

  • Woo hoo! Did my EA Active Day 2... and all I can say is... "OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!" My legs are agony -They'll be sore in the morning, and I have a 2 hour drive ahead of me at silly o'clock... Guess I better turn in for the night and get some sleep... Well done everyone that's posted so far. Looks like we're all starting…
  • I do that all the time... If I have a bad day, the first thing I do is want Pizza, or junk. Actually - If I have a good day, the first thing I do is want to celebrate with pizza... LOL But yeah, different scales can weigh you up to 4lbs or more difference, and that's not even getting started on the different times of day…
  • I agree with this, cos it does fluctuate every day, sometimes up, sometimes down... What I tend to do tho, is look for the gradual loss... As long as, at the end of the week, you weigh a little bit less than you did a week ago, then you are good... But yeah, don't take your daily weigh in as THE weigh in - wait till the…
  • Well done - That's quite a transformation... And I agree, you've taken YEARS off... Plus - it needs to be said... That is one AWESOME looking plate of food you have in that last pic... LOL.
  • Woo hoo!!! Day one done and I'm 3lbs down... But then, it's always a bigger loss the first few days, and I've been REALLY naughty since June and have alot of catching up to do :o) Also - Day one of the EA Active programme done, so I'm good so far... :o)
  • I'll give it a try... Starting weight - 223 Weight goal - 215 Personal Goal - To complete a full 30 day workout in EA Active. But I will need reminded to pop onto this thread to check it out... Can I make it a favourite or something? If so, how?
  • How about a cucumber smoothie? LOL - That sounds RANK!!! :op
  • I agree with this. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint... Who cares how long you take to get there, and who cares if there are a few blips along the way as long as, at the end of the day, the scales generally tend to be headed downwards. I have a cheat weekend every payday, and yes at the end of that weekend I might…
  • If you're going to be on your feet all day wandering around Edinburgh, then remember that you have gained all those extra calories, so a few little blips won't actually have any effect... As a side note... Any decent stuff on this year? I moved down south a few years back and haven't been back since, so I've missed the…
  • We talk openly in our house about calories and things being unhealthy for you. Our 4 year old has picked up on this and is now showing us things and asking how many calories are in it. Only downside is, the lure of the sweet is too strong. If someone offers her a cake, she will take it, eat it, and THEN tell everyone how…
  • Most people will respond and give you all sorts of tips on what to eat and what not to eat... My advice... Since eating out is something that might not happen very often, eat what you would like to eat... If that means you have to adjust your calorie intake for the day to Maintain instead of lose (or dare I suggest it…
  • I eat my exercise calories, whereas my wife doesn't... She NEEDS to eat them if she wants to lose 2lbs a week like I do, cos you need to eat AT LEAST 1200 per day and for her, that means only losing 1.5lbs a week. I on the other hand have 1270 calories a day if I want to lose 2lbs a week, so I can afford to eat mine... and…
  • This site has worked really well for me so far... It's not a diet, it's a healthy eating plan, that I plan to keep using to make sure I don't ever sneak back up. Don't punish yourself if you go off track once or twice, just pick yourself back up and get back on - if you punish yourself you will find that you will stay off…
  • Personally, I would get something that I like, and eat it... and THEN worry about it when I get home and maybe exercise a little more every day for the rest of the week to pay it off... It's worked well for me so far, cos it means I can actually enjoy myself on a night out and not have to worry about what I can and can't…
  • LOL - American cars are so funny with their MPG... I get 50mpg in my Ford over here in the UK... But then, your gas prices are a helluvalot cheaper than ours...
  • I tidy alot... You burn a decent amount of calories when you tidy up... and it's all part of your workout, so you've burned up to about 500 calories before you even LOOK at a gym... and it works, cos I don't work out and I still lose 2lbs or more every week.
  • But you look young in your picture, so your skin might still have some elasticity in it, so it should start to shrink back in to shape a little. Trick to getting it back is to lose a bit, work out a lot to tone your skin as the fat behind it goes... and keep this up... That way you will lose the weight slowly and…
  • I've never heard of it... But if all it is doing is counting your calories, surely you can do that yourself and do it cheaper and more effectively by buying what you want instead of what a supermarket chain tells you to buy?
  • I just got EA Active 2 for Christmas... Which I much prefer... Downside to Wii Fit... You are left to pick your own exercises, so it's up to you what you work out... Whereas with EA Active (either 1 or 2) you get a personal trainer and you pick an exercise programme... If you buy EA Active for the Wii, it lets you use the…
  • If you think about it... The site says that you need to eat "x" amount of calories to lose "x" amount of weight. And that is if you do NOTHING else other than eat... Every time you exercise it adds more calories to the amount you need to eat to be able to maintain your loss of "x" lbs... And not eating enough is just as…
  • I tend to to make public any shop-bought thing that I can't find on here... But if it's my own recipe for something then I tend to keep it private, cos there would end up being like a million ways to make a cup of coffee...
  • I use Cardio Trainer when I walk to work and whatnot - I use the GPS walking tracker, so it accurately tracks where you started and where you are now, then works out speed and distance etc. You program your weight into it, so it can work out calories burned... Which is all good :o) But yeah, I have a desk job, and have set…
  • The Jillian Michaels game isn't very good... Not responsive at all... We bought it and then traded it a few days later cos it wasn't anywhere NEAR accurate enough to help you work out.... EA Active is good... and I hear Active 2 is even better still - I kinda want that for my christmas... Just Dance however - is the best…
  • And just think.. Before Christmas you will no doubt be celebrating your century too... 100lbs off :o)
  • Back in the days when I could be bothered with the gym, my personal trainer told me that you're best to do a warm up first to get the system pumping and then do the weights, so that when you come up to do the cardio, your muscles have already worked hard and you are pushing them a bit more again, so not only do you get…
  • I log everything I don't do on a daily basis... Like if I go to an Amusement Park for a full day, that's a day spent walking around (or standing in queues) that would normally be spent on here :p so I count it... I usually drive to work, but on the days I take the train, I log my walk to the station, cos it's 15 minutes…
  • On another topic - As soon as I read your ID, I had a vision of a Stormtrooper... Then I clicked onto your profile, an lo and behold... That is one AWESOME pic... lol
  • Cool - Thanks for that... Actually what I wanted to hear, cos it means I can eat them and have a nice cuppa and a biccy after I put the kiddies to bed :o) Also, just after I posted this, I scrolled back down a little and found the EXACT same question posed by someone else... So "D'oh" for me...