Chiropractors, crazy charlatans or celestial being?

MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
I am going to the chiropractor for the first real time today... I had gone to one as a child (5-11) for my ear but can't recall anything positive or negative, just that he would grab my ear and yank on it till something cracked :laugh:

Is this beneficial because it is sorta decent $$$ and I was thinking, it cost half as much as getting my hair cut so I'm wondering if it would be wise to blow decent money twice a month on myself yet again especially if this isn't extremely beneficial. - my monthly cost of living has just skyrocketed over the past six months and I'm having to be a budget stickler now - hydrafacials only once a month moving forward :sad: :sad:

Also, I have recently gotten some serious back pain in my lower back - still have been exercising through it - even had back day yesterday... but my back was killing me this morning and the Chiropractor seemed like an easy fix.

Also, if you are not in favor of the Chiropractor who would you recommend in their place? A massage therapist? :wink:


  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Celestial being for sure.
    Regular chiropractor visits were so beneficial to me. I need to get back into it. Improved so many systems in my body.
    Your spinal column controls so much so why wouldn't it make sense to have the proper alignment and make sure nothing is pinched or bent?
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    Coming from a family of MDs, I'm biased against most chiropractors and I fully acknowledge it. Honestly I'd recommend you go to a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor instead.
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I have always been a believer that they are crazy charlatans. It seems all too convenient that you need to go so frequently and then continue to have to go. I tell you my big toe never used to bother me then one day my ex cracked it and not it always feels like it needs to be cracked. Of course I can't get the damn thing to crack. I digress. Personally I have always gone to a massage therapist. I find that they do a really great job and I suspect that if you are having lower back pain that a massage is what you need. Do you ever use kettlebells? I have a desk job and have always suffered with lower back pain from sitting so much. Since I started regularly using kettlbells I have found my back almost never bothers me anymore.

    Now, can you crack a big toe?
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    My son who lifts (he lifts heavy and sometimes doesn't wear a belt -- smart, huh?) began seeing a chiropracter for lower back problems after having MRIs, unsuccessful physical therapy, and overall lack of responsiveness from an orthopedic and a neurologist. He really improved significantly. My husband, who always insisted they were quacks was having lower back spasms. He had seen a few in the past with no results. But he has also had a lot of surgeries, including an upper lumbar disk surgery in the fall, where he had to be on pain killers for over a month. Sometimes he would literally sleep all day due to the pain killers and be up all night. He decided not to go the medical route again and tried the one my son was going to. After about a month, he was pain free and his range of motion was greatly increased. He's not even taking ibuprofen. By the way, this guy specialized in sports type injuries and athletes and was also covered by our insurance. He was the kind who was willing to see patients on an as-needed basis (my husband came in to the office as an "emergency" so acute he could barely sit down), rather than get you into a program with adjustments 3 times a week that you have to pay up front for. My recommendation is to try it, but go to someone recommended to you by a friend or family member.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    Depends on the chiropracter.

    I've been to one who made my pain worse than when I walked in.

    My current chiro has gotten me through a bunch of marathons, and I couldn't do it without him!!
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Heavenly! My aunt is a Chiropractor, and I have students, coworkers, and friends that have ended up going to her and raving without knowing the connection.
    I have a somewhat sedentary lifestyle, I commute to work, spend most time standing, other parts sitting. I'm not planting crops, working horse teams. I don't always eat organic or even on the healthy side. I weigh more then people generally did 150 years ago. I hurt, my joints ache.
    Seeing a chiropractor helps physically decompress my spine, work muscles, and realign. She uses a ProAdjuster which takes physical movement readings (ie this lumbar vertebra moves # while the next one only moved #). She can pinpoint the ones that are not moving like they should and work only one them, no cracking! Plus, endorphin rush.
    If it makes you feel better, who cares what everyone else things. You use your body 24/7, so even when something isn't yet hurting, a part might be compressed, straining, or taking the load for another muscle/tendon/etc.
    My co-worker eats coconut oil, from the jar like PB. I think that's gross but she says it's helping her GI issues. I can't judge what she feels works.
    Look to see if anyone uses the ProAdjuster in your area.
  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    I saw one for a couple months and noticed no difference other than suffering a slipped disk in my neck towards the end of my treatment. Worst.pain.ever. It hasn't slipped again in the three years since I ceased treatment. Needless to say, I think the adjustments caused it.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Honestly I'd recommend you go to a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor instead.
    ^ This.
  • Bethie_J
    Bethie_J Posts: 43 Member
    I've had good ones and bad ones. If your chiropractor doesn't feel it necessary to take x-rays to see what the problem is, he's probably not going to do you any good.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Can be either one in truth - more to the Charlatan . I'm not a big advocate for chiropractors. However, a good one can do a lot of good. Found one for my daughter when her spine and hip were so out of line and she was terrific. Helped me keep my spine from being too whacked out until I had my hip surgery. There are certain types of treatments that a PT is not going to be able to perform - and trust me I have done plenty of PT.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    Coming from a family of MDs, I'm biased against most chiropractors and I fully acknowledge it. Honestly I'd recommend you go to a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor instead.

    ^appreciate this, no joke my coworker is the son of a MD, and his mother is a nurse practitioner and he was telling me it was a big waste of time ..

    However...the responses on here are going every-which-way!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I have always been a believer that they are crazy charlatans. It seems all too convenient that you need to go so frequently and then continue to have to go. I tell you my big toe never used to bother me then one day my ex cracked it and not it always feels like it needs to be cracked. Of course I can't get the damn thing to crack. I digress. Personally I have always gone to a massage therapist. I find that they do a really great job and I suspect that if you are having lower back pain that a massage is what you need. Do you ever use kettlebells? I have a desk job and have always suffered with lower back pain from sitting so much. Since I started regularly using kettlbells I have found my back almost never bothers me anymore.

    Now, can you crack a big toe?

    I previously have used kettle-balls, however I have been staying away from free weights recently to avoid injuries because I have been going to the gym alone.

    Appreciate your insight.

    And I can do a great deal more than that baby. :wink:
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    The right chiropractor is a celestial being.

    However, I've been to chiropractors that I think do unnecessary work. I went a chiropractor who wanted me to come 3x a week for 2 years and I was like hahaha no. He actually made me feel more pain than what I came in with. He was a total scam artist in my opinion. I also went to a chiropractor that would never access me, he would just get cracking and send me on my way.

    That being said, I have been to 1 chiropractor that was amazing. I have scoliosis and he really helped with my spinal compression.

    The most important thing is knowing what kind of paint you are dealing with. For example, you might just have some tight muscles that can be fixed with massage. I would go see your doctor to find out what is wrong: bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, tissue, etc. That way you'll know if you need physio, massage, chiro, or just a good rest.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    Coming from a family of MDs, I'm biased against most chiropractors and I fully acknowledge it. Honestly I'd recommend you go to a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor instead.

    Agreed. Also with a large family background in medicine and training in EMS.

    This is the thing for me - massage feels good. If you have achy muscles and joint issues, it's likely that some chiropractic things will help. I've had physiotherapy for injured neck, back, shoulders, and sprained ankles. I did consult a chiro that stated that my knee problems clearly derived from a bike crash had postural and alignment origins. No thanks.

    Some of their claims are just quackery - like curing cardiopathies, diabetes, colic in children [ffs, please don't get your infant "adjusted" for teething issues]. The biggest problem I see is that some use it as a cure all- and when the only tool you have is a hammer, every situation starts looking like a nail.

    I'd only use one for back pain. And only as a backup/second choice to a more generalized physiotherapist.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I've had good ones and bad ones. If your chiropractor doesn't feel it necessary to take x-rays to see what the problem is, he's probably not going to do you any good.

    ^n!ce! I will just use this as my standard when I visit today - if he takes an x-ray or scheduled me for one then I'll give it the gold 'ole try - if not I'll have to coax a female friend tonight to massage me up. :wink:

    I'll give her the ole chocolate & flowers swap for her back scratching/massage utility. :wink:
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    Just like every other profession: some are quacks and some are equivalent to the celestial being you mention. You might have to look around to find the right one. I've had a bad back since I was 20 and I've seen several chiro's over the years. This is what I've learned:

    1. They can't fix every problem. Adjustments are only good for a disc that is pinching a nerve and causing pain, spasms etc. If they tell you they can cure cancer by cracking your back it's bullstuff.
    2. The benefits of an adjustment are immediate and should last a long time. A CHIROPRACTOR told me this. The ones that tell you to come 3 times a week just want your money. An adjustment should fix the problem and set you on your way to healing within a day or two.
    3. Don't go too often. Go only when you are hurt and in pain for more than 3 days. A spasm or sore muscle should heal up by then. If not, there is a bigger problem (like a disc pinching a nerve) and an adjustment will most likely help.
    4. Just because your spine is misaligned does not mean there is a problem! EVERYBODY has misaligned discs in their back- it is natural and it just happens. You only need an adjustment if it is causing pain or discomfort- let your muscles, posture etc. deal with every thing else. You don't need an adjustment every time your discs move around or you would need one every day.
    5. If you have chronic symptoms that don't go away or come back soon- see an MD and get an MRI. Preferably a D.O.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Also, I have recently gotten some serious back pain in my lower back - still have been exercising through it - even had back day yesterday... but my back was killing me this morning and the Chiropractor seemed like an easy fix.

    I highly suspect that your lower back pain is from using the Smith Machine for squats. The fixed bar tends to make you rest against it and the Smith Machine forces you into unnatural movements patterns. You’re pushing your spinal erectors & neck muscles more against the bar which means more back stress, especially with heavier weights. If your feet are too far forward it puts your lower back in a weak position and will tend to make your lower back round.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I went to a chiropractor for 8 years. He enjoyed many trips on my dime. I just recently bought an inversion table, 149.00 bucks from walmart in canada, delivered in two days and no shipping. I thought what the heck, I've heard so many good things about this kind of thing that it's worth the try. Well hell, I wish I'd bought it years ago! The money I would have saved! I have back and neck issues from a car accident many years ago, and after 3 days of using it, I gotta say I feel like almost a million bucks.
  • Ken2Pam
    Ken2Pam Posts: 15 Member
    Definitely depends on the chiropractor, which is really the same for any of the mentioned practitioners above. I have had great physical therapist after knee surgery, and lousy ones. You are the best judge of who and what is working or not.

    That said, I have for the past 6 months seen a chiropractor 2 times a month, the range of motion in my neck is greatly improved, my pain level is much lower and my overall health is greatly improved. I have been able to workout more consistently, run, bike, lift than before with greater strength, stamina and results.

    Ask around for one your other friends go to or would recommend.