Scared of going under 200?

I am 1-2 pounds away from breaking that big number that I have not seen in over 15 years. Yesterday I had a complete breakdown. Don't look in my diary it's not there. I am too ashamed. I probably had like 5000 calories. It seems wierd but I think subconciously I may be afraid for the scale to move? Why would I have binged like that yesterday? I never do that. Has anyone else been there done that? I fully look for the scale to be under the big 200 on Monday morning when I get to work and weigh in! Oh what a glorious day it will be.:tongue:


  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    It's not uncommon for people to sabotage themselves when nearing a goal. Accomplishing a goal makes you responsible for yourself. You can't say it can't be done if you've done it.

    You're already aware of what you're, stop.

    I hope you can really enjoy and celebrate the victory.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I get very freaked out about how nice people get to me when I am smaller. Have sabotaged my weight loss 3 times in the past 10 years over it. I have a huge fear if being under 200. I know that people who have always been under that think it is super weird of me but, I feel you so much.

    I think it HAS TO be time to get past it. Long life and good health is so much better. Getting over being the "big girl" is going to take a great amount of effort.

    Friend me if you'd like some support. :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes! I do it all the time. This time around I let me win out and keep pushing through the fear until I get through the obstacle. Gotta keep focused on your goals and your reasons for wanting the goals. Give those reasons and goals power and keep pushing. Even if it takes a little longer than the rest of your losses and victories you will be able to get through it. :flowerforyou:
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Let's do it together! I'm also aiming for my next weigh in to be either just over or just under 200 - also haven't seen it solid for about 15 years. Soon it will be time to wave buh bye to the PLUS sizes!!
  • reederx5
    reederx5 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks to everyone who commented! I knew I wasn't crazy but I went crazy yesterday. Most importantly I am back on track today. Will be stopping by the gym on the way home today. I fully expect to drop below the 200 mark on Monday and no later than Friday of next week! Wish me well.!!!!!! Let's do this together:):happy: