How many calories to Burn Fat and get ripped????

Hi All,

I'm new to this whole building muscle and getting ripped scene and I'm a tad confused.

I'm about to start my meal plans but I'm not sure how many calories I need.

Here's my stats - I'm 6"3' 95 Kg 20 years old and lightly active but soon I'll be moderately active because I'll be joining a gym tomorrow.

I've had a look on websites and people are saying I need to eat 2200 cals and others are saying I need to eat 3500 calories. I have no idea!


If you could also add how much protein, carbs and fats I need that would be appreciated.

Many thanks :)))))


  • Unfortunately you can't do both. If you are already lean you need to eat in a calorie surplus to build muscle. 10-20% over your TDEE is a good start. For your height I would go with 3000 and see how you progress over the coming weeks and months. Bulking can be as long as you like but once you hit around 20% bf you really need to do a cut back to around 12% and start again.

    Hope this helps!

    Work out your macros here
  • Unfortunately you can't do both. If you are already lean you need to eat in a calorie surplus to build muscle. 10-20% over your TDEE is a good start. For your height I would go with 3000 and see how you progress over the coming weeks and months. Bulking can be as long as you like but once you hit around 20% bf you really need to do a cut back to around 12% and start again.

    Hope this helps!

    Work out your macros here

    Okay, so I need to lose fat and then I can start to get ripped. Should I still go to the gym and have protein or is that just a waste?

    How many calories do I need?
  • Well, you can't get ripped if you don't have the muscle to show it. I think you would be lean enough to start bulking straight away. Hit 3000 cals a day and hit the gym hard doing something like Starting Strength. Google it!

    You only need protein if you aren't getting enough through diet. I take protein and creatine.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    whats your body fat %?
  • Well, you can't get ripped if you don't have the muscle to show it. I think you would be lean enough to start bulking straight away. Hit 3000 cals a day and hit the gym hard doing something like Starting Strength. Google it!

    You only need protein if you aren't getting enough through diet. I take protein and creatine.

    Ok this is confusing, so I should still go to the gym, what should my diet be like? I want to lose my belly fat and get a good tone of muscle. Do I build muscle when losing fat at the same time???
  • whats your body fat %?

    Not sure, maybe 30% ??
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I don't believe that. I lost weight and built muscle at the same time. Try this calculator and run the numbers for both TDEE-15% and TDEE-20% to see how much of a difference it is and what you think would work best for you. Do some googling or searching through MFP to find the formula to determine your Lean Body Mass (LBM). Once you find out what that is you should aim to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. You can set your MFP goals to custom to change the carb-protein-fat percentages. And if you do TDEE read up and only log 1 calorie for exercise. GOOD LUCK!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    u should hire a trainer and do some research.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    head over to

    This question is quite complex. You cant gain muscle and lose fat/weight at the same time, usually.
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member

    I think giving you much more specific advice is actually doing you a disservice.

    You need to do some reading on the basics before asking specific questions. You will learn much, much more and your regimen will be much more effective if you have the ability to understand what you're doing and adapt.

    You're asking "simple" questions. You want simple answers. Not all the answers to your questions ARE simple. But regardless the specific numbers are different for everyone and without the basic knowledge you need you just won't be successful.

    My best suggestion is to do some reading on the basics behind what you want and report back.

    There's already been some good links posted above. Check some of them out. You'll learn a tremendous amount in no time.