sazroy Member


  • Yep same here!! I was 75kg at the start of my pregnancy. Dropped to 73kgs from the morning sickness then as soon as the sickness stopped I started gorging on food and can't seem to stop myself! I'm 29 weeks on Friday (26th June) and I'm now 83-84kgs! I need to stop gaining weight as my local hospital isn't equipped for…
  • Thank you. Fruit is just easier ways to describe body shape.
  • Yes, yes. Calories in vs calories out. I KNOW this. But for some people the simple science just doesn't work. A fact about me; I lost all my 21kgs when I started eating MORE. I now eat about 1200-1500 and burn about 1700-2000 (when wearing a hrm all day). Maybe I have some other underlying issue I don't know about? Who…
  • Thanks for that. I've always had a general interest in ectomorph endomorph etc. I have a mate who's an ecto, he eats KFC and crap everyday, doesn't exercise and still a rake haha.
  • I understand what your saying, but what am I buying into? I just meant it as in maybe as an apple I should avoid carbs to reduce bloat etc.
  • Thanks hun :) and by all means people's opinions are greatly appreciated (even the ones against the certain foods idea) I just don't appreciate non constructive criticism. Respond like an adult and I will listen to people. I'm not going to appreciate childish or rude opinions (not you, your response was honest and…
  • You only have to read page two to see that this person is a troll. Replying to everyone's posts with useless comments.
  • Thank you for the links :) no I'm not hung up on my shape at all, I don't really care, I mean I'm not gonna cry if I'm a rectangle or an apple and I won't pine after being an hourglass, I am so incredibly happy with my body and the way I look, I'm still not my smallest size but that doesn't affect me :) I only wish more…
  • Trolls are people who are just looking to stir trouble. I wasn't asking for the opinion on foods or exercises. So therefore people need to bite their tongue. I meant it as in some girls can eat carbs and do zero exercise and gain no weight, whereas other girls eat carbs and walk daily and still balloon. Some people say…
  • Thanks for all the positive replies. For those of you saying there has to be a 9in difference can you send me links? I read a uk statistics report and it said 7in or more. In all honesty I've always referred to myself as a peanut haha, not quite a rectangle or and apple and not quite an hour glass. My legs are far to thin…
  • I'm not trying to change my figure but there are real recommendations on what to do to support a certain body type, not spot workouts but some people only need cardio and others may need less cardio more strength training. That's all I meant by it. I've already lost 21 kilos, I love my curves and want to lose weight in the…
  • Get off troll.
  • That's your opinion and wasn't the opinion that was asked for.
  • I was just going to keep this between me and the OP but I wanted those of you who judged my opinion to know a bit more of my background. I am a 5 foot 1 inch female who was 30kgs overweight. I was huge. I hated food, I starved myself, my weight kept rising. Why? Because of what I ate, I ate very very little but what I did…
  • THANK YOU! Clearly some people care more about weight loss than nutrition :/
  • Depends how long he did this for, you would lose weight from malnourishment and then you would plateau. I have been overweight my whole life and ate less than 1000-1200 calories a day. I actually joined MFP to make sure I started eating more. As soon as I ate more, and more good food, the weight fell off.
  • Thanks for understanding what I meant. It's about filling yourself with calories that fuel your body and nourish it. People are quick to jump on people who are saying "eat healthy"... too many people SEEM to want to find the answers through cruddy food and lack of exercise.
  • I suggest you read a book called Integrated Nutrition. Then respond to my post :)
  • There is good sugar this is true, looks up fructose and see if any of the foods you're eating contains it. Glucose is awesome for our bodies and is in everything you eat, then you have lactose which is in your milk (I can't have lactose or dairy, as a sufferer of IBS I have to avoid dairy and fructose). Fructose is a huge…
  • You're so wrong it hurts. It's been proven that while yes 1 calorie is still 1 calorie, depending on the type of calorie and the way it digests will improve chances for weightloss. 1 calorie of celery will use more energy to digest than 1 calorie of chocolate. Speak to a nutritionist or a personal trainer and you will be…
  • THIS! I completely agree. Please eat closer to 2000 a day, just make sure it's 2000 good calories! I as a female eat 1500 - 1700 (more depending on how much exercise I do and I'm still losing weight, I began on 1200 to kick start and quickly upped that amount)
  • Looking at your diary I have to say this, it's not just about how many calories you eat, it's about when you eat those calories and what is IN those calories. You could eat 1200 calories worth of peanut butter or 1200 calories worth of protein and vegetables.. I know which one of those will help you lose weight. Also, you…
  • Since posting this topic I had changed from a 35mg pill down to a 25mg pill, I've just had my first period since changing and it was considerably less painful. I'm wondering if the pain was a reaction from being on a high dosage pill, then going to nothing (during the placebo pills) was causing a negative effect. I've…
  • Are you telling me how to spell, or someone else? If me, what have I spelled wrong?
  • You took that completely the wrong way. I'm talking about a specific person, she is lazy, she wont apply for work, she scunges off of her parents. I was out of work for a year, I wasn't lazy, there was just no work available. I never said having a job is a weight issue nor was I being prejudice. I'm saying that I don't sit…
  • I've only been guessing for two weeks because tracking was making me obsessive, not many people realise but obsessive tracking of calories and reading food labels obsessively is actually an eating disorder, I'm helping myself mentally by not tracking at the moment, I refuse to have to log for the rest of my life, I just…
  • Checked. According to my doctor I'm within the "normal" range. I also had my cortisol tested and although my cortisol levels were very high, they were not high enough for my doctor to think it was worthy of medication. So my cortisol is higher than the average person but not high enough to deal with.. To me that means, yes…
  • I eat the same thing every day pretty much, I'm eating what i used to eat when I logged, I'm just not logging it.
  • I know this girl, she's lazy and does nothing, I couldn't even get her to go for a walk with me. I KNOW she doesn't work out, she sits on her bum watching movies all day.
  • My ENTIRE life was spent eating very little calories, My whole life day in day out was Vegemite toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, meat and veg for dinner, and maybe a piece of bread after dinner, no snacks. This is how I've always eaten, no snacks, no appetite, yes alot of bread but doctors always said it's okay to…