

  • i was checked for diabetes before and after baby so i know im not that, someone said something to me before bout it bc i was always thirsty ive never drank much pop or anything so my pee has always been light but its deffinantly more pale then b4
  • thank you so much everyone your advice is really helpful, i wanna be under 200 i would like to really be 170 by next june so hopefully i will be in that smaller dress :)
  • thank u for all of ur help ladies
  • im not going to try on dresses till the very last moment i have to so i can try to loose as much as possible
  • u dont need to apoligize for rambeling it hleps knowing someone out there is in the same situation i felt lik ei was being rediculous bc people work out after a baby and there fine. im gonna look into the zumba fitness i did the 1st day of the biggest loser jump start and it was ok i didnt realize how out of shape i really…
  • work out as much as you want just make sure you mix it up and that your eating enough calories so that your not starving ur body, you need calories to burn
  • stairs r great every where u can do stairs
  • well heres some history i need something to start off slow i havent worked out in over a year i had my son in sept and had a csection that im still not completly healed from the dr said im fine to start working out i just have to keep an eye on it, so i want something to start getting back to where i can work out like i…
  • i know i need to eat better we eat a lot of pasta and eat out to much, i like working out i just havent been able to
  • its been really hard ive gained a lot of weight really fast i wanna loose 125 all together, whats ur goals and what all are you doing