New to muscle building. Please help me get started

Hi All,

Im a 20 year old , 6" 3' and reasonably fit.

I want to join the cops in 3 - 4 months and want to build muscle mass and get huge muscles. The problem is... I have no idea how or where to start? I enjoy cardio and running (I ran my first full marathon 3 weeks ago) but I don't want to be the lanky dude who can run but not put cuffs on a guy!! I have a bit of belly fat (wouldn't say I'm skinny but wouldn't say I'm obese)

I'm about 95 Kg and 6"3'

My questions are.

1. Can you help me?

2. Where do I start

3. What do I eat? (specifics please)

4. Any supplements I need to take?

5. What are some good websites I can get info from

6. What do I need to buy

7. And what excerices should I start doing?

and 8. Is it possible to get to a good size in 3 - 4 months If I started now?!?!?!

My brother is (ironically) a bodybuilder but I don't really want to ask him. (People with older brothers will know why)

Today is the day I start excersing
