Just want to be normal :(



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I'm not sure what you mean when you say 1 or 2 500 calorie meals...how many calories are you eating daily?

    As for other girls making you sick...well you're not living their life so really not much point in worrying about what other people do or don't do. Focus on yourself. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I just read about your cals, so no need to answer again
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    If you aren't using the diary, how do you know how much you are eating?
    Even professional dietician aren't very good at knowing how much they eat unless the weigh, measure and log.

    I eat the same thing every day pretty much, I'm eating what i used to eat when I logged, I'm just not logging it.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Geeze who cares what anyone else eats, whether they are lazy or not. You are pretty critical of others.. Worry about your own efforts.

    And you don't need to double post
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    You gained nearly 1KG per week???


    This is what I mean, I've always gained like this. I once gained 10kg in one month because I was out with friends every night and therefore snacking more, but I was also walking everyday for hours. This is not an over exaggeration. I'm being completely serious, I've gone to my doctor for years, she doesn't even want to do a hormone test on me even though i've asked several times.

    I've recently gone off the pill in a bid to try and get my natural hormones back in order, I suffer almost every side effect of the pill including the constant fatigue.

    If you have constant fatigue, you should have your thyroid checked. Gaining weight is also a sign of a sluggish thyroid. I know firsthand!

    Checked. According to my doctor I'm within the "normal" range. I also had my cortisol tested and although my cortisol levels were very high, they were not high enough for my doctor to think it was worthy of medication. So my cortisol is higher than the average person but not high enough to deal with.. To me that means, yes your cortisol levels could contribute to your weight gain but because it's not extreme we wont do anything about it.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    I went up to 1500, started to gain. Went back to 1200, lost a few more kgs. Then began to obsess so stopped counting, hence why my diary is blank for the past few weeks. I'd say i'm probably eating around 1500 ish a day now. My HRM shows i burn 1500-1700 a day just working and daily activities.
    Ah, the old guessing routine. Want exact results but don't keep measurements and such. Hmmm.... I was AMAZED at how fast a little snack here and little snack there adds up.

    I've only been guessing for two weeks because tracking was making me obsessive, not many people realise but obsessive tracking of calories and reading food labels obsessively is actually an eating disorder, I'm helping myself mentally by not tracking at the moment, I refuse to have to log for the rest of my life, I just want to be happy. I'm eating the same foods as I did when I logged it, but instead of measuring out 15g of Baby Spinach for my sandwich I just go with what feels like about the same.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Everyone has given you great advice - I just want to to say that I'm an "easy gainer" too and it sucks. But it is what it is, and getting angry about it doesn't accomplish anything. Acknowledge that you aren't one of those people blessed with a fast metabolism, make a plan and move forward. I've managed to undo a whole year of weight gain in just the past two months by changing my eating habits. It can be done.
  • sazroy
    sazroy Posts: 262 Member
    To the original poster - I get your frustration, i have felt this many times and it is so very unfair to put on like we both obviously do. You have some great advice here so i won't add anything by duplicating, but be carefull - having a job is not a weight issue, its an income and time issue, don't confuse that. You sound prejudice and thats unfair. Some jobs are physical and do burn calories, other jobs are sedentry like mine and burn nothing. Dont blindly follow the media and assume anyone who doesn't work is lazy, it doesn't always follow and is very unfair and hurtful to people like mothers and carers.

    Good luck with your goal :)

    You took that completely the wrong way. I'm talking about a specific person, she is lazy, she wont apply for work, she scunges off of her parents. I was out of work for a year, I wasn't lazy, there was just no work available. I never said having a job is a weight issue nor was I being prejudice. I'm saying that I don't sit down all day, I move all day, because i'm at work. This girl sits and watches tv and facebooks all day, I know this, she used to be my best friend. And all night she drinks, actually she drinks during the day while facebooking and watching tv too. I can't see how my original post says that I "blindly follow the media" and "assume anyone who doesn't work is lazy".
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    I really would suggest logging again. I stopped for awhile and told myself I'll know roughly how much I was eating but I ended up putting on weight because I always under estimated everything. Do you weigh your food so you know that 100g of what your eating is actually 100g and not 150g? I tell myself I can estimate the weight but I found I was always off.

    If your worried about you metabolism have you tried doing things to speed it up? People say Green Tea helps, and also exercise (muscle requires more energy to function than fat, therefore more calories).