Looking to get in shape

Hi everyone. I'm a 20 year old full time college student and mother of one. I've been slightly overweight my entire life, but after getting pregnant, I gained about 40lbs. My son is almost two now and keep up with him is a challenge. My weight loss journey starts today. I bought an exercise bike last night & I'm motivated to get in shape, and I am going to stick with it. I want to look and feel better.I want to live a long lifetime with my little one. The challenge for me is sticking to my diet. I don't eat much, but I drink about 8-9 sodas a day (seriously! I'm addicted). When I do eat, it's usually nothing healthy--pizza, burgers. Even today, I gave in and got fast food but only a kid's meal. I'm taking this one step at a time. With my busy schedule, sometimes a burger is all I have time for, but I'm proud of myself for getting the jr. burger plain instead of the double cheeseburger wtih bacon :-) Please support me with my journey. My bday is coming up in exactly one month & I want to lose about 10lbs. Wish me luck & Happy dieting!


  • kickchick
    kickchick Posts: 19 Member
    If you give up the soda...even by just replacing it with diet...you will shed pounds so fast you won't believe it! I lost almost 25 pounds when I stopped drinking about 200 ounces of Dr. Pepper per day to about 100 ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper per day. If you don't like the taste of Diet Pepsi or Coke...try out other kinds. Like Diet Root Beer or Diet Cherry 7Up or Diet Cherry Coke or Diet Vanilla Dr Pepper and the like. Some of them even come in caffeine free versions and most have less of an after taste than the plain cokes/pepsis. Good luck and just keep on things!
  • arielove
    Thanks for the advice! I'm definitely going to try that. People have been suggesting water, but I hate drinking water. It has no taste and doesn't quench my thirst. Diet sodas may be just what I need.
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck on getting in shape. I know a child can make u feel so out of shape. I was looking at my 1yr old today and he was doing yoga positions. He's not walking yet..but that's a completely different story, but I am just amazed in how kids strengthen their bodies. Well let me know if u need a friend in ur journey, add me if u do.