reederx5 Member


  • I am doing low carb as well. Please add:)
  • Thanks!!!! I am super nervous!
  • Thanks for all the comments. I will try to give them all a try. I have come a long way but still have a long way to go. I just signed up today for my 1st 5K in Nashville this Saturday. I am nervous but excited too. I know that I probably cant even run a mile on the street but I am a fast walker and am just hoping not to…
  • Thanks for all the comments:)
  • Shold clarify I guess:) I was only able to run for 11 minutes. I am not that much of a slug that I could only walk for 11 minutes. haha Going to try again tonight. Hoping to watch an episode of LOST!
  • Silly as it may sound I find that chewing gum while running actually helps with my breathing. I still have a little trouble but it seems to help a lot! Hope this helps!
  • The after "feels great" well at least about 2 minutes after when I finally catch my breath. I don't really sweat too much when I am running but as soon as I step off I start profusely sweating! It is so wierd! Thanks for all of the encouraging words. Maybe I will try to get up early in the morning and go out for my run.
  • Thanks to everyone that responded. I took last night off and plan on running tonight. Hopefully I will be able to go a few more minutes. I think I will reduce the speed a little and work on distance and/or length of time run. Also going to Zumba tonight.
  • Maybe we can meet one day next week a the park and walk. I work in Louisville and get off around 3:30 so depending on traffic I could be there by 4:30. My daughter and I have started C25K in our subdivision but it is very hilly. I am not a runner obviously but I am working on trying to become one. Do you run? I am old:)…
  • It's really nice when people notice. What has been strange for me is that the scale has not moved in a couple of weeks (now mind you I have not been really doing what I am suppose to or it would have) but at least like 5 different people have asked or commented on my weight loss. I am not good at taking compliments but I…
    in NSV Comment by reederx5 December 2012
  • Keep up the good work! You've got this!
  • How long did it take you to run a mile? I am trying to learn to run but find myself gasping for air. Maybe I am pounding the pavement to hard. I watched my sister run and she kinda glides??..?? Looks effortless. I want to run so bad. I did finally run a mile on the treadmill but it took me 15 minutes and I have only been…
  • I have finally been able to run a mile on the treadmill and was pretty discouraged that I was only able to make it around the track 1.5 times without stopping to walk. I hope that this will get better. I really thought I could do four laps without stopping. I so want to be able to run a mile outside and many more after…
  • Thanks for all of the encouragement. I may try to run outside in the morning because I am off work tomorrow. We shall see how it goes. I am just kinda scared because several people have told me the treadmill makes it so much easier. Maybe they are just sabatogers:) My shins are a little sore tonight but not bad. Keep up…
  • What is a bicep dip? I don't know if I can do pushups. I will try to do at least one! What about the kind that you use like on a table/chair or step? Would it even benefit to do that kind until I can do real ones? I have no upper body strength. Thanks everyone. Always looking for helpful information. My girlfriend had the…
  • Yes I am talking about hanging skin. Mind you now my arms are still fat but they are def hanging more than ever before. It's so gross.
  • I guess its more of a jog. I want to run though. I will continue to plug along and hopefully get there soon. It's starting to get cooler outside so the gym membership will come in handy. I struggle to try and remember how to breathe while trying to concentrate on my feet? I still can not breathe in through my nose. I feel…
  • Thanks for the tips! Speaking of side stiches... my daughter gets them really bad but I've only had a few. Are they always on the right side? We were wondering if so and why? Just curious.
  • Where do you get the chicken? Do you use a dressing or buy the flavored chicken? Thanks for all the ideas.
  • Sounds like great ideas. And yes I need them to be filling:) I would love the veggie soup recipe! Please share.
  • Thanks to everyone who commented! I knew I wasn't crazy but I went crazy yesterday. Most importantly I am back on track today. Will be stopping by the gym on the way home today. I fully expect to drop below the 200 mark on Monday and no later than Friday of next week! Wish me well.!!!!!! Let's do this together:):happy:
  • Buy a small toaster oven. You can usually find them for around $19-29. That would probably work perfect!
  • What does NSV mean? I am pretty new to MFP:)
  • Thanks for all the words of advice and encouragement. I can see myself one day being able to do this just wish it were sooner than later:)
  • My daughter and I have decided to try to jog/run to help lose some weight and get in shape. We are both overweight and find ourselves out of breath very quickly. Are there any tips or suggestions that could help us improve pace and or breathing. We don't get very far but each night set a goal for a little farther (one…
  • I have a Yoplait Light Peach yogurt every morning and then around 9 or so I have a regular size banana. I do this almost everyday without fail. It's easy and always tastes yummy. Imagine the possibilities if you like different flavors and they also offer a low carb or carbmaster version.
  • I say do it! I have walked the mini marathon twice in Louisville Ky. The main thing that I do is let the runners start out first and then join in near the back with the walkers. I jog a little (just a few steps and then I'm dying) and then walk. The adrenaline rush is like none other seeing and participating with thousands…
  • Thanks for all of your comments! I plan to stick this out! I want to be a runner/jogger. I can do this! :wink:
  • I have only done squats a few times and they almost killed me. I am new to any sort of routine exercising. I have been doing the eliptical almost everyday for at least 15-20 minutes and my leg fatigue has not really improved. Is there anything else that I could do to help with this problem. I would have thought it would be…