Not sure, maybe 30% ??
Ok this is confusing, so I should still go to the gym, what should my diet be like? I want to lose my belly fat and get a good tone of muscle. Do I build muscle when losing fat at the same time???
Okay, so I need to lose fat and then I can start to get ripped. Should I still go to the gym and have protein or is that just a waste? How many calories do I need?
Both :)
Thank you all for your replies. I try to eat about 2100 calories but tonights the first night we're ive been SO HUNGRY! You're all right! Tomorrow is a new day! I just hope it doesnt happen again in the next few weeks :)
Neither, I was just super hungry! I was telling myself that I've been good all day and I'm aloud this. But went overboard :(
Lots of big words.. What do you mean by "discrepancy between TDEE and reported caloric intake is potentially another issue"???? So I shouldn't worry about tracking my sugars and fats but make sure I'm below my carbs???
- How's this one???
Thanks to everyone for your support. There are some for $500 WAT!!! Like AmyRhubarb was saying, I'd like something that tracks I can enter my age, gender, weight, height etc and give me ACURATE readings. Are they practically all the same?? I don't want to spend 500, probably $200 MAX. There are so many types I have no…
So are you saying I should be eating them back?? I just want to lose as fat as I can??
Okay Fantastic! So as long as I eat way below my TDEE (usually about a 1000 deficit) I shouldnt worry about the macros and micros?? (Not going insanely over that is) And I'll still lose weight????
How do you mean?? My TDEE is 3511. So does that mean, it doesnt matter how much I go over my macros and micros.. I'll still lose weight??? FO' REALL!?!?!?!
Best news I've heard all day!
Great! Is it okay if I have the odd cookie or sweet every now and then?? I was feeling so full by the end of the day! It's the most I've eaten in weeks!!
you think its good?? I was so use to eating 1700 and having this made me feel like crap!!!
I turned 20 the other day. I now belong in this elite club
Child Care Manager and Australian Army Reservist
Thanks so much everyone! I'm gonna up my intake to 2000!!!! I love the cardio side but I barely do weights or strength. I don't really know how to start or what to do??? Do you guys have any beginner strength workouts to build muscle???? Thanks :)
okay so your saying eat 2000 and continue to train hard??? Is it okay If i stay on cardio??? I just googled skinny fat.. no thanks! Is 2000 okay????
Okay no probs, I do have a fair bit of a fat reserve (mainly stomach fat) and I want this gone.. Don't really care about muscle.. I'm more of a cardio :P
Okay great! Thanks so much for your replies everyone?? So you think I should go UP to 2000???? Can't I maintain doing 1700??? I wouldn't feel very comfortable having 2300 a day. Just saying, is 2 lb really the MAX i should lose in a week? Why can't I lose 3 lb?? Thanks :)