ammp Member


  • Great job girl! Keep working hard and trust the progress :) I'm also a former 3## gal, so I totally get your crying when you stepped on the scale. It's unreal, isn't it :) <3
  • I person I hadn't seen in several months walked in and said "holy!" - I was confused and thought I had spilt something on myself :)
  • Love my Charge HR but I have two gripes: the three steps into my house do not a 'flight of stairs' make but Fitbit says it does. The other gripe is the screen was VERY easy to scratch. Very very. So I ordered a set of screen protectors from Amazon, and they work like a phone cover. Get a multi pack because you'll be…
  • Me too! My other one is my 4 yo daughter looked at me and said "Momma, you're getting little" :D
  • I use EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control shakes for breakfast. I cannot tolerate a real meal early, no matter what I've tried. They are 100cal, I add in a small fruit in a few hours for the car ride in, and I'm good till 1130-1230 ish.
  • I'm looking at the vivosmart - does the heartrate monitor function only work when wearing the chest band?
  • Heavenly! My aunt is a Chiropractor, and I have students, coworkers, and friends that have ended up going to her and raving without knowing the connection. I have a somewhat sedentary lifestyle, I commute to work, spend most time standing, other parts sitting. I'm not planting crops, working horse teams. I don't always eat…
  • I'm such a baby. I haven't done anything, but I really want a light ink tattoo on my wrist of a key. Light ink (white, light grey, light brown) because I'm not trying to make it stand out due to work and a key to symbolize that I had the ability within to not resort to surgery. But I regained all my weight lost and am…
  • At my best I was weighting what I didn't know (like if I knew the container had 300 cal, I'm cool, but if I wasn't going to eat the container, I weighed out a serving) I found that weighting them out gave me a realistic idea of what I can get for my 1800 cal. Well I can have this or I can have ALLLLL THIIISSSSSSS for the…
  • It's like Miracle Whip, either you love, or you hate :) I am a lover.
  • Seeing my wedding photos, ugh. And the ex's new gf calling me a string of fat related obscenities on FB.
  • Mainers love the Canadian delicacy poutine. Platter of french fries covered in brown gravy smothered in shredded cheese, some go as far as adding bacon and other toppings. It's an oxymoron meal, cheese to bind ya, grease to explode ya.
  • We had a family BBQ on the 4th and everything was homemade, so for that day I logged nothing. I am horrible at guesstimating and need to pre plan and weight everything. So for that day I just relaxed. Its a rare occurrence for me, I try to log every bite. If I do "cheat", I try not to make it a whole day thing, just one…
    in "cheating" Comment by ammp July 2013
  • I also work for a university and got nothing. In the 5 years I've been there I've gotten a 0.7% raise, once. Asshats. The only good thing is I'm paid for 12 months, but work 10 so I have summers off with my daughter. When I was in private practice we all went out for NonHoliday Party, since the owner and one other vet (his…
    in Bonuses Comment by ammp June 2013
  • I'm glad to hear you say that, my Dr recommends Mirena to help with my PCOS but after a rough time with the copper IUD I was hesitant. Thanks for sharing!
  • I work in Bangor Maine. That's Bang-gore, not Banger. THERE IS NO FREAKIN' E IN THERE! Sales reps call it Banger (as in Bang-ger) all the time.
  • I did, for 5 years. He once told me we should invade Canada for the oil. I asked him why he said Alaska had all the oil....:huh: I feel you become what you surround yourself, and I always felt frustrated I had to spell words for him, or dumb down conversations. God forbid I took him to any university staff events…
  • Congrats and good luck! I would never have the guts to put it all out there, but I admire you for it and hope you succeed on the show or not :D
  • my husband is an NRA instructor and I'm the unofficial marketing director - because I have to be ;) To be successful we often have to find people that don't know they need us, then convince them they do. Not everyone wants a concealed weapons permit, many of the people I start talking to realize having one is a great idea,…
  • Rimadyl (sorry, it's a dog drug - I'm at work ;) )
  • I cut the ends off and slide a spoon in to quickly de-skin them - I found it on Pinterest, I think from Martha Stewart lol
    in Fresh fruit! Comment by ammp May 2013
  • team
  • holiday sweater
  • I had a membership at Snap Fitness when I lived in town (and was baby-less). I would go in at 3am, close the blinds and work out so no one would see me. I feel you girl!
  • Time to take a lap around the building....or two ;)
  • I was never the woman who could eat an extra 500 cals while bfing. I ate like I did, but boy was I wrong ;) I also never had a perfectly adequate supply - it took lots of oatmeals, meds, herbs, voodoo, and water to be able to do it. My daughter is 19months old, we're still nursing (lots less, but still doing it).
  • Hi, just wanted to say that a doxie is not likely going to be the best running buddy for you, while walks would be great for both. Their short legs and long back lead to hardcore problems, and running can be rough on them. I would try a casual walk with your dog and a friend with their calm, leash trained dog. You need…