jfea Member


  • Wow Jessecpowers, 50 pounds while we have been together, really really great!! So we have been socked in with snow today so instead of walking I shoveled snow for 2 hours. I think that is supposed to count for 12 miles but I wasn't quite that vigorous so I am going with 6 miles today. Other days in my "marathon": Thursday…
  • I have concluded that you, Tammie, are a Biggest Loser Machine! Wow, those workouts. So I am thinking how do I personally with my abilities accomplish a marathon? We have until what time on Tuesday to complete the "26.2 miles"? I just am trying to figure out in my schedule how to do it.
  • Hi All, I think for the challenge I was supposed report a couple of things. I walked a 5K on Sunday morning, I did something for myself - bought new exercise clothes and new bras, and I am most proud of in the journey that everyday I have more motivation and energy (I was feeling old, tired and exhausted all the time).…
  • I have had a tough week mentally with my journey, just keeping on. I have had a lot of stress this week but then have also been really down on myself so that doesn't help. Last night I went to Lane Bryant and bought myself some nice exercise clothing. I usually workout in baggy black pants and an old t-shirt. Last night I…
  • Okay this is terrible, but I didn't even know Biggest Loser was on last night, I didn't think to watch it!! Wow where am I!?! I started teaching a J-term course to today. I teach one class for 3 hours every week day for the month of January. It is a lot of material to come up with every day so my stress level is pretty…
  • Tammie, So you have had some highs and lows this week - good news for you, tough decisions about your mom. We had to decide a similar thing for my mom about 2 years ago and when she passed away, it was both sad and happy (that she didn't have to suffer so terribly anymore). Doesn't change how difficult these things are and…
  • Tammie, Wow you have a lot going on these days! Thinking and praying for you and your mom - could you give us an update? Joy
  • Next Question: Which state ranks #1 in obesity? A) Colorado B) Mississippi C) Alabama D) West Virginia Answer is B New Question: People who do this activity are more likely to lose weight than those who do not: A) Journal about their progress B) Weigh themselves frequently C) Consume mainly “fat-free” foods D) Both journal…
  • Okay, unconventional: Raked leaves and moved flower pots for 2 hours, went on Saturday to the building I work in and did stairs for 20 minutes, Sunday, I moved 20 boxes for Christmas stuff up from the basement, today I shoveled our driveway and two of the neighbors driveways which took me an hour and a half. I did do some…
  • I am wondering if walking lots of miles Black Friday counts as exercise?!! Anyway, I walked an hour yesterday and it was COLD outside!!
  • Okay, so when I read the challenge I thought, how hard can that be? For me it was really hard. I haven't done a lot of exercise except walking so it was good to see I could do it. So I alternated in sets doing each grouping two times for a total of 30 points: 8 points; Run Plank Run Girl Pushups 8 points: Run Squats Run…
  • I think both menus are awesome. My vote might lean more towards menu 2, and maybe consider adding the Cauliflower "rice".
  • My thoughts on the submission for a dinner menu: I think we should have a theme such as comfort food or kid friendly or quick and easy or recipes for working women (crockpot/make ahead). Anyway just my thoughts as it seemed like some of the recipes you all submitted already worked in these categories. I have a dessert…
  • The recipe I posted on the main challenge: Veggie Chili - 10 servings 1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped 1 Red Pepper, chopped 1/2 c. Onion, chopped 1 c. Celery, chopped 1 c. Carrots, chopped 2 Garlic cloves, minced 2 T. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 28 oz. can tomatoes undrained, (I put mine in the blender, but you could just chop up…
  • Veggie Chili - 10 servings 1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped 1 Red Pepper, chopped 1/2 c. Onion, chopped 1 c. Celery, chopped 1 c. Carrots, chopped 2 Garlic cloves, minced 2 T. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 28 oz. can tomatoes undrained, (I put mine in the blender, but you could just chop up the tomatoes) 16 oz. jar Picante sauce (I…
  • And I have to add: Tammie you are seriously a machine - that is an amazing workout - 1063 calories burned!!!!!!!!!!! Very inspiring! You must feel really really great about that!
  • Okay I had a couple of total eye openers this weekend. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I kept on track no treats. Friday night the parents all took their daughters to Dairy Queen after their basketball game and I thought, well how bad could a Buster Bar be - I'll have that. 440 calories I discovered after the fact - it…
  • I lost 1.2 this week. I did the optional challenge and the 100 crunches.
  • Just looked through your profile pics - you have done an amazing amount of work - great job!
  • Well, I guess I am one of the last to check in. The kids are out trick or treating or hanging out with friends (teenagers) and I finally getting a chance to sit down. I usually on do walking and crunches and push ups so I guess the auction thing doesn't really work for me. But the walking challenge does - so I did that! I…
  • I am always impressed with how much some of you are working out!! I completed the dice challenge, in theory it sounded fun, in reality I ended up doing 120 squats, it felt a little unlucky!! I guess it is not a very good indicator of what might happen in Vegas if I went. I am doing my water challenge today (I had forgotten…
  • Wow some of you put in some pretty intense workouts this week!! That is definitely challenging to me!! GREAT work! WOW! I haven't really done much more than walking in the past so this is impressive to me!
  • The Why? I could say my family, better clothes, more energy, better for me knees, sleep better, and all of those are definitely reasons why I want to lose weight. But overall, I want to stop being disappointed in myself. Each day I want to feel good about myself, that I took good care of myself by eating well, getting…
  • Hi Team!! So I am parked in front of the tv to watch the first episode! I am excited to be a part of the with all of you! A little about me: I am 47, married, mom of two girls 16 and 12, and live in Pennsylvania. I teach psychology at the college level and also work as a career counselor. I am a total stress eater and…
  • Starting weight is 249.6 this morning Height 5'10"
  • I have never joined a group on MFP. So I am willing to try!! Screen name: jfea Age: 47 Pounds to lose: 70 How many weeks will the challenge be? I am asking because it seems that the show is has a later start date this year?
  • Seriously, very very inspiring and encouraging!! You really look great!
  • I know a lot of athletes, especially runners use something called Body Glide, The Original Anti-Chafe balm. It comes in what looks a deodarant case and I bought it our local sporting goods store. It works really well and isn't greasy. I hope that helps and good luck with the goals!!!
  • DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED AND DO NOT QUIT!!! The first two weeks I lost a half a pound. The last three I have lost 6. I just reminded myself that the pain of self-discispline is far less than the pain of regret. It is far better to be doing something than nothing!! So keep doing the right thing and it will work!! I also…
  • Great job!!! And reading your profile "About Me" totally made my night!!