience years ago...when I went from a fast paced, out in the field kind of job to a sit at your desk all day sort of job. Something that helped me was using my breaks at work to walk. I started walking at my two 15 minute breaks (getting in almost a mile at each break) and then I walked at my lunch as…
  • It's one day...indulge...and work out a bit more later or have a very light dinner. But I food is something you go for!! :wink:
  • My mother has quit smoking twice and gained a lot of weight afterwards both times. I've heard that doing the patch helps curb your appetite until you are weened from the nicatine. Not sure if that's true. She had to do adkins to get the weight off the last time. But unfortunately she is back smoking again. Good luck as…
  • Your muscles need recovery time as well. If you "overdid" it a little, then they could need up to 2-3 days for full recovery. I would tone it down a bit until you are only feel a bit sore. Pushing yourself is good but the body knows its limits. Monitor and adjust by doing something that will still burn calories but that is…
  • I agree with everyone else's comments...generally I find the estimations to be a little less than my actual amount burned. And doing the same activity as my heavier cousin who is also on MFP, it accounts for her weight difference and burns more calories for her doing the same exercise. I would say it is fairly accurate and…
  • There are lots of "salt substitutes". Some are just potassium instead of sodium....some are spices that help flavor your meals so you don't crave the salt anymore. Be careful what you choose though because some have additives that are not healthy in my opinion. Also...if you have any health problems or take certain…
  • The above suggestion is a good one...and if they need to be heavier at any can fill the bottles with sand. Also, you might want to check out thrift stores for weights (sometimes they are very inexpensive there) and lots of stores have 1/2 off days!!
  • Although I am caucasian...I am told regulary that I have a black girl bootie. In other words, baby do I have back :glasses: I am 5'9" tall and 170 lbs...but I am a very muscular woman...and I am in a size 10 currently. I think depending on your curves and height you are looking at somewhere around 160ish.
  • My cousin and I have been doing several phases since April of last year. Our most recent phase ends April 1st so I'm in.
  • Bring easy to pack healthy snacks with you to campus in ziplock baggies...peanuts, carrots, celery, radishes, etc. Stuff that will make it through the day without spoiling or getting gross. Or bring an apple or two. This could help you make it through the day so that you don't stop for fast food on the way home. Also,…
  • If you give up the soda...even by just replacing it with will shed pounds so fast you won't believe it! I lost almost 25 pounds when I stopped drinking about 200 ounces of Dr. Pepper per day to about 100 ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper per day. If you don't like the taste of Diet Pepsi or Coke...try out other kinds.…
  • Dark chocolate is the is actually relatively healthy as long as you don't over-do the calories. Chocolate milk (either fat free or 1%) is an awesome accelerator for muscle toning. Some studies say it is better than gatorade and other sports drinks for replenishing your electrolytes and helping your muscle to regenerate…
  • I have been on a "goal plan" for a while now. The first three months...we weighed in on Monday and we were usually disappointed because weekends are (as you put it) SO HARD! So now we weigh in on Fridays so that we have inspiration to work harder over the weekend to keep our eating habits better. Good luck...and good job!